Sunday, May 27, 2012

Why NOT to Trust Polls

As we approach the elections of 2012 we will see a constant stream of polls. Many are reported by the media as if they were the absolute truth. Yet we should be asking if they are they being used to measure public opinion, or to influence it? Following are some of the reasons why we should be very weary of polls:

In many cases the organizations that conduct and report polls have a definite bias toward a desired outcome. This should be an immediate warning sign to everyone.

The U.S. Census reports that there are about 211 million voter eligible citizens, and 137 million registered voters. Typically polls are based on a sample size of about a thousand people. What this means is that they are sampling only 0.0000047 of the voter eligible population; or only 0.0000072 of registered voters, and they typically claim an error potential of plus or minus 3%. Oh yes, if you understand statistical sampling theory this would be perfectly adequate for sampling widgets off a production line, but it gets much, MUCH more complex when doing the non parametric sampling of human opinion.

Such things as how questions are letter, by phone, in person; how the question is worded and in what context; the series of questions asked along with the reported result on a given topic; the timing of the question vs. other happenings in the U.S. or the world; who is asking the questions can make a difference; if the question is asked by a person, voice inflections can make a difference...and so it goes. Sampling human opinion is tremendously complex. From personal experience, on polls reflecting critical issues affecting our country, I have asked the polling organization about some of the above questions raised above. I never received a response. Yet the polls spread like wildfire throughout the country and are treated as absolute truth.

David W. Moore a former senior editor of the Gallup Poll, now a senior fellow at the Carsey Institute at the University of New Hampshire published a book, entitled "The Opinion Makers". In his book Moore stated, "But the truth is that most of today's polls claiming to measure the public's preferences on policy matters or presidential candidates produce distorted and even false readings of public opinion that damage the democratic process." Does this statement from a former senior editor of Gallup give you pause on polls?

Mark Crispin Miller, a Professor of Media Studies at New York University commented on Moore's book, "A Powerful argument that polls do not merely misinform us but pose a genuine, if subtle, threat to our democracy." Robert W. McChesney, the Gutgsell Endowed Professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Illinois, commented "You will never regard political polls the same after reading David W. Moore's devastating inside account of their severe limitations and misapplications."

In many cases where public opinion seems to be headed in one direction, suddenly a poll will pop up, usually by an organization that has a definite bias, showing poll results giving confirmation of their bias in another direction.

For all the reasons given above, I do not trust polls. Should you?

Friday, May 25, 2012

"The 1%" Concept False and Misguided

The 1% concept is nothing but a big farce, purposely created to bring about class warfare. In the ancient empires, monarchies, dictatorships, communist and socialist states, theocracies, Islamic states, as well as in democracies, there have ALWAYS been a small percentage who are most wealthy and have the greatest power and influence in the country. It is a given certainty no matter what the form of government and has been the case throughout history. There is always a small percentage who are most wealthy and powerful.

To single out a democracy, such as the United States, and to attack those who have success in life is not only dead wrong, but misdirected. Those who attack the so called 1% and want to do away with capitalism and our great democracy need to study some of the brutal regimes that have resulted when democracies and freedoms have been done away with in favor of some form of pseudo idyllic government that turns out to be just the opposite, being very repressive to the people.

This whole 1% issue is a false one and not well thought through by those that go to the streets, by the media, and by those in government who align themselves with it.

No matter what form of government, there will always be a small percentage who have the most wealth and power. Yet, of all forms of government, a democracy offers the people, whatever their status in life, not only a voice in their government, but the opportunity to succeed and become wealthy and gain positions of influence, like no other.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

WARNING: Obama Take Over Plan of America

The Obama administration has been planning for some time for a take over of the United States. They have purposely weakened the pushing us to the brink of bankruptcy. Obama has incited class warfare and division between groups for some time in setting us up for the take over. Here are the steps taken and what to look out for:

1) Continually push the United States toward a position of crisis. This includes purposely bankrupting the country; very high unemployment and dissatisfaction among people; creating divisions between people; class warfare; race animosity; immigration anarchy; nullifying Congress; inflation and high prices; health scare pandemic warnings; shock value announcements, directions, and legislation in order to keep people off balance; federal government over control; placing more and more people into a state of government dependency...and more. Purposely keeping people in a state of frustration and turmoil. This is both a real and psychological "set-up".

