Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Obama Delusional and Alarming at UN

President Obama in a speech to the international body at the UN said that never has there been a time when the world has been safer, and that the world has been more financially secure. What world is he living in??? Then after inferring that his country, the United States, is racist, he went on to plea for the taking in of thousands of refugees from the Mid East even though his top advisors and many other leaders in the know have said that they cannot be properly vetted and some could present a danger to America and the American people.
He later went on to say that we may have to give up some freedoms to the rule of international bodies such as the UN for the overall good of the world. That it enhances our security. What??? This is an American President throwing the great founding of our country, our laws and independence as a nation that we cherish so dearly, and our Constitution, out the window right before our very eyes.
All of this was said, not just by any old person, this was said by the President of the United States!
Wake up, people !

Al DiLascia
Chicopee, MA

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


The effects on most users of marijuana is that they experience an increase in heart rate, redness of the eyes, and dryness of the mouth and throat. Studies show that the drug temporarily impairs short term memory, alters the sense of time, and reduces the ability to perform tasks requiring concentration, swift reactions, and coordination. (Like driving a car or operating machinery. Note: At my former place of employment a co-worker was mangled in a machine, his coordination was impaired from smoking marijuana prior to work.) Feelings of euphoria, relaxation, altered state of body image, and bouts of exaggerated laughter also are commonly reported.

Scientists believe that marijuana can be particularly harmful to lungs through the deep inhalation process. Marijuana smoke has been found to have more cancer causing agents then are found with cigarette smoke. Marijuana can increase heart rate by as much as 50% and can bring on chest pain in some individuals. Doctors feel that people with heart conditions or at a high risk of heart ailments can be adversely affected. Findings also suggest that regular use may reduce fertility in women. Further, scientists believe marijuana, which crosses the placential barrier, may have a toxic effect on embryos and fetuses.

Further, from personal experience, I have sadly seen many relatives and friends who have used marijuana and other "harmless recreational drugs" later on in life having serious medical difficulties at an early age such as heart attacks and strokes, kidney failures, and even death. The point is that long term effects of these drugs are not known, but you can logically conclude that they won't be positive.

In Science Daily (June 5, 2014) a review described a report in the New England Journal of Medicine authored by scientists from the National Institute of Health. There have been more studies that concurred with these studies from very reputable medical research organizations. The science establishing that marijuana can be addictive and that this risk for addiction increases for daily or young users. It also offers insights into research on the gateway theory indicating that marijuana use, similar to nicotine and alcohol use, may be associated with an increased vulnerability to other drugs. There IS a gateway effect although they try to tell you otherwise. The scientists focus on marijuana's harmful effects on teens, an age group in which the brain rapidly develops, which is one factor that could help explain increased risks from marijuana use in this population. Research suggests that marijuana impairs critical thinking and memory functions during use and that these deficits persist for days after using. In addition, a long-term study showed that regular marijuana use in the early teen years lowers IQ into adulthood, even if users stopped smoking marijuana as adults.

It is politically correct to think and promote the use of Marijuana. George Soros loves it and has provided more than $400,000 in Massachusetts alone to promote it. Even the title "recreational" is purposely misleading. A “dumbed up” population is easier to manipulate and control. This is not a good thing. Science proves otherwise, marijuana is harmful and in NO WAY should it be legalized in Massachusetts or anywhere else for "recreational" purposes. This is all we need in our state and especially in Springfield

Friday, September 9, 2016

Teachers Good / Teacher Unions Bad / Charter Schools Good

Many Great and Dedicated Teachers

There are many great and dedicated teachers in America. Unfortunately they get forced or suckered into paying dues into the teacher's unions. The teacher's unions are separate and distinct from the teachers, and over the last 30 years they have ruined education in America. At one time our public education system was considered one of the best education systems in the world. Yet today Out of 34 countries, the U.S. ranked 14th in reading, 17th in science and 25th in math. This is the teacher's unions report card.

The teacher's unions are not about the children or education, they are all about power, ideological and political influence, and money. They are also about indoctrination of students into their ideology, not education. Union leadership demand high salaries ranging from over $100,000 per year to well over $300,00. Even though a survey revealed that 50% of dues paying members have conservative leanings, about 91% of the National Education Association (NEA) union's contributions go to Democratic candidates and left leaning causes. The two major teacher's unions, including the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) make 95% of their contributions to Democrats and left leaning causes. Catholic teachers and others who are opposed to abortion should know that out of their dues, hundreds of thousands of dollars go to Planned Parenthood. Millions of dollars in dues go to Democratic and left leaning causes far outweighing any balance/ toward Republican or conservative causes. Teacher unions dominate political campaign spending, they are all about influence.

When you have that type of focus and management at the top, it is obvious that education of our children in public schools suffers. The results show this. Parents and other groups interested in education are alarmed at what they see in public schools today, hence there is a continuous movement toward home schooling, charter schools, and Catholic / religious / private schools. Most charter and private schools exhibit more discipline, a better education, high graduation rates, and a very high percentage of students going off to good colleges. It is a better "product". This then becomes a threat to the teacher's unions.

In Massachusetts this November there is a ballot question on increasing the number of charter schools . The teacher's unions are against choice, allowing parents, guardians and students the opportunity to perhaps receive a better education. They have a campaign going on with the headline, "Save Our Public Schools". I have an alternative headline, "Save Our Children, and Education in America". Vote YES for more charter schools!

I strongly suggest that teachers start investigating where your dues money is going and whether or not you approve. Also, in some states you can opt out of paying dues. This is your money and in my opinion it is hurting education in America and supporting causes you may not agree with. Stand up !