Friday, December 30, 2016

Election Loss Due to Russian Hacking? Or Obama Spin to Cover?

The entire Obama Presidency has not been based upon truth and fact...but SPIN. The media, of course, covers and helps. The recent sanctions on Russian officials is no different.
The United States has been hacked for years, now that IS a fact. Hacked by China, Iran, North Korea, Russia and others. The most serious and grievous hacking, you can bet, was of vital top secret, secret, and classified U.S. information from 2009 to 2013 while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. It is a 100% sure thing that the information on her private servers with protection LESS than that of a G-mail account was hacked. Yet Obama brought no action or attention to this VERY serious issue.
In 2015 it was reported that China hacked the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM). They hacked into the personal records of millions of government employees (reports range from 4 to 22 million people). Yet Obama brought no action to this very serious issue.
But why now? Why this slap on the wrist against Russia? Could it be because not only did Hillary shockingly lose the presidential election, but it also was a repudiation of his entire presidency and legacy carrying with it the loss the House, the Senate, the Supreme Court, and many state legislatures and governorships? As typical in the Obama administration there has to be a blame other than him or his administration. 
Note the very careful wording in the headlines of Obama media friend, USA Today, appearing on December 30, 2016. "Obama sanctions Russian officials", going on to say, "Acting on election hacking suspicions..."  Note how the words "election" and "suspicions" are weaved in.
Don't be fooled people. Obama wants on record for future history, the insinuation that Trump won the election, his legacy was repudiated, ONLY because Russia influenced the election. Truth is not relevant, only historical spin. THIS is the REAL reason why he took this action now.  
Al DiLascia
16 Ginger Drive
Chicopee, MA 01020

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Obama Administration Betrayed Israel and Lied

The Betrayal of Israel

Secretary of State John Kerry reportedly met with chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat earlier this month to discuss cooperation on the UN resolution. Also present were US National Security Adviser Susan Rice (lied and misled the American people on Benghazi) and Majed Faraj, director of the Palestinian Authority’s General Intelligence Service, according to Al-Youm Al-Sabea, an Egyptian newspaper.
At the meeting, the Americans reportedly held Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responsible for the lack of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This despite the fact that Erekat was chief negotiator in the failed US-led peace talks also during the years when Netanyahu was not head of government.

Kerry also advised the PA to try and prevent Palestinian terror attacks against Israelis until after the vote (how cynical is that?!) in order to increase the likelihood of the resolution’s passing, the Egyptian report said.
Al DiLascia
Chicopee, MA 

Monday, November 14, 2016

Who is REALLY Behind Protests ?

I am going to start and end with the questions: Where is the media? Where is the Justice Department? Where is Congress? Where are those who direct law enforcement?

There is a clear template, a clear pattern behind MANY of the protests, riots , destruction of property, and even harm of human life that has been taking place across the country.

Certainly in America people have a right to peaceful protest. But some, if not a lot, go far beyond that. Here is the template that is repeated over and over and is pretty consistent.

1) An organization or group initiates the protest with a cause. In many cases the organization cares little about the protest cause, they just wish to create unrest in America, even bring down our country. Few are spontaneous although they try to make it appear that way,

2) Behind the scenes the protest is funded. Paid leaders or instigators are dispatched.

3) The leaders rile up a group of many people, some very well intentioned that feel strongly, but are misled by a false or grossly exaggerated premise. The organization behind the protest USE the people who protest.

4) The media fully supports the protests, even riots and physical harm to people because it supports THEIR agenda. They will even seek out outliers in the group and make them news to prove their point.

5) In many cases major felonies are committed, including violations of federal law since they go from state to state. A recent example is at Trump protests where George Soro's paid people interfered with the Presidential Election process, caused violence and harm to people, took advantage of paid mentally challenged people, destroyed property, and prevented a legitimate rally in Chicago. All illegal.

6) Many of the current movements, protests, riots, destruction of property, and physical harm to people are instigated and paid for by George Soro's type of organizations. His real goal is to bring down the United States in favor of a one world government. He cares little about the supposed cause, he just uses people.

We have currently going on across the country protests, riots, and destruction of property over not accepting the democratic process in the selection of a President. You will see more and more protests, riots, destruction of property, harm to life, for various supposed "causes".


Major felonies, state and federal, are being committed. Treason and sedition are regularly being committed in our country. Where is the media? Where is the Justice Department? Where is Congress? Where are those who direct law enforcement? 

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Media / Journalism MUST Be Looked At Part 2

Previously I raised the obvious problem of the Media today and journalism, and how it is hurting America. I would be glad to send you Part 1 if you so wish. I promised specific examples, here they are. Media bias is VERY obvious to the average person paying attention. Let's give some specific examples.

During the presidential election the media couldn't have been more biased against Donald Trump. Information in E-mails revealed that they were colluding together in order to defeat Trump. The Washington Post alone sent out 20 reporters, not to gather news, but to specially dig out dirt on Trump. CNN was guilty of giving Hillary Clinton the questions before the debate and it was OBVIOUS that she was able to research the answers. This was more than just Donna Brazile, other CNN people HAD to be involved to GIVE her the questions in advance. Other media sources such as the NY Times, as well as the Washington Post, would give the Clinton campaign the ability to review, change,and approve stories before they were published. The collusion was obvious since on a daily basis they would come out with the SAME story, using the same words and phrases. At the same time they were attacking Trump, they covered up and did not report the long history of corruption, obvious lies, and illegal actions of Hillary Clinton, a whole reservoir of available real news information. An honest media would have reported all this.They purposely DID NOT report it or covered it very lightly, mostly covered it up.

ABC News was one news organization that obviously falsified polls in order to influence public opinion against Trump, using a psychological propaganda approach. (They had Trump behind by 12% in polls !) . Other media polls were highly questionable as to motive, since they all had Hillary winning, some by large margins. The biggest joke is that the Real Clear Politics Average Poll was supposed to be the most accurate. Yet if you looked at what they were "averaging" it was many of the warped media polls! (Average garbage and you get garbage.)

The media gave Hillary Clinton overwhelmingly positive press, so much so that it was equivalent to a multi billion dollar free marketing campaign in her favor. AOL News / The Huffington Post gave her a constant stream of favorable press while attacking Trump. Even photos showed favorable pictures of her while attacking Trump and using unflattering photos of him...and old photo trick to create an impression through photography. CBS long in advance of the campaign yet in anticipation of it, began a television series entitled Madame Secretary to glamorize her position as Secretary of State. The intent was obvious. One can go on and on but there are hundreds of examples of a biased media. All this is not news and it is irresponsible in a democracy.

