Monday, September 26, 2011

Marching Toward World War III

An imbalance has been set up in the Middle East. Iraq and Afghanistan are still unstable in spite of efforts by the United States to bring about democracy. Our foreign policy toward the remainder of the Mid East has been unclear, confusing, and even non existent. In recent times we have turned our back on Israel the one true democracy and staunch ally of the United States. This all has emboldened rogue nations in the region.

When the people of Iran rose up against the existing theocracy, we did nothing whatsoever, even failing to offer verbal support while people were slaughtered in the streets. This was a missed opportunity and a major failure by the United States. The citizens of Iran were looking for some words of support from America. The dictatorship of Syria has recently murdered thousands of their own people and continues to be a sponsor of terrorism. Our response has been weak.

Although there existed some dictatorships in the remainder of the Mid East, there was at least some degree of stability. Yet we supported the elimination of some of the dictators and the uprising of "the people", without knowing who they were. A vacuum was thus created. One thing that is known, however, is that the groups that are organized have strains of Islamic radicalism within them. The Muslim Brotherhood were sold as being analogous to the Boy Scouts...they are anything but if you look at the real facts. So, through our foreign policy, or lack thereof, we have allowed total chaos to exist throughout the Mid East. Unrest and pockets of radical Islam exist in Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, the Sudan, Jordan, Egypt, and Kuwait. Turkey who was considered a pro western democracy, is also leaning more toward its' strong Islamic roots.

More recently the United Nations offered a platform for Palestine to become an independent state within Israel. Yet Palestine does not even recognize Israel's right to exist, with elements calling for the annihilation of Israel. Hamas, the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood (Where have we heard those words before?), is the ideological cousin of Al-Qaeda and has gained full control of the Gaza Strip. Every Palestinian political party operates a militia. This includes Hamas, Fatah, and PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine). They are all listed as terrorist organizations by the United States and the European Union. Those who vote for "an independent Palestinian state" without any form of agreement for the protection and even the recognition of Israel are opening up legitimacy for even greater conflict in the region, if not all out war.

It gets much worse. Iran who has repeatedly called for the destruction of Israel is well on its' way to developing nuclear weapons. The London Times recently reported that Iran will have nuclear weapons in 6 months. Whether this is correct or not, it will be soon. The President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, presents himself as a mad man driven to destroy Israel. You can be sure that Israel will not just sit back and let it happen. They have excellent intelligence and when they feel that a nuclear strike is imminent they will strike first...they have no choice. They are a very small country bounded by hostile nations who are in a state of chaos and most likely headed toward Islamic radicalism.

In the absence of any strong world leadership by the United States; with widespread unrest in the Mid East with the threat of even more radical Islamic theocracies arising; couple all this with Iran with nuclear weapons...Israel will become a certain flash point for World War III. Not only World War III, the situation will become so desperate that it will become a NUCLEAR World War III. When it begins, many other nations throughout the world will be drawn in, including the United States. Russia is already Iran friendly, and China appears to be the same.

The failure of the United States to have any clear foreign policy and position toward the Mid East has helped, significantly, to lead to this. The failure of the United Sates to exercise world leadership, as in the past, has invited this. The failure of the United States to unequivocally support Israel has emboldened those who want to destroy Israel.

Under the current United States, world, and Mid East circumstances we are marching toward World War III. It is that serious.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Abuse Being Used to Attack Pope and Catholic Church

No organization, including the Catholic Church, should tolerate abuse. They should do everything possible to rid themselves of it, especially when they represent religious and moral guidance for people. Legal and criminal action needs to be taken where abuse has occurred, with no cover up of facts or the people who perpetrated the acts of abuse. Yet the issue of abuse needs to be factual and placed into the context and perspective that it deserves.

Studies have shown that about 6% of the total number of priests were guilty of abuse. Not widely reported, however, is that about the same, 6%, were found in ALL faiths, including Jewish, various Protestant denominations, Muslim, etc. It is suggested that if the amount of abuse was studied for the U.S. Congress, the European Parliament, newspaper editors and columnists, teachers, the judicial, law enforcement, CEO's and top managers of companies, college professors, state legislatures, the Hollywood entertainment industry, etc., etc. that the sexual abuse level would be in the neighborhood of 6% or higher. In fact, in Hollywood you can bet that it would be higher than 6%. Just look at the fervent support by them for Roman Polanski who escaped punishment for child rape with their support. The point that should be taken is that the 6% figure may very well be a societal reflection from the increasing moral degradation of society. Just look at movies, magazines, and television to say nothing about how underage and young children are exploited.

