Friday, May 24, 2013

The Most Dangerous Man in America

The Federal Reserve is a private bank, not part of the U.S. government as many people think. Yet it has a major impact upon the economy of the United States. It operates somewhat mysteriously and independently and its workings are subject to little scrutiny by the U.S. Congress and the American people. The present head of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, is driving the economy of America to ruin.

He is driving the economy to ruin in two principle ways. First, he is artificially suppressing interest rates down to near zero and not dealing with the reality of the existing economy. It is like squashing down a water balloon further and further until it bursts. It is hiding reality. Justified lower interest rates can be good for the economy since they ease debt burden while also stimulating investment. But they should never be dramatically and artificially suppressed in order to hide a problem and that is exactly what Bernanke is doing.

This also has a major negative impact upon the middle class and retired people since they benefit little from their life savings. In fact, people on fixed incomes are experiencing an effective decline in income since real inflation is much higher than being reported. Food costs have skyrocketed in the last few years, as well as most necessary items and living expenses. Healthcare costs are climbing as are taxes, hidden taxes, and fees...and government leaders are pushing for even higher taxes! Since there is much less "free money" from savings and much higher costs, less money is being poured into the economy. Still another very serious issue is that by dramatically suppressing interest rates the margin of profit for small banks is squeezed significantly on their various loans. This makes them susceptible to being swallowed up by much larger banks, and this is exactly what we are seeing throughout the country. The steady decline of local community banks is not good for America. It is becoming that the entire banking industry is in the hands of a few.

The second move by Bernanke and the Federal Reserve that is very alarming is the printing of money at the rate of $85 billion per month....flooding the market with paper money with nothing to back it up. This is at the rate of over $ 1 trillion per year! The excuse given is to "stimulate the economy" yet it will result in a massive decline of the value of the dollar and will have just the opposite effect.

If you artificially and significantly depress interest rates; flood the market with a massive amount of paper money with nothing to back it up; and combine this with real and significant inflation ... what it costs the average person to live by...this will result in super inflation. We are currently on an out of control speeding freight train for this to happen. It will impact late 2013, and at the latest the first quarter of 2014. The value of the dollar will be so low, while prices of food and necessary goods to live by will be so high that people will be pushed into a state of utter poverty, not able to sustain themselves and their families. This will happen seemingly overnight and place Americans into a state of shock.

Bernanke and the Federal Reserve, essentially unchecked, have the United States headed toward the economic ruin of America. For this reason, he is one of the most dangerous men in America. Members of Congress, and the American people need to wake up before it is too late. All the warning signs are right there before us.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Not Just IRS - BIG Story Being Missed !

The facts are right there in front of us and we are missing them! This wasn't just an IRS action against conservative groups, but a COORDINATED FEDERAL INTER AGENCY ATTACK against conservative groups, Jewish groups that opposed the Obama administration's polices on Israel, big Romney donors, Tea Party organizations, Patriot Groups, essentially any group that opposed Obama policies.What this was - was Domestic Political Terrorism by the Federal government against American citizens. This was a thousand times worse than Watergate that was simply a burglary in order to gain information on the other party.

If we LISTENED at the Congressional Hearings, and LISTENED to those who were harassed being interviewed it was much more than just the IRS. Many of these people were harassed by the IRS, the FBI Anti-Terrorism Agency, the US Department of Labor, OSHA, ATF, the Obama re-election committee(s) and associated liberal groups, and God knows what other federal government agencies.

What this says is that these attacks of Domestic Political Terrorism had to be coordinated by a central source, someone high up in the Obama administration with the full knowledge and approval of President Obama. Wait and see, if this investigation continues as it should, there will be uncovered an "HR Halderman" type at a high level within the Obama administration who had the responsibility of coordinating all the inter agency attacks on American people.

This is a very, VERY serious issue that threatens the very foundation of our country. It needs to be purged from our democracy with the strongest possible action.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Time for Life

Over forty years ago prenatal books were plentiful for expectant mothers that described the medical science of the stages of life within the womb. This included early movements of the baby, the ability to grasp, a heartbeat, the ability to sense, to feel, to hear and to see. This was accepted medical science, let alone the fact that the expectant mother could sense the life within her. As if further proof was needed there then emerged even further medical technology that gave physicians a "window into the womb" by real-time ultrasound, electronic heart monitoring of the child, fetoscopy, and cardocentesis. The proof of life within the womb is irrefutable and the medical profession knows this.