2) Extreme invasions of personal freedoms and privacy by the federal government. These include the federal government's ability, now in place, to listen to phone conversations, look at personal E-mail, look at all information in personal computers, track cell phones, track your car / vehicle, look at credit card information and personal finances, look at medical history...all and any personal information. In addition, surveillance cameras are now in place (and increasing) all over the United States in every place imaginable. Still further, the recent addition of drones that can both spy on, and eventually threaten, the American people. All of this is now in place. You can't imagine how far they have gone!

3) The Obama administration now meets secretly through a confluence of media sources in order to feed the American people a constant stream of propaganda. All dictatorships in history have strictly controlled information to the people. In addition efforts are now underway attempting to shut down all other avenues of information and news that run contrary to the Obama propaganda. These include talk radio, certain television networks / programs, and all other print media. The Internet is also under attack since this represents a major threat to the Obama take over. They are using false arguments as to why these other sources of information need to be controlled. Look for this to continue. Information is critical.

4) This may sound "conspiratorial" but it is ABSOLUTELY true. You may not want to look at it but there are over 800 internment camps set up in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed, surrounded by full time guards, and empty, ready to receive people. These camps are operated by FEMA. Once Martial Law is declared (see below) all it would take is a presidential signature on an order by the attorney general. You are urged to do your own research on this. Here is one reference:

5) President Obama has recently, and somewhat secretly, not covered by the media, signed a series of executive orders that have given him full power to declare Martial Law and to order the dispensing of personal freedoms during a "crisis", and to give the federal government all kinds of control not given in the Constitution. This is very dangerous authority that has been taken in secret and without the full knowledge of the American people.

6) THE TAKE OVER PLAN goes into effect if the Obama administration senses that he will lose the November election. The timing of it may be at that point, OR, it may take place after he actually loses the election, but before the new president is sworn in, in January 2013.

7) The Obama administration at that point will use such groups as ACORN (they are still there), a variety of George Soros front organizations, corrupt union heads and union thugs (not most union members who are good people), the new black panthers, such movements as "Occupy", some student groups, groups that will be incited to think they will lose their benefits, and others, to go the streets and protest. This will be all orchestrated, the plan is already in place. Some of these people actually WANT to see the overthrow on the U.S. government and will include socialists, Marxists, and even communists. Others may be people who have good intentions and are just caught up in the movement, and are just misguided. They will be USED. It will make no difference, the result will be the same. Once in the streets throughout the country, those who are leading it behind the scenes will incite riot. This will lead to mob violence. Many of the cities and towns across the United States will be out of control.
8) Obama, will seemingly come to the rescue. He will then declare Martial Law under the powers of executive orders previously snuck through. Militia, under Obama control, will take to the streets in order to regain order. He will then declare that it is necessary to STAY in a state of Martial Law indefinitely in order to keep control. He will have full and unchallenged authority. Personal freedoms will be suspended. All directions, rules, and laws will come from the federal government (Obama). He will declare it necessary for him the continue as the president due to the crisis at hand and cancel out any swearing in of a new president.

9) MANY of the American people, members of Congress, and even previous supporters of Obama will not like what they see and begin to protest. If they continue to protest they will be rounded up and placed in local jails, and eventually in one of the 800 internment camps placed throughout the United States. Once people begin to see the action by Obama, they will be in fear. Many will become silent and become lambs of what will amount to nothing short of an Obama dictatorship.

10) The United States, seemingly overnight, will be gone, as will the Constitution, state's rights, personal freedoms, and all previously existing laws. It will become an absolute rule of our country by Obama and his administration.

If you weren't previously aware of this, then become aware. Do YOUR OWN research on this. Research the executive orders issued by Obama giving him this authority. Research the FEMA camps set up all over the country and ask why. Ask WHY drones are being used to watch the American people. This IS NOT a political party issue, democrat, republican, etc. This is about ALL of us and OUR country! Pay attention and be aware of what is going on. If your senses are open, you will see it, clearer and clearer.

What can you do:

* Become aware of this yourself and pass this on to all those that you know. One of the greatest enemies to the Obama take over plan is information, knowledge as to what is going on so that people will not be fooled. When it begins it will happens so fast that people will not know what hit them. That is why we ALL have to be prepared in advance.

* Look for the signs, if you see it beginning, speak up and expose it. Fight for your country. Don't be led like sheep.

* Pray and stay close to God.