Certainly if elements of the Catholic Church were involved in sexual abuse, or the cover up of it, that those responsible should be fully prosecuted and victims compensated. Yet there appears to be another agenda underfoot against the Catholic Church that has not been brought out. The Catholic Church is a high form of religion with strict teachings and guidance for Catholics. The Church is also highly organized with strong religious leadership from the top, represented by the Pope. This large world population of Catholics, highly organized, with spiritual leadership from the Pope flies in the face of much of the current direction of society, particularly in regard to abortion, marriage, and moral teaching. The Church also flies in the face of socialism and the strong control over people's lives by government.

Much of Europe, for example, might be considered Godless (and socialist) with a small percentage attending religious service. The same trend is occurring in the United States, although not yet at the level of Europe. Our society is becoming more secular and not religiously based; not God based. Those who are strongly secular, including many in leadership, actually hate the Catholic Church and it's teachings. Their agenda is a constant attack against the Church in every form imaginable. The abuse issue gives them a clear path of attack and an avenue of constant criticism. Yet the best way to attack the Church is to cut off the head, and that may very well be the reason for the current attempts to prosecute the Pope in an International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands. This action can represent an ugly two edge sword.

First, the International Court can be used for agenda based issues and attempt to prosecute people anywhere in the world without the protection of the freedoms guaranteed in their country of origin. It can become a violation of individual freedom. Secondly, it undermines the sovereignty of individual countries, their laws, and the protections they offer their citizens. For those with their eyes wide open, this is very, very dangerous.

Pursuing action against perpetrators of abuse is the right thing to do. Using the issue of abuse and victims, however, as an agenda to attack and attempt to destroy the Catholic Church is wrong. This action in attempting to prosecute the Pope of the Catholic Church is major insult to all good Catholics, and to good people of faith everywhere.

Ridding America of Obama

Here is a suggested approach on what we need to do to rid our country of Obama by making SURE he gets voted out of office before he completely destroys America. People who have never before been activists should become activists to the extent recommended here. The future of our country, the future of your children, grandchildren, and future generations depends upon it. Don't be a person who failed to act when it was needed.

Here is what you can do:

1) Give financial donations to the Tea Party. They have become a very powerful force in America and this is the reason why the left hates them so much and falsely accuses them. I have attended Tea Party rallies as a photographer and photojournalist. I have observed them and I have talked to many of them. They are just good ordinary people, next door neighbor types...very responsible and friendly. Many had never attended a political rally before. Most of their signs were home made, not provided by an organization. They are not all "right wing", I talked to concerned democrats, and others that can't be labeled that way.

They all share a deep concern for the current direction of our country and are peacefully expressing their concerns. Nothing could be more American.

I can tell you first hand they ARE NOT racists, radicals, terrorists, barbarians, etc. etc. Those who call them that will have to be responsible to our Lord for "bearing false witness", since that is essentially what they are doing.

Most all Americans are concerned. The Tea Party represents a voice for the concerned. We should all be concerned. You don't have to be a "member" or attend any rally, but I urge you to give them your financial support. They are a voice that can help turn this situation around. This is Step 1.

2) Give a financial donation to the Republican candidate for President who finally emerges. I, personally, would from time to time, give a candidate that I liked financial support, but not always. This presidential race is will determine the future of America. It is critical that we support the candidate. You can bet that people like George Soros, Jeffrey Immelt of GE, and others will pour millions of dollars into support of Obama. Some of it will be done illegally through front organizations, or through false people (made up, deceased, etc.) . They have done this before. The media will represent hundreds of millions of dollars free advertising / propaganda support for Obama. This is a huge hurdle that we need to overcome through our financial support.