The anti-Trump post election protests and even riots with destruction of property have been brought about in part by the media itself. The signs of the protesters take media untrue or grossly exaggerated accusations and use them as the cause of their protest. One is calling him a "racist". He is not. This came from Trump simply asking the question about President Obama's birth, something he has a complete right to do. Obama's past was kept very vague from the American people (with the help of the media). This included his college background, marks and papers; his 19 year attendance at the VERY radical Reverend Wright's Church; his "community organizing", his association with the very corrupt ACORN; His friendship and association with the frightful domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers...and more. Any citizen of the United States has a perfect right to asks questions, particularly under these circumstances. Another untruth floated by the media and evidenced by protester signs is that the "military is concerned about Trump". In fact the exact opposite is true, the military has been 250% behind Trump form the very beginning. Thus the media helps create unrest, protests and riots, since THEY do not like the Trump victory. They are actually complicit with the protests, feeding falsities and innuendos that incite people. Also the media should be investigating George Soros and his role in the protests.

Let's look at billionaire George Soros and what is NOT reported by the media. His stated objective is to bring about a one world government. In order to do so he has to bring down the United States. He funds or help fund close to 100 organizations aimed toward his objectives. In the recent presidential election paid representatives from his organizations caused disturbances and near riots in order to upset Trump rallies. Even making it appear that they were Trump people who caused them. He was successful in stopping a rally in Chicago through paid people. These actions are felonies! He also is behind many "protest" groups, those that cause a civil disturbance, destroy property, even cause physical harm. The leaders of many of the "Occupy" , "Black Lives Matter", anti-police riots, current anti-Trump protests, and other major disturbances across our country have paid "Soros" instigators behind them. Soros paid $400,000 in Massachusetts alone in order to legalize drugs. A dumbed up population is good toward his objective. An honest media should be exposing the heck out of this guy with solid investigative reporting. They do not because much of his actions agree with the ideological objectives of the media. This is NOT a responsible media. Soros should be in prison for the rest of his life committing felony, after felony, after felony through the use of his wealth. Again the media is irresponsible with failing to bring out the truth.

Let's go back in time for a moment. Around 2008 / 2009 a grass roots movement started to spread across America called the "Tea Party Movement". This immediately became a threat to the media and their agenda since they were everyday people, next door neighbor types, that were fed up with both the direction of our country and the media bias. They HAD to be discredited and that is just what the media did. They went out and searched for one person amongst the thousands who had a tee shirt on, anything that might be considered as controversial and labeled the Tea Party as radicals. Absolutely not true, but this is exactly what they did. The other trick is to ignore and not give coverage, even though it definitely was news. There were even paid instigators at some of the rallies, and this is who the media covered and highlighted. On September 11, 2009 there were approximately 2,000 people gathered at the Capitol Building, in the rain, in Hartford, CT. This should have been significant local news. Yet the next day newspapers, including the Hartford Courant, hardly even mentioned it. The net was the media, who discredited the Tea Party, a group that represented a strong voice of a large portion of the population.

In bringing about the Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade, a corrupt media helped bring about this landmark decision. Dr. Bernard Nathanson, a founder of the abortion NARL group told the story of how they would just make up stories and numbers supporting their cause and the media would print it as truth, without checking out the facts...which were false. (There is a whole chapter of this in the book, "The Marketing of Evil.") In regard to Planned Parenthood, the media covers up non favorable news such as selling baby body parts and promotes the organization as if were doing the greatest service ever to humankind as they take the lives of over 330,000 babies per year, the worst holocaust in human history. The media protects abortion as if it were the "Holy Grail". There are many unreported horrors related to abortion that the media does not report or covers up.

There are thousands of examples of the media, with the sacred right given them to report the real news in an unbiased manner, and yet they abuse this right with purposeful propaganda. Several years ago there were reports of the NY Times, the Boston Globe, and other media sources as going bankrupt. The reason is that the American people knowing of their bias stopped buying their newspaper, or listening or watching. These media sources blame it on the Internet and social media because they cannot face up to the truth. I ASK YOU TO FOLLOW THE MONEY. If they were going bankrupt 3 or 4 years ago how is it that they are still in business still operating as normal??? Could it be that someone, or some organization is funding them to stay alive, as long as they report the DESIRED news? Think about this, if they were going did they survive?

Part 3 of this series will be forthcoming. What America and the American people MUST do in order to bring the media back to their intended purpose under the First Amendment as the watchdog of our nation in reporting relevant, factual, and unbiased news. 

Friday, November 11, 2016

Media / Journalism MUST Be Looked At: Part 1

If there was one thing that came through crystal clear during the election campaign was the major problem that exists today in America with the media. The media is now at a point where they are destructive to our very foundation as a democracy and as a free country. They continually violate their sacred duty as given by the First Amendment concerning freedom of the press. Their duty to act as a "watchdog" in making sure truth and facts come out in regard to situations, people, candidates, and our government. They not only purposely fail with this duty, they do just the opposite...they become complicit with wrongdoing and view everything that they report through a narrow ideological window. There is no longer "news" in America, but propaganda and even untruths aimed at influencing people and minds. They become a multi billion dollar marketing arm for an ideology, a cause, a person or group, or a government administration. They purposely warp minds.

It starts with our colleges and universities, and the Schools of Journalism. The total atmosphere of colleges today lacks balance with the administration and faculties consisting of 80 to 90% of those leaning to the left, even the far left. It is one thing for an individual to be so disposed, it is another to transmit this into their teaching...and this is exactly what they do. They do it overtly and they do it subtly through many different methods, imposing their views upon students and within the programs that they teach. It becomes more than just propaganda, it becomes brainwashing. This has to stop.

Then there is the management of the various media sources, whether it be a newspaper, magazine, a television network, or an online Internet source. Again, a very high percent of management is left or far left leaning. It goes without saying, an employee wants to please his or her boss. This is where their paycheck comes from and their career opportunities. Thus they will tend to write and report what the boss wants, that is human nature, especially when it comes to "food on the table".

The net result of all of the above is a totally corrupt media, and that is exactly what we have in America today. This was HIGHLY exhibited throughout this recent election campaign. America will not be what it can be if this media situation is not corrected. We must all work to make sure this happens...a return to true journalism, a return to the intention of the First Amendment to the Constitution.

This will be followed up with specific examples that show and prove the case of a destructive to America media. And that will be followed with specific recommendations on what we must do to solve this serious problem. It is time to act.

Monday, October 31, 2016


IMPORTANT NEWS: Why FBI Director James Comey Re-Opened Case Against Hillary Clinton.

Major Felonies Committed By Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin Exposing the United States and Our Agents to Grave Danger. Absolute Proof of Serious Violations of Federal Law.

