Monday, January 27, 2014

March For Life - Message From Youth Ignored

Undauntedly they ignored the winter storm on the East Coast, the cold, freezing temperatures, and they went to Washington. Hundreds of thousands of them marched, mostly young people, including many students. Their cause? They want to protect the lives of beautiful, innocent, helpless babies. Have we arrived at a point where young people have to teach us how to be humane?  Where are the rest of us? Is it the purity and clear thinking of youth who ONLY can see through propaganda, falsehoods, and distortions to show us the way?

And where was the media? Nowhere is there an example of a biased media than the purposeful failure to cover major relevant news each year concerning the annual March for Life in Washington. The media who are supposed to record and present the news to the American people in a factual manner, the very purpose of the profession of journalism, and the reason / responsibility for the inclusion of "freedom of the press" in the United States Constitution. Not only is the annual event essentially ignored and downplayed....just as importantly the trend is not reported. The trend is that more and more people are pro-life, and the startling trend is that young people in our country are significantly more pro-life. This is major, major news.  Yet it is well known that the media has arrived at a point where they will report as headline front page news a handful of people gathered on a street corner for a cause they approve of...yet ignore hundreds of thousands of people marching in Washington who represent the pro-life cause. This is not journalism; it is anti-news at the highest level.

Yet at the same time the media will build up as heroes such people as Wendy Davis, a state senator from Texas, who filibustered a bill that would prohibit abortions after 20 weeks. They will build up as a hero New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo, who wants to push legislation that would allow unrestricted abortions, without parental notification in regard to young girls, up to and including 9 months of pregnancy. Then he turns around and calls those who disagree with him as "extremists". Still further, the media will glorify and hide the truth on organizations such as Planned Parenthood, who perform over 360,000 abortions a year while at the same time collecting $542 million in taxpayers money. (Fiscal 2012).

Even before modern methods such as ultrasound and other technological instrumentaion, medical science proved the existence of life within the womb of a pregnant woman. The evidence is irrefutable. Yet we are allowing the taking of that precious life through brutal, inhumane procedures at the rate of over a thousand times per day in the United States alone....56 million lives since Roe vs. Wade.

How can any of us sleep at night knowing that this is happening in our country?  How can the media live with themselves for not reporting the truth and facts, and actually covering up the taking of human life? The youth in our country, in significantly increasing numbers, are crying out, trying to show us the way. This message should not be covered up, but reported as a headline issue in every form of media outlet throughout our country.

I firmly believe that all of us some day will be asked what we did to protect human life. What will your answer be?

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Major Obamacare Crisis Looming for Seniors

The stage was set in the very beginning. The chief architect and advisor on Obamacare, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, stated and wrote extensively that his position was that expensive medical care should be given only to those "most productive to society".  (By direct inference, NOT seniors.)  President Obama, himself, on ABC News, made comments about not having expensive surgery in favor of a painkiller. Cass Sunstein, Obama's regulatory czar said that rationing is good public policy; and David Berwick Obama's appointee to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid called for treatment to be denied according to "quality adjusted life years".  In spite of whatever is said or written to the contrary, de facto healthcare rationing for seniors was designed right into the Affordable Care Act. The evidence is overwhelming.

As if more proof was needed, part of the funding for Obamacare was to take 3/4 of a trillion dollars out of Medicare. Obviously this directly affects seniors and the reimbursement rates given to doctors for Medicare patients. As a result of the all the above the following is sure to happen and is very predictable:

1) Soon seniors will receive a letter from their insurance carriers of their supplemental medical insurance. They will be dropped from their present supplemental insurance and will be forced to go out and find new insurance to supplement Medicare.

2) In the Obamacare pool of insurance carriers they will find that the rates are very high, deductibles will be high and other costs, such as co-pay, etc. may be added. It will be a huge financial jolt to seniors on a fixed income.  
3) There is a good chance that in going to the Obamacare pool of insurance carriers that seniors will not be able to keep their present doctor. (It is already happening with millions of younger people who have private insurance.) This is when a VERY serious problem sets in for seniors.

4) When they attempt to find a new doctor, they will have great difficulty since already many doctors are not accepting new Medicare patients. Why? The Medicare reimbursement rates are so low that it becomes very difficult to run their medical care business...they cannot financially survive!  This will affect not only seniors who are currently on Medicare, but those who will soon reach an age where they will be. This will cause a major crisis since seniors will not be able to even find a doctor to treat them!

5) The Federal government is already requiring doctors to ask Medicare patients a series of questions in order to build a data base on senior patients. These questions are really none of the government's business, yet the information will be used in the future to allow a panel to determine if and what medical treatment will be allowed to be given. 

All of this is looming on the horizon for seniors...a major, major crisis. This will happen to people who are now seniors or soon will be, that for all their working lives paid into Medicare. We have Obamacare and both parties of Congress to thank for this. We have in Washington essentially a Godless people who will determine what groups of people are expendable. This is the type of thinking that existed in Nazi Germany. No one would have ever imagined that this would happen in America.

Just in case anybody cares or is interested, the de facto healthcare rationing against seniors that is designed right into Obamacare is a direct violation of the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 that prohibits
discrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. As already stated there is overwhelming evidence of rationing against seniors built right into Obamacare.

The Obamacare crisis will surely hit seniors in 2014, it is just a matter of time. It will be major.