Monday, September 29, 2014

Worst Global Holocaust in History on Horizon

What is rapidly growing is the worst pure evil force in humankind. This potentially, if not dealt with, could be a hundred times worse than Hitler and Nazi Germany. This evil force is radical Islam. It is evil since it's fundamental premise is to force all people to convert to Islam, become slaves to it, or die. In enforcing this premise they indiscriminately and brutally murder innocent men, women, and children. They subjugate all women, including those who are Muslim. They have raped, mutilated, tortured, beheaded, or otherwise murdered young girls and women, and use others as sex slaves. Their intent it to kill all Jews and to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. They have burned down hundreds of Christian Churches.

In some areas of the Mid East they have brutally killed children including babies and toddlers 5 and 6 years old, beheaded them and placed their heads on poles, crucified them and used other uncivilized brutal murderous methods on them. Children! They have thrown acid in the faces of female school children and shot in the face a Muslim girl for getting an education. Fathers and brothers kill their own daughters and sisters for violating their twisted version of radical Islam. Parents proudly send off their sons (or daughters) to blow themselves to bits while killing innocent civilians, including children. They use their own people as human shields in combat, including women and children. Radical Islamists have a rabid and lustful blood thirst for killing.

All of the above is true and factual. We see it constantly in the news, example after example of it almost is undeniable. Many say that it is only a small minority of Muslims who are radical. If we do assume that most Muslims are good people and only a smaller percentage are the radical Islamists who commit these horrendous acts, we still need to be very concerned by this "small percentage"'. Let's look factually at the numbers involved that are radical and why we should be concerned.

Pew Research has indicated that there are 1.6 billion Muslims, 23% of the world population. Other sources indicate that it might be as high as 2.0 billion now. They are rapidly growing through converts and the jihadist approach of increasing births to increase the radical ranks. It has been projected that the Muslim population may be as high as 1 in 3 people in the world by 2030. Polls and various reports seem to indicate that about 10% (or higher) are radical Islamists. Sounds small at first glance, but if we use the 1.6 billion number this is 160 million radical Islamists world wide. It gets worse since some studies have indicated that although many Muslims are not actively radical themselves, as many as 20 to 25% agree with the premises of radical Islam. This means that from 320 to 400 million Muslims believe in or support radical Islam...more than the population of the entire United States! Don't allow those who use the words "small percentage" to lull you to a comfort zone over what is going on world wide. It is just the opposite, you should be alarmed.

Radical Islam is growing rapidly. There are those who are within the Muslim faith who are being brainwashed and radicalized. In addition there are those who are non Muslims, world wide, who are dissatisfied with life, dysfunctional, criminal, or who have a variety of other problems and who harbor hatred as a result. Radical Islam for many is a perfect place to vent their hatred in an organized way where they may feel that they have a higher level of importance and belonging, even honor in a twisted way. Examples of this are where apparent British and American citizens received international attention for the beheadings and mass murdering of captives in a rabid, blood thirsty manner. Geographically radical Islam is spreading widely across the globe to many countries and regions. There are pockets of radical Islam existing in Western nations.

Radical Islam is already a world wide threat, yet is only in it's rudimentary stages. Imagine what it will be like when it acquires weapons of mass destruction and the necessary delivery systems, and a high level of military technology. Already Iran is very close to developing nuclear weapons as we proceed with faux negotiations. Syria and now ISIL have recently used chemical weapons. With all the facts above and what has been said, the future massive threat of out of control radical Islam becomes frightening. It can become the worst global threat and holocaust in human history, a hundred times worse than Hitler's Nazi Germany.

We are at a critical crossroad. Unchecked radical Islam may very well gain control of the entire world as peaceful, free, and democratic countries sit back and do nothing. In the United States it is a fatal error to cover up, and at times seemingly refuse to state that radical Islam even exists, even though we have plenty examples of it. (We use self fooling words like "workplace violence" or refuse to even use the words "radical Islam".) Many European countries seem to have their heads in the sand on this issue and appear to be afraid to confront it. Yet some have pockets within their own countries where radical Islam exists and seemingly controls. Some countries attempt to ignore or appease it. All of this creates a very dangerous opening for radical Islam to move at an accelerated rate. Some good or "moderate" Muslim countries sit on the fence while playing both sides, opposing it at times and at other times supporting radical Islamic groups. All of this gives terrorism a near free pass since opposition is disorganized, singular, or non existent.