Please give the final Republican candidate who emerges your financial support....$10, $20, $50, $100....up to the legal limit, whatever you can afford...BUT GIVE. This financial support will definitely be needed to overcome the Obama onslaught.

Step 2 to is to financially support the final Republican candidate for President.

3) Make sure you vote and encourage others to vote in the Presidential election in 2012. Your vote is sacred and is critical. Also vote for those who will be supportive of the candidate in the US Congress, he or she will need all the support that they can get. Vote very carefully at the state and local levels of government so that we elect people who will be supportive to bring back America to what it should and can be. It is pretty obvious that we are now headed in the wrong direction. We need a groundswell, starting at the local level, to turn this situation around.

Step 3 is to VOTE!


These are 3 simple Steps where we all can be activists toward placing in office those who represent the American people, and the future of America. This is a very, very critical time. To not act at this time would be tragic. To act is easy. All you have to do is keep informed and financially support, to the extent that you can, those who can bring America back to what it should be....and VOTE.

I urge you to consider this. If we all work together I am confident that we can succeed.

Thank you.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Banks Should Never Fail

Banks should NEVER fail. Think about it. What do banks do? First they take other people's money and offer them an interest rate on their money. Then they turn around and loan the money out at higher rate. From this they always turn a profit. A second thing that they do is invest some of the money they hold. Good bank management takes some of the money and places it into safe and somewhat conservative investments. Naturally this would have some ups and downs, but never lead to the failure of the bank. This rational scenario is the way banks SHOULD high level of certainty of being healthy and profitable. At one time in history banks were almost always safe. Many years ago local banks, in particular, were about as safe and trustworthy as could be.

On home mortgages banks used a simple, basic formula based upon the buyer's income and the affordability in buying a home. This greatly minimized failures and foreclosures. Then along came the federal government. It was decided that banks should be forced into lending money to those who and couldn't afford a home, but should be given home mortgages anyway. It sounded nice to offer homes to the less fortunate but as it turned out it hurt everybody and the result was very predictable. It hurt those who purchased a home under these conditions by placing them in over their heads and placed tremendous financial stress on them leading to home foreclosure. (By the way there is nothing wrong with living in an apartment that you CAN afford, in fact many people had joyous memories of doing just that.) It hurt the bank since now the rational and profitable scenario given above was broken and the banks were in financial trouble, with many failing. It hurt America by a large number of failing banks that pushed the nation into an economic crisis. Finally, it hurt every single American since guess who ultimately pays for it all through "bail outs"?

The federal government was responsible for the housing crisis in America and for most of our nation's financial crisis. Don't ever think differently, the facts speak for themselves.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Manufacturing Critical to the U. S. Economy and National Security

About 15 - 20 years ago we began to hear the words "The United States is becoming a service economy". These words came from some of the business schools in America and from some of the "elite" economists in our country. If you repeat something often enough people begin to accept it and believe it. Yet if you look around you see "things". These things are computers, tools, appliances, cars, furniture, and a whole bunch of items for businesses and homes. These things ALL have to be manufactured and that will never change. The greatest core strength of America since the Industrial Revolution has been our ability to manufacture. We are blessed with an excellent labor force; an abundance of raw materials; domestic energy sources that can be tapped into; readily available transportation through rail, roads and waterways; and a huge market right here in America.

It was a betrayal of America to lull us into believing that we should just accept becoming a "service economy".

It runs much deeper. A nation that resigns itself to becoming just a consumer nation is always a loser. They become a dependent nation and economically weaker, and that is exactly what is happening to America today. Yet a nation that manufactures can always be a winner in control of their own destiny. When you give up manufacturing you give up much, much more. The need for research, development, and technology become much less over time. Manufacturing know-how and manufacturing process technology slip away since there is no need. This state of dependency becomes a threat to national security...economically, as well as for vital parts and items to run our country, and for national defense. A dependent nation becomes weak, vulnerable, and economically devastated.

Many of the reasons for manufacturing overseas, or giving up manufacturing, are based upon false economics, and a failure to look at ALL factors. It is too simplistic and incomplete just to look at "cheaper labor" as being the answer. Such things as the capital investment and start up costs required; raw material and finished product market proximity; shipping, freight and tariffs for raw materials and finished products; money exchange issues; the cost of poor quality (just ask some of the toy companies and building product companies, as just two examples); and finally productivity.