In the first findings as revealed by FBI Director James Comey he said that Hillary Clinton and her staff were "extremely careless" in their handling of State Department E-mails. This goes FAR beyond that. While investigating Anthony Weiner, Huma's estranged husband, the FBI found hundreds of thousands of State Department E-mails, totally unprotected, on a computer shared by Huma and Weiner. First the fact that he had access to them, then the fact that they were even there in the first place. In the next few weeks and months the FBI will find out specifically what is in those E-mails, but their is a chance that the may contain U.S. top secret, secret, and classified information. Irrespective of what they find, there are already major violations of federal law in the fact that they were there in the first place...a willful and grossly negligent act in violation of federal law. (U.S. Code Title 18 /Part I / Chapter 37 / § 798 - Disclosure of classified information; U.S. Code / Title 18 / Part I / Chapter 101 / 2071) . These federal laws were obviously violated and carry as venalities not only fines but anywhere from 3 to 10 years in prison. Also anyone who violates these laws cannot hold public office.

It should be noted that violation of these federal laws places the United States and our agents in grave danger.

It gets MUCH deeper than this. Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State played a major role in the overthrow of U.S. friendly, Hosni Mubarak, President of Egypt. In his place she attempted to install the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization listed by the United States at that time as a terrorist organization. She was all over the major news (go back and look) essentially saying the Muslim Brotherhood were as harmless as the boy scouts. It took the Egyptian people to counteract what Hillary Clinton and President Obama did and throw the Muslim Brotherhood out after they attempted to install Sharia Law in Egypt.

It gets even WORSE. Huma Abedin's family has strong ties to Saudi Arabia, the Muslim Brotherhood, and even possibly Al-Qaeda. Huma who had unprotected storage and access to hundreds of thousands of U.S. State Department E-mails. Lord knows what she did with them.
I URGE you to watch the video that follows. How possibly can Hillary Clinton become the President of the United States? On the contrary she is guilty of major felonies in violation of federal law and should be prosecuted along with her top aide, Huma Abedin.

I urge you to share this and spread it like wildfire before it is too late. Comey was right in bringing this out NOW.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

George Soros and Hillary - The End of America

It is sad but people do not pay attention, yet the information and facts are right there before them. George Soros stated purpose in life is to bring about a one world government. Yet the United States is in the way. It is too big, too strong, too wealthy, too democratic and too free. Therefore his goal is to take down the United States and he is making a lot of progress in doing so. How does he do it? With money and approximately 100 organizations that he either fully or partially funds. He is a VERY wealthy multi-billionaire. There are people in all walks of life that he has given lucrative jobs to in his organizations, who then "graduate" and become even more effective in carrying out his cause. There are "Soros people" in the federal government, in education, in the media...everywhere.

Hillary Clinton is a protege of George Soros and he has backed her with millions upon millions of dollars in her political career. She is beholding to him and fully backs his agenda. Do you remember her saying there are 2 lives (for her) the public one and then the private one. When she said this she revealed her private one in following George Soros, by saying she wants open borders and essentially an open hemisphere. Soros plan, if it isn't obvious to you, is to first bring the world toward major building blocks. A first step that he strongly influenced and supported was the European Union. He started there since they were weak and easier. Now he wants the North American Union to come about (hemisphere as Hillary stated). The United Sates is his biggest challenge and that is why he is doing everything possible to get her elected as President. His tentacles reach into all the current governments in the U.S., the media, education, and all walks of life. That is why you see such a total avalanche of support for Hillary, and all stops pulled out to attack Trump in any way possible. Trump is the anti-Soros.

Soros, his money, and his organizations are very much behind most of the unrest in America. This includes the Occupy movement, Black Lives Matter, and ant-Trump protesters at his rallies, many of whom are paid to cause disturbance and riot. He also supports any challenges to the U.S. Constitution, supports immorality, anti-God movements, particularly against Catholicism and Christianity, and he supports legalization of drugs. Did you know that he spent over $400,000 in Massachusetts alone to legalize marijuana? He feels that a "dumbed up" America on drugs is easier to manipulate and control...the more the better. He supports anything that will divide Americans...race, religion, place of origin, gender, economic status, party affiliation, etc. His organizations and money help fuel these divisions and he is making progress. A divided country will fall.

Hillary's prime hidden (private) agenda will be to follow Soros and bring about a one world government, hopefully so that she and Bill will have ultimate power, control, and wealth in the world as part of this world leadership. In doing so she will bring down the United States. Already she has attacked the U.S. Constitution. Already she has supported giving some control and giving away some of our freedoms to the United Nations and other international organizations...a step by step way of bringing down the United away our sovereignty as nation. Wake up and look at it. The facts are right in front of you.
Those who support and protect Soros say, oh he is a very charitable and philanthropic man. Oh really? In fact most of his money goes to his own hundred or so organizations that support his one world agenda and he counts that as a "charity" since they are set up as a nonprofit organization. Pretty tricky, huh? Is that being charitable?

Make no mistake about it, George Soros has evil intentions. He wants to bring down the United States. If Hillary Clinton gets elected as President of the United Sates she will do his bidding and that will be the end of America as we know and of the greatest countries in the history of the world.
This is what is at stake. We are at the crossroads in the history and survival of our nation. The stakes couldn't be higher. That is why Donald Trump, in spite of all his flaws, has the background and ability to straighten out our nations problems, gain respect again throughout the world, and bring America back to what it can be.

Are you paying attention? 

Thursday, October 20, 2016


My son suggested that there is too much negativity from both sides concerning the Presidential Election and that we should focus on the positives, what we should do. Following are 25 reasons why I suggest that you should consider voting for Donald Trump:

1) He will secure our borders. Once secure, he will rid our country of criminal illegal aliens. He will disallow sanctuary cities and the harboring of criminal aliens. He will exercise compassion for the remainder of those here illegally, but ultimately we need to enforce our immigration laws. This will do away with the current anarchy that exists and will make our country safer. There will be a huge financial benefit to our nation from
doing this.

2) He will call for us to be smart and exercise extreme vetting for visitors and immigration to our country from the hotbeds of terrorism.

3) He will defeat ISIS and Islamic terrorism by working closely with other countries in Europe, NATO, and the Mid East. Participating countries, NATO members, and others should pay their fair share. This should not be a US pay alone situation. Together we must defeat radical Islamic terrorism. People are smart enough to be able to distinguish between radical Islam and peaceful, good Muslims in this effort. They are separate, there is no discrimination in doing this.

4) He will strengthen all branches of our military. This will NOT place ourselves on the brink of war, on the contrary, a strong military is a deterrent to war. A second to none military.
5) He will honor our veterans. This includes immediate action toward ensuring that veterans needing medical / psychological help get it on a priority short term basis.