It is a time where no good, peaceful, democratic, and freedom loving nation can sit back. No country that believes in human rights and is opposed to the brutal killing of humans...including innocent children and women. No country that believes in slavery, since if not death, that is what radical Islam calls for. There can be no country that sits on the fence or sidelines. All must participate and be united to defeat and eliminate the threat of radical Islam, just as Hitler and Nazi Germany was defeated.

The evil force of radical Islam cannot be ignored. The longer we wait, procrastinate, use politically correct, "self fooling" words, the stronger it will become, leading to the worst global threat in history. It will be a threat to every single nation that doesn't want to be dominated by radical Islam.

United and immediate action is needed by all good nations of the world.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Obama Has Placed US Citizens in Grave Danger

The Obama administration has placed the United States in imminent danger of a major terrorist attack. It is fundamental that in order to deal with and solve a problem you have to first admit that it is there, identify it, and take action to address it. Yet the Obama administration has done just the opposite and purposely purged any mention of radical Islamic terrorism, and even the word terrorism, from any government and military literature, as well as with any public discourse. We have example after example of this...the Fort Hood act of terrorism is called "work place violence". The word "terrorism" is purposely avoided in reference to the Boston Marathon bombing, and so it goes. This refusal, for some apparent political purpose, places the United States in grave danger since the threat is not identified, yet it is real. The #1 problem facing the United States and the world is radical Islamic terrorism.

In 2009 President Obama failed to issue even verbal support to the uprising of the Iranian people. He essentially gave "silent approval" to the theocratic brutal dictatorship of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The people of Iran weren't looking for military intervention and support, just words of encouragement. Today clear thinking people know that Iran is playing the United States for suckers through faux negotiations over stopping their nuclear weapons program. What they are doing is causing a delay in time to enable them to complete, not cease, gaining nuclear weapons capability. When they obtain this capability they will be a threat to Israel, the United States and to the world.

In Egypt and Libya the Obama administration gave support to the overthrow of Mubarak in Egypt, and Gaddafi in Libya. Yet there was NO PLAN to fill the vacuum. The obvious then happened, the vacuum was filled by Islamic extremists. The Obama administration gave support to the radical Muslim Brotherhood, even invited them to the White House. It took the Egyptian people to throw out the leadership of Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. Suffice it to say that the entire foreign policy of the Obama administration concerning radical Islam is a total disaster, throughout the Mid East, and throughout the world.

In Iraq and Afghanistan, instead of having a well coordinated withdrawal of US troops that provided for protection of those countries as the present readership were able to sustain control, there was an announced nearly full withdrawal that gave the radical extremists an opportunity to gain control. It defeats all common sense and logic. All of these moves by the Obama administration appear to be for political purposes, not for what is in the best interests of those countries and the United States. In Iraq we now have the early formation of a radical Islamic caliphate that is a threat to the entire region, the United States and the world. Expect the same sort of thing to happen in Afghanistan.

What is immediately most frightening is what is happening within the United States. We have total anarchy at our borders, a complete sieve taking place that allows not only illegal immigrants looking for a better life, but members of drug cartels, hardened criminals, gang members...and there are reports by border agents and sheriffs along our border that Mid Eastern radicals are intermixed and sneaking in, as well.

Most shocking, however, are the pockets and network of Islamic extremists that now exist all across the United States. They are located in Detroit, Kansas City, Dallas, Denver, Portland OR, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Tucson, Boston, Cleveland, Orlando, Chicago, New York, Newark,....any many, many other cities all across our country. ABC News reported in 2007 that there were more than two dozen radical clusters of Muslim young men in the Northeast that could lead to terrorist activities that could result in fatalities of American citizens. And that was in 2007, think about how much they may have progressed since then! There have been reports that Islamic terrorist groups have infiltrated Ciudad Juarez, Mexico and are planning attacks against the United States. There is a threat within our borders and to our country, and the threat exists NOW.

It is estimated that there are approximately 100 (or more) American citizens who are now fighting for the radical ISIL Islamic terrorist group in Iraq and Syria. Certainly many of these "Americans" came from the clusters of radicalism within the United States that already exists as identified above.

President Obama by his polices, and the Obama administration, have the citizens of the United States in grave and imminent danger of another severe terrorist attack. His failure, for political purposes, in recognizing, and identifying the problem, and taking strong action to address it is a major threat to the United States and all of our citizens.