Sunday, March 28, 2010

How Americans REALLY Feel About Obama

A CBS News Poll reveals how people really feel about Obama. Grading him from A to F, following are the results summarized to the date below: Sadly, the media will never report this. Unfortunately this is what our country has come to as far as the media selectively reporting information.

Saturday, March 27, 2010 12:28 PM

The Economy: 69.2% give him an F, 18.41% a D

Foreign Policy: 61.39% give him an F, 22.61% a D

Healthcare: 81.42% give him an F, 8.95% a D

Afghanistan: 31.2% give him an F, 23.05% a D, 27.29% a C

Iraq: 35.34% give him an F, 24.10% a D, 26.14% a C

Threat of Terrorism: 60.59% give him an F, 21.62% a D

Energy and the Environment: 57.96% give him an F, 21.47% a D

Social Issues: 59.34% give him an F, 20.23% give him a D

Bipartisanship: 79.87% give him an F, 9.04% a D

Obama's Overall Job Performance: 64.77% give him an F, 24.07% a D

This poll will NEVER be reported by the media. It should not be confused with what they call "scientific" (code word for biased) polls that are widely published by the media to influence public opinion, not measure it.

Friday, March 26, 2010

America-Two and a Half Years to a Dictatorship

For those who are paying attention and have their eyes wide open, this isn't radical thinking, it is reality. All the signs are there, as clear as can be. Barack Obama's extremism was evident when he was picked as the most left-wing member of the Senate, according to the National Journal. (Joe Biden was ranked 3rd most left wing.) He warned while campaigning for president, that he wanted to "fundamentally transform America", the greatest democracy in the history of the world. That should have been a very clear signal to everyone.

His early life and education are clouded with secrecy. We should ask why his college education, his marks, his papers / writings etc. are not available to us. This is a person who would end up leading our nation. It is irrefutable that he had many associations with radical people. If it were only one or two, perhaps it could be excused, but when there was a pattern of many, it should have raised more than eyebrows. As president, he has followed suit and surrounded himself with several very radical people. Again the facts speak for themselves, if you listen to what they have said, and/or what they have written, many have attacked the Constitution, our representative form of democracy, the free market system, people who have a radical ideology, espoused socialism, and some even Marxism. These are people in influential and critical positions of government, as well as in an advisory capacity. His administration is full of them. This isn't an opinion, it is fact. Their extreme views have been expressed in speeches, interviews, books, articles, and in many cases have been captured on video. How can this be ignored? It should not be.

A great deal of the financial and political support of Obama has been through very far left and radical groups and people. A huge amount of money was pumped into his campaign for presidency, some by very questionable, if not illegal, methods. Many of the big money supporters are people who have outright stated they wish to move the United States into socialism, if not actually overthrow our country toward some other radical end. Again, listen to their words and what they have written. How can this possibly be ignored? Obama's close association with the very corrupt and radical organization, ACORN, is well documented. It is a fact. They helped him get elected through widespread voter fraud, but that is only one of the corrupt activities that they have been engaged in. The SIEU union, is still another organization led by a radical socialist who has been very closely involved with Obama.

Obama has frequently stated that we need to form a "civilian army". What does he mean by this? Doesn't this alarm or scare anybody? Why is it left unquestioned? The media and all people should be all over this. This is not something you do in a free country, a representative democracy. Are people listening to what he is saying?

We are now in a race for time. Already, in just over a year, the Obama administration has placed radical people in positions of influence; seized control of the U.S. Census; taken a huge step in controlling banking and the financial markets in America; now controls 2/3 of the auto industry; is now taking control of the healthcare of the American people with the associated control of over 1/6 of our economy. Coming fast down the pike is a whole stream of very radical legislation that includes government control, effectively, over energy and manufacturing in America; control over the media and the internet (too open to free speech), with attempts to shut down conservative talk radio and cable. (It will come through some form of variation or name change to the Fairness Doctrine, you can count on it.) Coming soon will be immigration legislation that will give amnesty to anywhere from 12 to 20 million illegal immigrants. Also, there now a strong push to give convicted felons the right to vote. The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports there are over 7.3 million felons. (There is an ulterior purpose to both this and immigration amnesty.)

There is a current White House / media propaganda blitz going on in attempts to discredit financial institutions, "Wall Street" and banks. The purpose of this it to create an unfavorable impression in the eyes of unsuspecting Americans that will open up for even more federal government control and legislation. This will give the federal government unbelieveable control over private financial business in America. Do you not see this?

Any person or organization acting rationally and sanely would not continually build up massive debt and ignore the consequences of doing so. Yet this is exactly what the U.S. government under the leadership of the Obama administration is currently doing. It is, in fact, beyond comprehension. Currently with a national debt of $12.7 trillion and increasing rapidly, with plans to double the debt to well over $20 trillion over the next 10 years. In fact, with the costly legislation being rammed through Congress the debt will no doubt be much higher than that! It is not rational or sane to do this, therefore one must conclude that it is purposeful. In answer to the question why...this crisis and the collapse of the U.S. economy, allows that "fundamental transformation of America" that Obama talks about to occur. With the aforementioned legislation, and the collapse of the economy, it allows the federal government to take advantage of the planned crisis and have full control over the lives of the American people. This is the plan.

