Wednesday, August 31, 2011

For One Brief Moment, September 11, 2001

For One Brief Moment

For one brief moment on September 11, 2001 time seemed to stand still. People sought family members and recognized the importance of family. Parents gathered their children with a self-protecting love. Helping and caring about other people occurred. Acts of charity were plentiful and strong. There was an assessment of life and what is really important. News media, and many others, invoked the name of God. Churches, and places of worship were full. People unashamedly prayed. There was a strong feeling of patriotism, a pride in being American, and a desire to show the flag. Crime, and even the thought of it, was absent. We were all in support of our President. Congress and all elected leadership worked together for the good of our country instead of partisan politics. Nations across the world expressed concern, sadness, and unity with the United States.

For one brief moment……

Thursday, August 25, 2011

God / Sports, Tim Tebow & Sports Media

The sports media has always been very uncomfortable with athletes in college or the pros expressing their faith in God. When interviewing they quickly and uncomfortably turn to another subject. After many games it is customary for athletes from both teams to gather, hold hands, and say a prayer together. The TV cameras, almost without exception, turn away from the prayer gathering and ignore it. Instead of extolling what a great positive that it is in sports, the media chooses to ignore it. One sports writer, in a national publication, went so far as to write a full column suggesting that there is NO PLACE for God in sports.

In college Tim Tebow was one such athlete who frequently expressed his faith in God. Since he was one of many, at first it was ignored as was the case with all the others. As he became more prominent, however, the sports media became increasingly uncomfortable. The tipping point was the 2010 Super Bowl ad that he made with his mother where in a very low key manner it was suggested that they were glad that his mother had him vs. an abortion. It was an innocuous ad, not attacking any position on the subject. The critics, however, came out of the woodwork with widespread criticism. This ad was also the turning point in the "perception" of Tim Tebow's athletic abilities, especially heading to the pros. Prior to the ad there was wide acclaim about him being a great leader, a great athlete and quarterback, and a winner. Suddenly this changed almost overnight. Many of the sports media then began claiming that he didn't have it for the pros, he didn't throw right, couldn't take a snap from center...almost anything they could conjure up. Tim Tebow was no longer great. They hang on any little thing that they can criticize him for.

Recently Boomer Esiason was WAY out of line in condemning Tebow's abilities even going to the extent of criticizing the Denver Broncos for even drafting him. Other sports media have done the same. These are many of the same people who said that Kevin Durant would never make it in the NBA...too frail, too this, and too that. Yet I haven't seen or heard one of them say they were wrong since he has proved himself to be one of the best players in pro basketball,

There is one person who holds more weight than all the sports media put together. Hall of Famer, Joe Montana. He respects Tebow's athletic abilities and has stated that he feels he can become an excellent NFL quarterback.

The sports media is uncomfortable with God. So be it. If I were an NFL owner or coach Tim Tebow would be my quarterback. He is a great leader, a great quarterback, and a winner. I would form my team around him and his abilities all the way to a Super Bowl Championship. I vote for Joe Montana's opinion, not Boomer Esiason's. Tim Tebow will be a great NFL quarterback if given the opportunity.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Great Danger of Too Much Power of Government and Globalism

The Great Danger of Concentrating Power With the Federal Government
...and the Danger of Globalism

The formation of the United States was both genius and clear and is what made us the greatest nation in history. Powers not expressly listed in the Constitution, were given to the States, and with the people. The Founders decided this was the safer route that would leave authority closer to the people.

The design of the government under the Constitution was purposeful. The Founding Fathers knew that governments can oppress people. They knew it from their own experience, and they knew it from their extensive scrutiny of governmental forms throughout history. They knew that concentrated power was more than dangerous, it was life threatening. They knew that only by limiting government powers could liberty survive.

It is no secret, in fact, it is common sense, that powers concentrated at the state level, then in turn at the local level, keep the powers closer to the people, thus ensuring real representative democracy and freedoms. With powers closer to the people it not only makes the nation stronger, but ensures the longevity of the country.

In recent years, those in Washington do not feel restrained by the Constitution and they have gathered up nearly all political power at the federal level. This is extremely dangerous to our great democracy. Step by step there has been a steady path toward concentrating power at the top. This includes power over individuals, business, states, local municipalities, education and all levels of education, the judicial at every level, healthcare, banking and financial institutions, energy sources, transportation, the environment, food sources, homes and land, employment, access to information, the Internet, communications, waterways, and more. Through this process of control individual and institutional freedoms have eroded greatly and it is becoming worse. It seems as if the federal government is attempting to control everything! Herein lies the danger. States that attempt to enact legislation at their level in order to right wrongs or protect themselves are often faced with federal lawsuits. This is how bad it has become...just the opposite of what our Founders intended.