6) He will work to finally do something with our inner cities and establish real help for minorities within the cities. This will include respecting the dignity of all people, improving education, focus on families, providing jobs and opportunities to improve their status. At the same time the cities have to be safe and crime and violence cannot be an acceptable way of life. Police have to be supported and integrated within the communities in a positive way.

7) As a very successful businessman he will get our economy moving in a positive direction again. There will be a massive effort to improve infrastructure all across the United States.

8) He will again give businesses an incentive to stay in the United States, manufacture here, invest here, and grow. He will do this through reducing the highest taxes on business in the world and the stranglehold of over regulation on large and small business. He will provide disincentives for businesses to leave the United States. All this will help bring back to the United Sates the some $ 2 trillion in overseas money held by US corporations. All this will significantly increase jobs and also be a MAJOR boon to the US economy.

9) He will revitalize FARMING in America. We are currently bringing in food from South America, including meat products, and from China, some of which is unhealthy and contaminated...this includes filthy fish products. We have some of the greatest farmlands and water lands in the world and have the ability to produce and consume our own food products. This will also be a major benefit to our economy.

10) He will turn international trade around to be a win / win by negotiating SMART trade agreements. We currently have an over $800 billion disadvantage that is bad for our economy and makes no sense. This will be a major benefit to our economy.

11) He will end the death tax. Parents work long and hard in order to leave their children some of the financial benefit of their lifetime efforts. The death tax hurts ALL Americans, especially farmers.
12) He will modify and simply income taxes and tax returns into a simple and fair formula that anybody can fill out and submit. No more than 2 pages.

13) He will move power and control away from the federal government and BACK to the people and the states as intended in our Founding as a country. The Preamble of the Constitution says the role of the federal government is to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. Under this umbrella it was the intent to give great power to the states, localities, and most importantly the people. This needs to be reestablished in America.

14) He will appoint Supreme Court Justices that will support and uphold the Constitution, their intended role. Said again: That support and uphold the Constitution. He will restore the balance of power of the federal government. The Supreme Court will move away from it's current path of making laws through judicial decisions.

15) He will support the sanctity of human life. He will work to de fund the more than $500 million of taxpayer's money used to support Planned Parenthood, an organization that takes the lives of over 330,000 babies a year. An organization that was caught red handed in the gruesome business of selling baby body parts. He will work to end late term abortions, a brutal process of killing fully formed children in the mother's womb.

16) He will introduce a Constitutional Amendment to place term limits on members of Congress. This will include an 8 year limit on members of the House of Representatives, and 12 years on members of the Senate. This will go a long way toward reducing the level of corruption, favor, and dominance by long term and lifetime members of Congress, and reduce the potential of lobbyist control of our government that now exists to a high degree.

17) He will reestablish respect for the United States across the world and as a world leader. A chaotic world desperately needs US leadership. We will be a compassionate country in support of freedom and helping other people, yet not taken advantage of. Attacks against our country, embassies / consulates, and people will be met with strong, swift, and decisive action.

18) He will work to have an approved federal budget each and every year, no more kicking the can down the road and creating a crisis in lieu of a budget. He will work toward achieving a responsible balanced budget each and every year.

19) He will work to bring our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to 4% and above. It currently is at a meager 1.4% for the 2nd quarter of 2016. (China's was 6.7%). This can be accomplished by all the business and economy stimulants shown above and more.

21) He will work to substantially reduce the US National Debt from the expected $22 trillion by the time he takes office. This is unsustainable and will lead to the financial collapse of America. He will start a massive "economy engine" in the United Sates and show how it is possible to invest in what we should be doing, while at the same time balancing a budget and reducing debt. Economists simply do not realize the potential and power of a booming economy.

22) He will work to bring people together and end the current divisions that have been created between, races, religions, gender, ethnic backgrounds and places or origin, economic status, police and communities, etc. He will demonstrate and ability to work with both major parties of government for the overall good.

23) He will communicate and report regularly to the American people giving an HONEST status of progress, and assessment of both domestic and international situations.

24) He will STRONGLY support the sovereignty of the United States and will NO HOW, NO WAY give away any governance or freedoms to any international body. The US Constitution is our total base and reference and is sacred to our country and the American people.

25) We will again return to being a nation UNDER GOD. Our Founders ALL made reference to the importance of a divine being as being a basis of our laws, and for our very survival as a nation. We should not let a small number of people rule us away from this under distortions of what was intended by the First Amendment...that is not what our democracy is all about. Without God as our foundation, America will not survive. We are already seeing the decline in our country today by the absence of God.

These are 25 reasons why I urge you to consider voting for Donald Trump. Please read and give them a lot of thought. Spread this to everyone. America desperately needs to get back on track and needs bold leadership to accomplish it. We are at a critical time for our country like never before.  Thank you. 

Al DiLascia
Chicopee, MA 


Saturday, October 8, 2016

BOTH Trump & Hillary Vulgar and Deplorable

NO ONE should defend what Donald Trump as a private citizen said. He was dead wrong. I won't repeat it since it was fully covered by the media. BUT it is total hypocrisy by Hillary Clinton, her campaign, and especially the media for not reporting on Hillary's vulgar mouth and more importantly, her actions. Her husband used his high position as Governor of Arkansas and President of the United States to sexually harass, grope, and rape women. There is no greater form of sexual harassment. What did Hillary do? She attacked the women, the victims. All this is on the record, not made up stuff. No, "right wing conspiracy" as she frequently says. The sheer number of women alone who were violated by Bill Clinton and the subsequent vicious attacks by Hillary should be an indicator to everyone. The women were NOT important to her...her and Bill's political careers and power / money base were more important.

Lets us also look at a small sampling of her vulgarity:

"Where is the G-damn f***ing flag? I want the G-damn f***ing flag up every f***ing morning at f***ing sunrise." To the staff at the Governor's Mansion, Arkansas 1991.

"You sold out you mother f***er, you sold out! Yelling at a Democratic lawyer.

"F*** off ! It is bad enough that I have to see you s**t kickers every day. I am not going to talk to you too ! Just do your G-damn job and keep your mouth shut". To her state trooper body guards after one of them made the mistake of saying "good morning".

"You f***ing idiot" ! To a state trooper driver taking her to an event.

"If you want to remain on this detail, get your f***ing ass over here and grab these bags." To a White House Secret Service Agent.

" Get f***ed ! Get the f*** out of my way ! Get out of my face ! " To Secret Service Agents.
" Stay the f**k back, stay the f**k away from me ! Don't come within 10 yards of me, or else. Just f***ing do as I say, OK !!!? " Screaming at her Secret Service detail.

" Come on Bill, put your d**k up. You cant f**k her here ! When she saw him talking to an attractive female at a political rally.

