The Obama White House, in collusion with major media outlets, is operating a multi-billion dollar illegal communications and propaganda machine aimed specifically at influencing American public opinion. It is illegal for the following reasons:
* Government personnel, resources and expenditures, all funded by taxpayers, are being used to promote a political and ideological agenda.
* It is the antithesis of the First Amendment; it involves the federal government violating freedom of the press by attempting to bias, influence, and suppress the news.
* Working in collusion with major media sources, with regular periodic behind the scenes planning, there is an attempt to promote news that makes economic and other conditions look better than they are, even to the extent of distorting and falsifying information. At the same time important news that is detrimental to the administration is either suppressed or not reported at all.
* There is an all out attack on any news sources that run contrary to the administrations viewpoint. This attack may be against the organization or individuals who report this contrary opinion and news. This includes looking into the background and personal lives of the individuals using "dirty tricks" approaches toward discrediting them. This violates not only personal rights, but also the First Amendment by disallowing freedom of the press. In addition, certain members of Congress are attempting to push through legislation, cloaked under false premises, that will severely restrict freedom of the press, including radio, television, and the Internet.
*Certain organizations, claiming non - profit status and receiving government (taxpayer) funded money, are clearly being used to promote political and ideological agendas.
* In addition to taxpayers money being used, outside money laundered through various organizations is being used to fund this illegal activity.
Although all this is kept in secret, through behind the scenes collusive communications, this is what is felt to transpire. On at least a weekly basis meetings are held (phone, Internet, in person, etc.) in order to promote a certain communications agenda for that week....specifically what they want the American people to hear and read; AND what news they want suppressed that may be detrimental to the administration. In addition to the short term communications plan, there is an overarching arching agenda that they want communicated.
How do we know this? Anyone who is paying attention can clearly see it. Turn on the Internet and headline articles on line each day have a "news" message they want you to see. Pick up a newspaper, headlines and articles hammer the same message, in many cases not only is the message the same, but the same exact words and phrases are used. Look at television network news the same. This occurs each and every day, each and every week. On some of the general, overarching messages...they appear in magazines, television programs and Hollywood movies. There always seems to be an underlining theme, a message they are trying to convey in order to influence public opinion, get you to believe something.
At the same time news that may be negative to the administration is suppressed. Examples are the REAL state of the U.S. economy, gasoline prices approaching $4.00 a gallon, over twice the amount since the current administration took over. Food and home energy costs have skyrocketed...the fact that what it costs to live, real inflation, is running 10 to 15%. None of this is reported. On the social level 4000,000 people appear in Washington for the annual March for Life, many of them young people, and this barely appears in any major news sources since this isn't the agenda they want you to see...they suppress the news.
The recent exposure of Media Matters for America and how this non profit group is working in collusion with the White House has opened up a whole "can of worms" and has just begun to expose the massive and illegal communications / propaganda network that exists. We cannot allow this to happen in America. Below is the impression of what is now occurring. This needs to be exposed and stopped.