Now let's look at the race for time that the Obama administration is very aware of. They have already accomplished a great deal in just over a year, the "transformation" is well on its way. Many Americans who previously had not paid close attention and did not understand what is at stake, are beginning to wake up. Unfortunately some are still unaware and are fooled by media propaganda and the slick words from the Obama administration. Yet, by ramming through the healthcare bill, the underhanded and corrupt process that was used, and failing to listen to the will of the people, a large number of people are very angry with threats to vote those responsible out of office. To some extent this will happen and possibly the republicans will take back much of Congress. The Obama administration knows full well that forcing through unpopular legislation, coupled with out of control spending, will result in temporary setbacks and they are willing to accept this. Let us not forget, however, that they have just over two and a half years left in their presidential administration. Hence, the race for time.

As we approach the 2012 presidential election, this is what is predicted to happen. People will by design be more dependent upon the federal government. Much more legislation will have been rammed through giving the federal government more control over nearly all aspects of our economy and all that affects the lives of all Americans. With the media and the propaganda machine fully behind them, even though many think Obama will be voted out of office...this won't happen. They will do the following to get Obama re-elected, in spite of the people:

*The media will go through an all out propaganda blitz, and nullify any contrary issues and facts against Obama.

* The far left will, of course, all vote for Obama.

* Many good Democrats will be snookered into voting for Obama under a party theme without recognizing the perils of the direction.

* Most blacks, who cling to their pride of having a black president, will vote for Obama.

* 12 to 20 million amnesty given immigrants will mostly vote for Obama (the whole purpose of pushing through this legislation).

* 7.3 million felons will mostly vote for Obama (again, the whole purpose of pushing through this legislation).

* Wide spread voter fraud will again be used through organizations like ACORN, but others, as well. This will be much more pronounced than previously done.

* Big money, socialism bent, and other radical backers, will feed in enormous amounts of money. It needs to be understood that this is the chance that they have been waiting for and they are not about to let it slip. Much of the money will be given illegally and they will cover it up and get away with it as before.

* Unions like SIEU, and other unions and organizations, will swing into action, even to the extent of intimidation, threats and worse. Union leadership is already on record as saying that they will do things by force, if necessary. Will this be Obama's civilian army??

* With the full support of left wing college administration and faculties, many students will be snookered into supporting Obama through a number of means, including campaigning, shout downs of opposing candidates, some even assisting with voter fraud, under the theme of "the end justifies the means", that they are frequently taught.

* Pro Obama propaganda will be used in public schools throughout the country in an attempt to indoctrinate children, and to have them, in turn, influence their parents. This has already happened to a greater extent than people realize.

* The Obama administration will give Americans "candy" with one hand to make things appear positive to secure votes as the election approaches, while at the same time stealing our wallets and freedoms with the other hand. This "candy" will be in the form of benefits given to influence people favorably. Some small thinkers will be fooled by this.

* The Obama administration will buy blocks of votes. They have already shown the propensity to do this with healthcare votes. They have demonstrated using taxpayer money to gain favor and give-a-ways with stimulus funds, "job" bill funds, etc. They will again use taxpayer money as well as big donor contribution money to gain votes. They will give other favors to secure blocks of votes. They will also threaten and intimidate groups as they did with the healthcare vote.

* The US Census information and data will be used and manipulated in order give favorable re-districting and also influence the electoral college in favor of Obama. Why do you think that the Obama administration seized control of the Census from the Commerce Department? Why do you think that hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent on ad campaigns encouraging people to fill out Census forms and return them? You can be assured that it wasn't for patriotic, altruistic reasons.

* Note: If you have had your eyes wide open, and have been paying attention, all of the actions mentioned above are either already in motion or are readily evident.

There is much more, but the intent is to steal the election and give Obama four more years. If it were a fair election process Obama would lose, but it will not be for all the reasons given above. If they succeed in stealing the election, it will be too late for America. By purposeful design, the country will be driven further into bankruptcy and into crisis. During major crisis people are much easier to manipulate since they become even more dependent upon the federal government and this is what they want.

Yet many people will be angry, they may even go to the streets. This is where Obama's "civilian army" comes into play in order to keep people in line. Martial Law may be declared in order to suspend the Constitution, free speech, and control people and their objections. At some point Obama will declare himself the permanent leader, or ruler, of America. If this sounds far- fetched, there is plenty historical precedent of this happening across the world following a very similar process. The federal government will control everything, including every aspect of American life. A recent example is in Venezuela that has become a dictatorial socialist, if not a communist state. There is great danger that our great democracy will be lost, our country will be unrecognizable. People will be in a state of shock

How to Prevent This From Happening, What We Must Do:

There is only one chance from preventing this from happening. All Americans that love their country must wake up, and wake up now before it is too late. No one can be silent, everybody must get involved. It goes without saying that all involvement must be peaceful and within the law. Even if you are peaceful and within the law they will accuse you of the opposite....that is what they do. Nonetheless you need to go forward.