You can find hundreds of these vulgarities by Hillary. They reveal her character. She thinks she is above the masses. But again, it is the women that she personally attacked that were violated by her husband. Women who were VICTIMS.

What a bunch of hypocrisy ! Hillary, Tim Kaine, her campaign...and the media attacking Donald Trump's wrongs (and he was wrong), yet washing under the rug Hillary's full political life of vulgarity and attacks on women abused by her husband. Not to mention how she fully accepted Clinton Foundation money from Arab countries that routinely abuse women and deny them rights. 

Alfredo DiLascia
Chicopee, MA 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Obama Delusional and Alarming at UN

President Obama in a speech to the international body at the UN said that never has there been a time when the world has been safer, and that the world has been more financially secure. What world is he living in??? Then after inferring that his country, the United States, is racist, he went on to plea for the taking in of thousands of refugees from the Mid East even though his top advisors and many other leaders in the know have said that they cannot be properly vetted and some could present a danger to America and the American people.
He later went on to say that we may have to give up some freedoms to the rule of international bodies such as the UN for the overall good of the world. That it enhances our security. What??? This is an American President throwing the great founding of our country, our laws and independence as a nation that we cherish so dearly, and our Constitution, out the window right before our very eyes.
All of this was said, not just by any old person, this was said by the President of the United States!
Wake up, people !

Al DiLascia
Chicopee, MA

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


The effects on most users of marijuana is that they experience an increase in heart rate, redness of the eyes, and dryness of the mouth and throat. Studies show that the drug temporarily impairs short term memory, alters the sense of time, and reduces the ability to perform tasks requiring concentration, swift reactions, and coordination. (Like driving a car or operating machinery. Note: At my former place of employment a co-worker was mangled in a machine, his coordination was impaired from smoking marijuana prior to work.) Feelings of euphoria, relaxation, altered state of body image, and bouts of exaggerated laughter also are commonly reported.

Scientists believe that marijuana can be particularly harmful to lungs through the deep inhalation process. Marijuana smoke has been found to have more cancer causing agents then are found with cigarette smoke. Marijuana can increase heart rate by as much as 50% and can bring on chest pain in some individuals. Doctors feel that people with heart conditions or at a high risk of heart ailments can be adversely affected. Findings also suggest that regular use may reduce fertility in women. Further, scientists believe marijuana, which crosses the placential barrier, may have a toxic effect on embryos and fetuses.

Further, from personal experience, I have sadly seen many relatives and friends who have used marijuana and other "harmless recreational drugs" later on in life having serious medical difficulties at an early age such as heart attacks and strokes, kidney failures, and even death. The point is that long term effects of these drugs are not known, but you can logically conclude that they won't be positive.

In Science Daily (June 5, 2014) a review described a report in the New England Journal of Medicine authored by scientists from the National Institute of Health. There have been more studies that concurred with these studies from very reputable medical research organizations. The science establishing that marijuana can be addictive and that this risk for addiction increases for daily or young users. It also offers insights into research on the gateway theory indicating that marijuana use, similar to nicotine and alcohol use, may be associated with an increased vulnerability to other drugs. There IS a gateway effect although they try to tell you otherwise. The scientists focus on marijuana's harmful effects on teens, an age group in which the brain rapidly develops, which is one factor that could help explain increased risks from marijuana use in this population. Research suggests that marijuana impairs critical thinking and memory functions during use and that these deficits persist for days after using. In addition, a long-term study showed that regular marijuana use in the early teen years lowers IQ into adulthood, even if users stopped smoking marijuana as adults.

It is politically correct to think and promote the use of Marijuana. George Soros loves it and has provided more than $400,000 in Massachusetts alone to promote it. Even the title "recreational" is purposely misleading. A “dumbed up” population is easier to manipulate and control. This is not a good thing. Science proves otherwise, marijuana is harmful and in NO WAY should it be legalized in Massachusetts or anywhere else for "recreational" purposes. This is all we need in our state and especially in Springfield

Friday, September 9, 2016

Teachers Good / Teacher Unions Bad / Charter Schools Good

Many Great and Dedicated Teachers

There are many great and dedicated teachers in America. Unfortunately they get forced or suckered into paying dues into the teacher's unions. The teacher's unions are separate and distinct from the teachers, and over the last 30 years they have ruined education in America. At one time our public education system was considered one of the best education systems in the world. Yet today Out of 34 countries, the U.S. ranked 14th in reading, 17th in science and 25th in math. This is the teacher's unions report card.

The teacher's unions are not about the children or education, they are all about power, ideological and political influence, and money. They are also about indoctrination of students into their ideology, not education. Union leadership demand high salaries ranging from over $100,000 per year to well over $300,00. Even though a survey revealed that 50% of dues paying members have conservative leanings, about 91% of the National Education Association (NEA) union's contributions go to Democratic candidates and left leaning causes. The two major teacher's unions, including the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) make 95% of their contributions to Democrats and left leaning causes. Catholic teachers and others who are opposed to abortion should know that out of their dues, hundreds of thousands of dollars go to Planned Parenthood. Millions of dollars in dues go to Democratic and left leaning causes far outweighing any balance/ toward Republican or conservative causes. Teacher unions dominate political campaign spending, they are all about influence.

When you have that type of focus and management at the top, it is obvious that education of our children in public schools suffers. The results show this. Parents and other groups interested in education are alarmed at what they see in public schools today, hence there is a continuous movement toward home schooling, charter schools, and Catholic / religious / private schools. Most charter and private schools exhibit more discipline, a better education, high graduation rates, and a very high percentage of students going off to good colleges. It is a better "product". This then becomes a threat to the teacher's unions.

In Massachusetts this November there is a ballot question on increasing the number of charter schools . The teacher's unions are against choice, allowing parents, guardians and students the opportunity to perhaps receive a better education. They have a campaign going on with the headline, "Save Our Public Schools". I have an alternative headline, "Save Our Children, and Education in America". Vote YES for more charter schools!

I strongly suggest that teachers start investigating where your dues money is going and whether or not you approve. Also, in some states you can opt out of paying dues. This is your money and in my opinion it is hurting education in America and supporting causes you may not agree with. Stand up !

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The Case For Treason

Right in front of us there is more than just circumstantial evidence that Bill and Hillary Clinton are guilty of treason against the United States of America. Their actions have caused irreparable harm to our country.

When Bill Clinton first became President of the United States in 1993 China was not a threat to the United States militarily with their weapons and with their missiles where they could barely hit nearby targets.  As one writer stated at the time, "They couldn't hit the side of a barn." Today they can hit any city in America with deadly accuracy using missiles with computerized guidance systems and multiple war heads. In addition to their extremely large military force they have advanced weapons capability and large and growing land, sea and air capabilities. We can thank the Clinton's for this.