You can pay an employee $1 per hour and only produce 100 units in a day vs. paying $20 per hour and producing 10,000 units in a day. Which is cheaper? The most important measure of all when it comes to labor cost, however, is the cost of good quality units produced per hour. This should be the real measure.

In many companies there seems to be an obsession with labor costs. Yet many manufacturing companies are material intensive. This means the cost of raw materials in the manufacturing process is the overriding cost factor. In at least two companies studied the labor cost, out of the total cost of running the company (this includes executive salaries, advertising, etc.), was only in the range of 5 to 7% of the total cost of running the company. If you were an executive intent on reducing cost and improving the bottom line where would you look? At the 5-7% or the 93 - 95% ? Surprising few look thoroughly at this, there is an obsession with labor costs and major decisions by the company are made on that basis.

Corporate executives need to re-think where to manufacture, and there needs to be incentives to manufacture in the U.S. A final point...the American people would flock to buy goods or items that are Made in America! They tire and are actually angered over seeing everything that they purchase Made in China or elsewhere.

No single factor would improve the economy of the United Sates more than bringing manufacturing back to America. This would also lead to millions of jobs, strengthening us as a nation and lead to a more secure national defense.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

How to Create Jobs in America

Short Term

The very first thing that must be done is establish both consumer and business confidence. Consumers are holding back from buying. Businesses are holding back from investing and hiring due to the uncertainties and financial threats to their business.

Consumers are faced with not only uncertainty, but all kinds of increased costs for basic needs, including taxes, hidden taxes and fees, energy costs and threats of dramatic increases in energy costs, healthcare cost increases, and more. Real inflation to the consumer for necessaries is running from 10 to 15%, or higher.

Both businesses and consumers would like to see fiscal responsibility at the state and federal levels of government. States and the federal government are bordering on bankruptcy and what this causes is a pull for money to pay for it from consumers in one form or another, and it is occurring.

Regulatory agencies are all over businesses. This causes both the threat of increased costs, and well as real cost increases. In addition it causes uncertainty. The federal government needs to back off significantly in this area and work with business in a cooperative, non threatening, way in regard to real issues (not purely ideologically driven) with the environment, energy, etc. Most businesses want to operate in a responsible manner.

The continual threat of increased taxes on business must stop. Both the state and federal government can gain revenue from volume, i.e., increased business growth. This needs to be understood and also what it does is give business the confidence that they can invest and hire.

Sending the message alone would have an immediate impact on business and consumer confidence.

Long Term

The United States should immediately embark on an energy independent plan. This should include responsibly tapping into the vast amounts of oil deposits domestically and off-shore. We should continue with rational conservation. Clean coal, safe nuclear energy, natural gas, hydroelectric power, solar energy, and wind turbine energy can also be pursued so that we are not totally dependent upon oil. We have in our grasp the ability to be 100% energy independent, all that it needs is a committed plan and action. This will lead to the creation of millions of jobs. Further, the standard of living for all Americans would increase, not decrease as with the current path. The cost for energy would surely be less.

We should bring manufacturing back to America. Manufacturing is the core strength of our country with an excellent labor force; an abundance of raw materials; domestic energy sources; readily available transportation through rail, roads and waterways; and a huge market right here in America...tariff free, as well as the ability to ship overseas. Many of the reasons for manufacturing overseas, or giving up manufacturing, are based upon false economics, and a failure to look at ALL factors. Consumers would flock to buy "Made in America". Corporate executives need to re-think where to manufacture, and there needs to be incentives to manufacture in the U.S. This would also lead to millions of jobs in the United States.

There needs to be a "skills gap" study to determine what skills or professions are needed in America. From this determination we should then offer incentives to fill the skills needed through job training and colleges. Lack of needed skills drives up costs, results in lack of service, and results in a lower standard of living. Skills that match job needs increases employment.

Just announcing the above short and long term plans would cause an immediate impact on consumer and business confidence. Immediate job creation would begin and as we followed through with the plans millions of jobs would be created. All of this would also be a huge boon to the economy and would put America back on track.