Get the facts and the truth, watch out for false media propaganda. Be informed. Open your eyes and ears, it is all right there before you if you pay attention. Recognize that this isn't strictly a party issue. There are many good Democrats that have become overwhelmed by the far left wing of the party. They should be faulted for not standing up, but they may be recoverable, at least some of them. The Republican Party should, of course, be in opposition to the Obama administration and the far left Democrats. Many Independents who supported Obama no longer do so. What this means is that the vast majority of Americans are strongly opposed to Obama...this is a great strength.

Become active and politely outspoken, even if you have to put yourself on the line. It is time for everybody to stand up, don't be afraid of what your neighbors think. If done properly, they will respect you and it actually becomes contagious, they may even join in. Join and network with other like- minded people. Attend town hall meetings, rallies, and peaceful protests. Speak up, let your representatives know how you feel. Write them letters. Write Letters to the Editor, Op- Eds, call television and radio stations, send E-mails to news and talk shows. Bombard them with communication. Maybe they will begin to get it.

Start with the very next election in your area, even local elections, but also state, and most importantly national elections.

The most important objective is to change the balance of power in Washington as soon as possible. Vote those responsible out of office. This is critical, otherwise they will continue to ram through disastrous legislation that will be difficult to overturn. This is part of the race for time. We must stop them. Begin now, begin in 2010. Do everything legally possible to get them out of office. Do it peacefully, but exercise your full Constitutional rights to get these people out of office with a sense of urgency.

Use catchword phrases that will resonate with people..."Pasture Pelosi", "Fire Frank", "Retire Reid", "Harness Himes", "Cancel Courtney", "Delete Delauro", "Lock-Out Larson", "Minimize Murphy", "Nullify Neal", "Bounce Boxer", etc. etc. Use these catchword phrases on correspondence, put up signs, get bumper stickers...people notice and it will influence some.

Again, and again, no one can be silent. Everyone must become active. The future of our great democracy is at stake. Our freedoms are at stake. Do it for yourself, for your families, for those that you love, for your children and your grandchildren, and for future generations. Don't be the generation, the people, that allowed our country to be destroyed as we sit back in our seemingly comfortable lives only to wake up to find out when it is too late.

If we act now, we can stop it. Please do your part.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Healthcare, Against Our Will

The passing of the healthcare bill is a turning point for America. It gives the federal government major control over our lives and a major step toward socialism . Not only will healthcare be worse, but it will necessarily lead to rationing, and be very detrimental to the health and care of seniors. Despite what is said, it will be the final nail in the coffin in accomplishing the bankruptcy of our country. Every federal program has cost many multiples of what had been initially stated, this one is no different. It will end up costing trillions of dollars during a time where we are fighting for economic survival. In addition to controlling all aspects of our healthcare, incorporated in the bill are all kinds of add on controls over the lives of the American people that have nothing to do with healthcare. These will soon become evident.

The process of getting this bill approved was as corrupt as any bill in our history. Bribes using taxpayer money, threats, lies, and every kind of underhanded tactic imaginable. Most importantly, with total arrogance, they cared nothing about what the American people wanted or thought. This can be considered a forerunner of what to expect in the future.

Socialism isn't just another harmless ideology, it is designed to give government total control over the lives of people while "taking care of us" at some lower level of existence. With socialism, always, a ruling elite emerges. Sooner or later people wake up and find out they don't like their lives totally controlled and being taken care of at this lower level of existence. The human spirit, dignity, a desire for freedom and free will takes over. It is then when this ruling elite become stronger and stronger in order to keep control. Eventually even force is used. Obama has frequently mentioned the requirement of a "civilian army". What do you think that this means? It should be obvious. Eventually, in order to keep control, socialism will evolve to a totalitarian dictatorial state. It will become a police state. People's lives will be miserable in this condition.

We had in America, the most ideal form of a representative democracy in the history of humankind. We were given the gift of this system of government and our freedoms as guaranteed by our wonderful Constitution. This will now, step by step, begin to erode. More legislation is on the horizon that make this happen and it will occur before we know what hit us. This is their plan until total control is gained.

We have now only one very limited thread of a chance. It is almost already too late. That is for ALL people to speak up and to become activists to protect our country. We need to follow each and every upcoming election very carefully and that includes local, state, and federal levels of government. We need to be fully informed and vote those responsible out of office. We are involved with a race for time. Those now in power know this and are doing everything possible in attempting to to nullify our vote through such things as manipulating census information, voter intimidation and fraud, more forced legislation, and other means. We need to encourage good people to run for elective office, everything from such things as local school boards, to every level of local, state, and federal government. We are in a race for time to take back our country. We have already lost a great deal of control over our country and our freedoms.

All of us need to act, nobody can sit back. If not for yourself, do it for those that you love, for your families, for your children, and your grandchildren. The handwriting is clear. One would have to be blind not to see it. Do not sit back at this time. Be informed, act, vote!