Lest we forget that whether we like it or not, Communist China considers us as their adversary. In the year 2000 Chinese Defense Minister, General Chi Haotian, stated "War (with the United States) is inevitable. The issue is that the Chinese armed forces must control the initiative in this war." This gives insight into their thinking as we sleep.

Bill Clinton needed money for his presidential reelection campaign. At this time Hillary was also heavily involved with the Clinton presidency, so much so that many in the White House considered her to be "co-president". Then along came China with illegal money to aide the Clinton's. Word leaked out and it was quickly covered up and excused, as so often happens today during major scandals. Yet during this very same time VITAL secret U.S. information was given to the Chinese including rocket, missile, and space technology; in addition they received nuclear weapons technology, encryption technology, military logistics technology, and more....all VITAL U. S. secrets given to our adversary by the Clinton's through their administration. Former Senator Fred Thomson called it "the most corrupt political campaign in modern history" as the Clinton's schemed on how to get Chinese money. The Thompson Senate Investigation Committee revealed this and much worse. At that time there were both a Senate investigation and a Justice Department investigation. No surprise, Attorney General, Janet Reno refused to pursue it.

During this time Hillary Clinton was heavily involved with arranging "trade junkets" by Secretory of Commerce, Ron Brown, to China. These junkets included executives from many major U.S. companies, including many technology based companies. The "trade" was trading U.S. corporate greed for China's access to U.S. know how and technology by promoting the setting up of business in China...all while the Clinton's received Chinese money and money from the corporations. At one point Ron Brown threatened to reveal the Clinton's treasonous acts with China. Shortly thereafter a mysterious plane crash took Brown's life while flying near Croatia on a "trade junket".

When the heat builds up, provide a diversion, and that is exactly what the Clinton's did. In 1998 a diversion took place taking people off track. A Chinese / American scientist, Wen Ho Lee, was falsely accused of nuclear weapons espionage in giving information to China. He spent 9 months in prison, in solitary confinement, without due process. This happened in America. After attention was taken away from the Clinton's and the heat taken away, Wen Ho Lee was released and a federal judge apologized to him.

And it continues. Sandy Berger, Clinton's National Security Adviser, in 2003 was caught stealing documents out of the National Archives, stuffing them in his pants and in his socks! This was no doubt related information that they wanted to get rid of, mostly probably on China. We never found out what was in the documents and Berger received only a very light tap on the wrist for his crime. Again they got away with it.

In 1997 Clinton allowed China to take over the Panama Canal, once thought to be strategic to the United States and our defense. China now controls access from the east and the west through the waterway. Only a public outcry stopped Clinton in 1998 from allowing China to control California's Long Beach Naval Yard by leasing it to them!

The Clinton's gave China a still another great payback. China's trade status was on a year to year basis and we had some control and leverage with their behavior and a bargaining chip. This all went away when Bill Clinton, just before leaving office, gave China Perpetual Most Favored Nations Trade Status ! You can thank the Clinton's for practically everything that you purchase today is most probably Made in China. This also has had a devastating affect on manufacturing jobs in America and our economy. China's GDP soars while the U.S. is in the tank. It also has a secondary affect since it helps fund the Chinese military.

In continuing the ongoing and cozy quid pro quo relationship between China and the Clinton's when Bill Clinton left office he was given millions of dollars to speak in China. Clinton had a number of speaking engagements totaling $56.3 million in foreign countries, many of them in China.

You can bet that the Clinton's are using the Clinton Foundation to launder huge sums of money in all kinds of shady secret deals. As one example, instead of taking his standard speaking fees of $100,000 to 400,000 and more, he arranged to be paid by a Chinese company called Alibaba through the Clinton Foundation. No taxes on a "charity".

You can be assured that every single one of Hillary Clinton's E-mails when she was Secretary of State, including those deleted, have been hacked by China. Personal, and unprotected servers? It is an understatement to say that China has been privy to all top secret, secret, and classified State Department vital information concerning the United States communications during her tenure.

The levy of TREASON by the Clinton's here only applies to China. Further research will show the same applies to other countries such as Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and more where the Clinton's pattern of behavior shows that they will do anything for money, power, and position, even sellout the United States itself.

In addition, imagine what other country leaders think when they know that the leadership of the United States is totally corrupt and can be bought. What this does to our position as a country in the world and to democracy.  

Irreparable damage has been done to our great country by the Clinton's. Even the thought of Hillary Clinton as President of the United States is repugnant beyond belief. It would be the end of America.


Tuesday, August 9, 2016



For several years now many Americans have been very perplexed as to why establishment Republicans have done essentially nothing to stop many of the Obama policies that have been very detrimental to our country. Nor have they done anything on their own to try to fix the obvious problems of our nation. Oh, they will speak up with low level complaints or suggestions that try to placate the American people, but essentially, even with control of both Houses, they do nothing. Yet today in their opposition to Trump their agenda may be beginning to reveal itself.

Have they sold out to lobbyists? To special interest groups? To foreign nations, even our adversaries? It may very well be that this is the reason why they are so opposed to Trump since he would try to right some of the detrimental issues affecting our country. This in turn would upset their ongoing money flow, their wealth, and power base that derives from these special groups that try to influence our country. Take trade as only one example. It is well known that our trade deals with major trading countries are highly slanted against the financial interests of the United States, and to the benefit of these countries. What Trump is saying is to level the playing field, make trading deals where BOTH the United States and the trading country will benefit, not one sided deals. The establishment Republicans are saying Trump is against free out and out fabrication. What he is for is FAIR trade, something all Americans should want. Are the establishment Republicans being paid off by foreign governments to keep trade in their favor?

The issues being brought up about Trump are minuscule, I repeat, MINUSCULE, compared to the very major issues concerning Hillary Clinton who has a long history of corruption, dishonesty, illegal activities including felonies. Essentially selling out America for personal gain and power. This history is well documented and is major compared to any miscues said by Trump and the created hype by the establishment Republicans and the media. Temperament? Have you really looked into the issues of temperament concerning Hillary Clinton? Her personal character when in the White House? During the Benghazi crisis where the United States was under attack? Her attacks against women who were the victims of her husband?

The establishment Republicans appear to want to preserve their own power and wealth and not upset the "apple cart", even if it means electing Hillary Clinton. Our great country be damned. Their actions during this very important presidential election cycle are HIGHLY suspicious and revealing. It is their character that should be in question. 