In order for the federal government to exercise this degree of control over everything imaginable, they need money, and lots of it. They accomplish this through over burdensome taxes and fees over individuals, business, and institutions. As is almost always the case the money collected is not used wisely, it is squandered, it invites corruption, political favor and payback, and all kinds of unscrupulous money related actions. The tendency then becomes for the federal government to extract even more money in taxes and other means since the rate of spending and waste is much greater than the money collected. The result is that the nation gets driven deeper and deeper into debt with an eventual bankruptcy and economic collapse. In this state the nation is subject to the worst forms of peril, helpless to do anything.

This is where the United States is headed today unless immediate and dramatic corrective action is taken.

Yet it gets even worse since there is a very strong movement toward globalism, that includes global governance and moving toward a global economy. Think about this...If it is bad for all power within a nation to be centered at the federal government level...think about how bad it will be if all power is centered at the global, international level. The people, individuals, will be far, far removed from any voice in government. Individual freedoms will be scarce. People within America (and all nations) will be subject to international laws, international courts, and international monetary conditions. Those that rule will be an elite group with unlimited power, wealth, and control. The Founders of America would be horrified of this. We ALL should be.

Somewhat secret G-20 meetings, with representatives from 20 of the world's major economies, are being held regularly in order to plot the course toward world government. We have all heard about the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Bank. The theory is that the global economy is supreme, and if one nation's economy fails, they can then be bailed out. It is also required that the richer nations contribute more, a distribution of wealth scheme at the highest level. What this does, in effect, is devoid a country from all responsibility since if they fail, the global monetary fund forces other nations to pay. The United States is signed on to this and has contributed billions of dollars of taxpayer money.

In the former world, if a country failed financially it would be responsible to do what is necessary to get back on its' own feet. Naturally, other countries, especially the United States, would help, but this would all be voluntary help. The key is that the rest of the world wouldn't come crashing down due to the failure of one nation. Yet we have heard recently how "the global economy is all tied together". It is advertised as a good thing, but in reality it is not. We have heard how if the economy of Greece fails, or Italy fails, then this will bring down the whole global economy. How can this be a good thing?! Does this mean that financially healthy nations have to, by the edict of the IMF or World Bank, be brought down too...that the whole global economy must fail too? This is a very dangerous thing for the United States, and for the world.

Aside from the monetary aspects, the whole movement toward globalism is a dangerous one. The individual nations lose power and control over their own destiny. Worse, the people, individuals, lose power and control over government and give up their individual freedoms to the power of the global state. This is the worst possible outcome, but the sure path toward where it is headed. What must emerge in globalism is a ruling elite. They are responsible to no one. They have the ultimate power, wealth, and control. The people are taken care of at some lower form of existence. Many people, especially Americans, will not like this and attempt to rise up. The global elite rulers will not allow this and will use force, if necessary, to keep people in line in order to preserve their power. History has taught us how this ancient Rome, in Nazi Germany, and in Communist Russia. But this will be different, it is not a single nation, but the whole world under singular dictatorial control. It will be very, very difficult, if not impossible, to turn things back. This is why we must act now through the democratic political process to turn this back through our voice and vote, and through the selection of leaders who represent the Constitution, representative democracy, the free market system, and fiscal responsibility. Those who represent the United States and the sovereignty of our nation.

We must come to realization that there are those behind the scenes that WANT America to fail. It is well recognized by the globalists that America stands in the way of a global government. The United States has been too big, too strong, too wealthy, too democratic, too patriotic, and too free to allow this to happen. This has all been changing rapidly in recent times at an ever increasing rate. There are those who are pushing for us to fail and manipulating things for it to happen. It seems like every day the American people wake up to something even more outrageous that is happening to our country. Things that violate the principles on what our country was founded on, that violate our Constitution, that violate fiscal responsibility, and defy all commons sense since they obviously hurt America and hurt the American people.

Europe has already been positioned through the European Union and ideological socialism in order to be ruled by a global government. Through the ongoing weakening of the United States the same plan is underway in the Americas, toward some sort of "American Union". When you have the big pieces in place it is a lot easier to put them all together into a single global entity vs. individual small nations. It is well underway.

What do we have to do in the United States in order to prevent all this from happening? The first step is awareness....recognition that it is indeed happening to our country. Again, through our voice and vote, and by using the democratic process, we MUST act now to select and elect representatives who firmly believe in America as a sovereign independent country. Representatives who believe in our Constitution, who believe in democracy and the free market system, who believe in fiscal responsibility, who are not afraid to do what is necessary and right in order to preserve our country. We need to put in office, at all levels of government, and positions of responsibility, those who really believe in America and the principles that our country was founded on.

It should be always kept in mind that the further the power and decision center is away from the people, the worse will be the plight of the people as far as freedom and the ability to affect one's life. The ideal, as our Founders intended, is for the power to rest at the local and state level. At the federal level freedoms and democracy become greatly eroded. At the global level it becomes near enslavement, if not actual enslavement. This is a grave warning.

It is up to WE THE PEOPLE, to US, to save America.