Yet in the 1960's a handful of dedicated activists launched a "marketing" campaign aimed at capturing the media and public opinion in order to legalize abortion. Dr. Bernard Nathanson, co-founder of the pro-abortion group NARAL, told how they made up catchy slogans, fabricated fictional polls, and put out false statistics in order to sell abortion. Amazingly, without checking the validity of the information the media bought and reported all this. The pro - abortion movement gained great momentum.

Today the American conscience (including many young girls / women) is conditioned to believe there is no life until birth and what exists within the womb prior is just a lump of flesh. The word "fetus" is over used and the word "baby" is purposely avoided. Planned Parenthood alone performs over 330,000 abortions per year and received over $1 billion in taxpayer funding from June 2010 to June 2012 and it continues. At the same time this non profit organization recorded a profit of $243 million. Abortion clinics all over the U.S. are protected from any government oversight, health inspections, or regulation of their practices. This is very evident from recent happenings.

There is a pattern of government protection that is disturbing. Tom Ridge, Governor of Pennsylvania from 1995 - 2001, a Republican and a Catholic, specifically avoided any inspections of abortion clinics in the state so as to protect them from any scrutiny. As a consequence, under this protection, "Dr." Kermit Gosnell was allowed to operate a filthy, unsanitary abortion clinic in Philadelphia, without inspection, for over 17 years! Worse, in late term, he was unqualified to perform internal abortions so he evolved to the practice of delivering babies alive, and then killing them. His clinic, protected by Ridge, was horror beyond belief.

Similarly, Kathleen Sebelius, a Democrat and a Catholic, now US Secretary of Health and Human Services, as Governor of Kansas from 2003 to 2009 protected "Dr." George Tiller a well known late term abortionist. Tiller would willingly, and had the reputation of, performing late term abortions. Yet partial birth abortions were against federal law! He also had a ghoulish practice. On his very web site (I saw it with my own eyes) he would offer: a Certificate of Miscarriage (a lie); a photo of the aborted baby with the parent(s); a footprint or a handprint; and a Baptism of the aborted baby...all for an additional fee. He was openly operating against the law, yet protected by government. He would abort a baby up to nine months!

In the State of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat and a Catholic, is now proposing that there be unlimited, unrestricted abortions allowed in the state up to full term, 9 months; that teens do not require parental approval; and that the abortions do not require a medical doctor to perform them. Can you imagine the "Gosnell" type of clinics that will emerge? Another pure horror show in the making while human life is being taken.

Sadly, the "Gosnell" and "Tiller" horror abortion clinics are not aberrations. This is specially and purposely due to the lack of government oversight of these clinics. It goes well beyond being politically correct. There is a fear that what will be discovered will hurt the cause of abortion. Human life doesn't matter, neither does the health of the women involved,...the abortion cause is supreme.

In America alone we have allowed well over 50 million abortions to take place since the 1973 Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision. The President of Planned Parenthood was given an opportunity to speak at the Democratic Convention, thus highlighting and promoting the cause of abortion in America. On April 26 of this year, the President of the United States, Barack Obama, addressed a Planned Parenthood event.

In my mind, the willful taking of human life, the taking the lives of beautiful, innocent, helpless babies, well over 50 million of them since 1973, is the worst holocaust in humankind. Things are upside down. That which is pure evil is accepted as being OK and the norm. Laws are enacted to protect it. Not only is it OK, but actually celebrated. What have we become as a nation? How can we sleep at night...beautiful, innocent, helpless babies....over 50 million of them.

I have written a letter to Bishop Timothy McDonnell requesting that "Life Chapels" be set up in every parish throughout the Diocese of Springfield, Massachusetts in order to pray for an end to abortion. I have sent a similar letter to Cardinal Dolan, President of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops requesting that Life Chapels be set up in churches throughout the United States. I am making an appeal to all religious faiths to do the same. I am requesting that the medical profession, each and every doctor out there, to stop being know better....speak up for the lives of those beautiful children.

"All human life--from the moment of conception and through all subsequent stages--is sacred, because human life is created in the image and likeness of God. Nothing surpasses the greatness or dignity of a human person...If a person's right to life is violated at the moment in which he is first conceived in his mother's womb, an indirect blow is struck also at the whole moral order." Pope John Paul II Washington D. C, October 7, 1979.

There is not a day that goes by that I do not cry, externally or internally, for the lives of those beautiful babies that are lost.
Al DiLascia