Al DiLascia
Chicopee, MA

Saturday, August 6, 2016


From the First Amendment to the U. S. Constitution: "Congress shall make no law....prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press.... ". Our Founders knew that a free press is sacred and a cornerstone of democracy. A free press holds both government and public officials accountable to the people. With the right of a free press comes a tremendous responsibility of all media outlets to present information and news in an unbiased and balanced manner, to expose wrong doing and corruption, as well as bringing out positive information. Along with this comes the responsibility to investigate and report fairly all relative information to the public concerning government, public officials and events. The profession of journalism should also follow the underlying purpose and great responsibility associated with the First Amendment in regard to freedom of the press. The media should be the "watch dog" of our nation in order to preserve our democracy.

Yet 15 years down the line in looking back it will be the media who will have betrayed our nation more than any other single entity. One would have to be blind not to see that our great country is headed down the path toward sure ruin. Massive unsustainable debt and a declining economy; a loss of our core strength in manufacturing; a creation of a dependent society; lack of respect and leadership internationally; widespread dishonesty and corruption; the lack of an American identity; an eroding educational system; moral decay; and most importantly an absence of God that was NEVER intended by our Founders, yet has been twisted by false interpretation with the media helping to lead the way.

The media has abandoned it's role and sacred "watch dog" responsibility for our nation and become ideologically driven. As a consequence they clearly bias the news toward their ideology and those who support their ideology. They will even cover up wrong doing that runs counter, outright lie, distort, or make up stuff. Much of this is to the great detriment of our nation...THEY know better, not the people. They are expert at "headlines" that accomplish this which they constantly bombard the American people with to the extent that it makes communist cold war propaganda seem like child's play. Time after time we have seen examples of such things as reporting 10 people gathering that support their ideology as front page news, whereas they do not report 300,000 people gathering that runs counter. Recently a major newspaper sent out 20 "journalists" to dig out dirt on a candidate while covering up the wrong doings of their favorite candidate. This represents immense bias, not news. The once proud profession of journalism has been sabotaged to such an extent that newscasters, reporters, columnists, and editorial staff follow the wishes of their ideologically driven management, not news as it should be reported.

Lincoln said: "You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time". In 2012 a Gallup poll revealed that 60% of the people did not trust the media. In April of 2016 NBC News and News Max reported that only 6% of the people trust the media, 94% do not. The media has betrayed America.

Al DiLascia
Chicopee, MA

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Italians and Muslims

Italians are good people. The Mafia are bad people. Yet the Mafia are Italians. Rational people know how to distinguish the difference.

Most Muslims are good people. Radical Islamist terrorists are bad people, yet they are Muslim. The vast majority of people understand this but our federal government and the media don't know how to distinguish the difference, thus they hide it.....Get it?

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Major Threat to United States Purposely Obfuscated by Obama Administration

President Obama and his administration refuse to recognize the major threat to the United States and the world due to radical Islamist terrorism. Worse, when an act of Islamic terrorism occurs he and his administration, and their followers in Congress, try to cover it up and or call it something else or diffuse it into something vague. Sadly, the media is complicit with this. This is a great disservice to our country and opens us up to even greater danger. Yet in the mid east and elsewhere there is ongoing genocide against Christians, and widespread anti-Semitism against Jews. Even in the United States anti-Christian legislation has been introduced forcing Christians to violate their faith. An air of anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiment also exists as never before in the U.S.

People who are awake and informed know that about 95% of all terrorism in recent years is caused by radical elements of the Muslim faith...radical Islamic terrorism. It is not difficult to name them in backing this up with terrorist incident, after incident, after incident. Informed people speak up and speak out about this, they feel that they HAVE to since the Obama administration is purposely blind to all this. What is the administration reaction? Followers of Obama introduced House Resolution 569, Condemning Violence, Bigotry, and Hateful Rhetoric Toward Muslims in the United States. In other words use discriminatory religious legislation to shut people up who even speak up about the truth of radical Islam. In the meantime the Obama administration forces the Little Sisters of the Poor and other religious organizations who do nothing but good works to violate their faith in violation of the Constitution and their freedom of religion. Good works are attacked by the Obama administration, terrorism is protected. This is what it amounts to.

All Americans need to wake up and speak up. Don't let this happen. We are losing our great country and all that it stands for. 

Al DiLascia
Chicopee, MA

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

And You Believe Polls ???

I find it very interesting that media organizations with a known agenda that we know slant, bias, selectively exaggerate, cover up, and omit relevant news conduct polls and people believe and report them as if they were gospel truth. Yet polls have been used for many years not to measure public opinion, but in attempt to influence it, still another suckering of the American people. If any of you don't believe this I strongly suggest that you read the book, The Opinion Makers, by David W. Moore former Senior Editor of the Gallup Poll.

Al DiLascia
Chicopee, MA 

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Where Are the Heroes ?

Heroes Needed
To Help Save America

Where are the heroes today in Washington...members of Congress, members of the administration, people in government, leaders in the military? Those who put America first, ahead of party and ideology, ahead of job security and financial gain, ahead of status and perceived peer approval? Our country was founded by, and made to be what it is as a great country today, by heroes. Yet we see none today in Washington. Those who will stand up for what is right above anything else.

Corruption in Washington today is rampant; the American people are continually being lied to and deceived; our Constitution is violated; decisions are made that are extremely bad for America and for the world; human rights are violated; unbelievable atrocities against innocent men, women, and children are taking place. Yet no one is speaking up, standing up and placing America first and what is right over party and ideology. Job protection, financial gain, and status rule, not our country, not our people, not what is right.

This is a call to Washington for people to stand up, to speak up, to look through the maze of party, ideology, and status self protection and become a hero to help save America. To do what is right.

Friday, June 24, 2016

GREAT NEWS: England Leaving the European Union

As far as I am concerned England dropping out of the European Union is great news. This was fought against very hard by George Soros, Obama, and all the people who want a one world government. Don't kid yourself, their plan is to bring down the United States since it stands in the way...too free, too powerful, too wealthy and they have been trying to fix that and have been succeeding. Open borders is another part of this...create confusion, division, and more. People are easier to control that way.

A united Europe was one of the big pieces, one of the larger "building blocks" of a one world government. Certainly the UN wants this and has been attacking the US on every front. Those behind the one world government's plan is to then bring about a united North America, and more. Once you have larger building blocks it is easier to move them all together and there you have it. Those behind this are driven by power, greed, control, and really...evil.

Are there going to be some momentary economic issues with England's move to withdraw from the European Union? Yes! And the media will make a BIG issue of this and you will hear more and more about it in the next few days. Yet in the long run score a victory for freedom, democracy and the will of the people. Good for the English people!

Conspiracy theory? This is reality, people! And for now it is a win. It has thwarted the plan of the one world government people and that is great news. 


Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The Failure of the Republican Party - A Wake Up Call

President George W. Bush during his presidency from 2001 to 2009 had both Houses of Congress from 2001 to 2006. He also had 5/9 of the Supreme Court. Many of the nation's problems were attributed to BOTH parties, yet when you have the reins of leadership and full support of Congress there is absolutely no excuse for not solving problems and making America better. The economy fell apart under his leadership even though both parties were responsible for the failing underpinnings. He continued to spend out of control; got us into a 2nd and unnecessary war with Iraq; failed to act on the obvious and looming "sub prime" mortgage crisis; and was weak kneed when he should have stood up, communicated to the American people, and have taken leadership action. At this same time the Republican leadership in Congress and the Republican "establishment" began to reveal themselves. They were more caught up with their own power, self importance, personal financial gain, and egos rather than doing what is best for our country. There are some exceptions to this, but this is the general case.

In 2009, over great frustration, there was a grass roots uprising by many of the American people that became known as the Tea Party movement. This movement scared the hell out of the Democrats and the media and they did everything possible to discredit it. Most of it was made up stuff, or they would take a person, or a small minority who did something and blow it up to make it appear like it was the general Tea Party case. We all know how they do this. My own personal investigation, interviews (and photographs) of Tea Party people is that they were your next door neighbor types who had a deep and genuine concern over the direction of America. I found them to be a true and sincere grass roots movement, nothing radical about them whatsoever (as portrayed). This is where the Republican leadership, the "establishment" made another, MAJOR, error. Instead of embracing the Tea Party and understanding what they were all about, they rejected them and looked at them as being a threat to their own power and self importance. They also allowed themselves to be led around by their noses by the media, afraid they might be criticized. Status quo is safer. This was a missed major opportunity by the Republican Party.

Now we have the current, 2016 Presidential Election process. Through the primary process, as outrageous and he may seem at times, the voters have selected Donald Trump as their candidate. Agree or disagree he put issues on the table that were not there before, yet they were simmering with many of the American people. Another huge frustration, he threw "political correctness" out the window to the delight of many that are sick of it. So now we have the "presumptive" Republican Presidential Candidate, Donald Trump. What does the Republican leadership / establishment do? First they consider him a threat to their own power and self importance. They do not accept the decision of voters, THEY know better. Many speak out against Trump (the Democrats and media really love this). They plot an overthrow at the Republican Convention. Worst of all they do not solve in private their differences and emerge totally behind and supportive of their candidate. Dumb is not a sufficient word. Stupid is a better word to describe the Republican leadership / establishment since they are, by their own actions, denying themselves the opportunity to have a Republican as President of the United States of America. Just the opposite, they are guaranteeing the election of Hillary Clinton if she is indeed the candidate.

The Republican Party represents a total failure in leadership. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

American People in Grave Danger

Each of the facts listed below is a threat to the American people. The cumulative effect, however, places the American people in grave danger.

President Obama himself wrote : “As President, I have often said that I have no greater responsibility than protecting the American people,” (National Strategy for Counterterrorism released by the White House, June 29, 2011). As chief executive and commander in chief of the armed forces, the President obviously has responsibility for national security.

Yet he has violated this responsibility and his own words, and placed the United States and the American people in great danger and this is increasing on a daily basis. Irrespective of party affiliation or personal ideology or beliefs, each and every one of us, our families, and our loved ones are being placed in grave danger. The probability of having one that we love murdered is increasing exponentially. Here are the specific reasons why:

1) There is anarchy at our borders. Yes, many come to American looking for jobs and a better life. Yet legal immigration and compassion for other people are not mutually exclusive and can be accomplished by controlling our borders. Currently there is a high number who are criminals and dangerous felons entering our country illegally. These include those involved with drug cartels and human trafficking. Also included are terrorists who sneak across our borders, who wish to harm Americans. Our border guards and sheriffs along our border states see this on a daily basis. It is irresponsible to allow this to continue.

2) President Obama has been purposely importing tens of thousands of refugees from the Mid East and other countries known for terrorist activities. All leading experts tell us that it is impossible to properly vet these refugees, many of whom are young men. It is an absolute certainty that some terrorists will infiltrate with these "refugees". All it takes is a few.

3) On a continuing basis the Obama administration is releasing from prison, back into the American society, hundreds of illegal immigrants who are dangerous criminals, who were convicted of serious crimes including murder, kidnapping, sexual assault and other serious felonies. A Homeland Security Inspector General Report indicated 890 were released in this category back into society from 2009 to 2011. It continues.

4) The Obama administration is openly allowing the violation of federal law by well over 200 "sanctuary cities" that are protecting and not turning over illegal immigrant felons who have been convicted of serious crimes. As a result there have been a number of murders of American citizens due to these sanctuary cities that protect felons and allow them back into society. And it continues even with several identified murders of Americans that are on record!

5) In addition to illegal immigrants, the Obama administration is in the process of releasing some 70,000 felons from federal prisons, some of whom have been guilty of heinous crimes. U.S. Senator Tom Cotton stated: “Unfortunately, we may now be living through the early stages of a new crime wave...Murders and rapes and other violent crimes are up all across America. The American people say they're more concerned about crime than they have been any time in the last 15 years. This is not the time to start releasing violent felons from prison.” Over 30,000 have been released already!

6) President Obama and former Attorney, General, Eric Holder, set the tone against police across the United States by their public remarks, and by convicting police publicly without due process. Imagine top federal officials ignoring the Constitution and the law! Inciting thugs to kill police! They made it appear that a very small number of police who are bad represent ALL police across our country when this is FAR from the truth. Our police across America are on the front lines of providing safety and security in our neighborhoods yet have been placed in jeopardy. This, in turn, places the American people in jeopardy.

7) Even with "legal" entry into the United States the Obama administration allows potential terrorists to play us as fools. All across our country, and on a continuing basis, people enter the United States from the Mid East and terrorist laden areas across of the world without proper checks to begin with and then they get lost into our country with no methods of tracking them. Political correctness rules, not the safety of the American people. The more recent examples are the Boston Marathon bombings, the terrorist acts in San Bernardino, California, and now Orlando, Florida. No doubt there will be more, we are extremely vulnerable.

8) There is a complete failure by the Obama administration and unwillingness to identify one of the largest threats to our country...radical Islamic terrorism. In order to solve a problem, you have to first identify it. The Obama administration refuses to identify it at the peril of the American people. Fundamental problem solving dictates that in order to solve a problem, you have to first identify it.

Any one of the above is in itself a major problem that potentially affects the safety and lives of Americans. The cumulative affect of the above will be devastating to our country. We ARE NOT safe. Our families and loved ones are in grave danger and it is worsening.

What will it take for the American people to wake up and demand that something drastically be done by our Congress and our President to protect America? We need to start holding them accountable. By not reporting the above facts and bringing them into proper perspective the media is doing a great disservice to America.