Tuesday, December 15, 2015

America in GRAVE Danger

It is either purposeful or as stupid as stupid can be but the American people are in grave danger due to our own federal government. Our borders are in a state of anarchy. Not only are there many good people who are seeking a better life entering our country illegally, but those who wish to do harm. This includes criminals, felons, drug cartels, those involved in human trafficking, and terrorists. Our border guards and sheriffs in border states tell us that not only are they coming from Mexico, but other countries including the Mid East. According to Sheriff Paul Babeau of Pinal County Arizona: "A wide corridor of Arizona from the border North to the outskirts of Phoenix is effectively controlled by the cartels. In America! He is not the only one reporting this, there are many, but no one in our government is listening.

Somebody needs to tell both parties of Congress, and the administration, that we can have a system of immigration that is compassionate toward those seeking a better life, yet at the same time follow a legal process of immigration. They are not mutually exclusive. Currently we have anarchy that is placing Americans in danger. In addition, among the multitude of other problems, unchecked immigration risk the importing of major health problems and infectious diseases. Our government is not protecting us from any of this. There is more than just immigration.

In addition to the threat associated with immigration our federal government has initiated still another threat to the American people by attacking our first line of defense, the police across America. They are the ones who protect us from crime, terrorism, offer us safety and order throughout our cities and communities. Without them there is still another level of anarchy. We all know that in the high 90's percent most policeman are good cops, yet the entire profession is now under attack. Yet without full information, and without due process. President Obama, and then US Attorney General Eric Holder on several occasions jumped to the conclusion of racism and then painted a broad brush across the entire police force due to the incident. Their statements and actions incited riots in the communities instead of bringing people together. Unfortunately Attorney General Loretta Lynch appears to be picking up where Holder left off.

Anarchy on our borders and anarchy in our communities places the American people in grave danger, but this is not all.

It is a well known fact that a major threat to America and the world is present due to radical Islamic terrorism. This does not refer to peaceful Muslims, but to ignore those who are radical is a major error. Those involved in professional problem solving know that the first step is to define the problem. Yet President Obama, his entire administration, and many in Congress refuse to even use the words and recognize "radical Islamic terrorism", in fact they have purged it from all government documents and information. This is a major, major error and their actions to protect America are failing accordingly. There are about 1.6 billion Muslims in the world and about 7% are radical Islamists, this is 112 million people! There are about 20% of Muslims who do not participate themselves in terrorism, but agree with it. That is 320 million worldwide, about the same size as the population of the United States. To ignore this is irresponsible. Still further Pew Research has reported that the Muslim religion is the fastest growing faith and they predict a 73% increase by 2050.

The federal governments actions predictably follow their failure to recognize the problem. We hear a lot about how our federal government is protecting us. Not true! At airports across the country the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) failed in 95% of the tests to pick out fake bombs and weapons when they were tested. In the recent Islamic terrorism in San Bernardino, California the Department of Homeland Security failed to pick out warning signs that were crystal clear on social media, and lies on the application by the female terrorist, Tashfeen Mailk. There were also warning signs all over the place on her husband, Syed Farook. The Boston bombing Tsarnaev brothers sought sanctuary in the United States due to threats and persecution in their homeland. We gave them food, housing, education, money...more, and then they turned around to go back home on vacation! What?! Who was watching? The result of thsese failures is already hinting at a cause of lack of money and staffing. What it really is, is a lack of leadership, not recognizing the problem, political correctness, not using common sense, and just plain being stupid. We can thank God that we have not had more terrorist attacks in the United States because we have been lucky.

ISIS, and all the other Islamic terrorist organizations, want to kill Americans and destroy the United States. 
Yet our foreign policy has enabled them, we have set the entire Mid East on fire in a situation that threatens not only America, but the entire world. We attempted to install the Muslim Brotherhood, a known terrorist organization, in power in Egypt. It took the Egyptian people to throw them out. We concluded a still unclear agreement with Iran, the #1 exporter of terrorism in the world, who is directly responsible for the loss of many American lives. This agreement will not prevent a nuclear Iran, but enable it! They have already scoffed in our face, and are now in the process of testing missiles, their goal is long range. Get it? Their clear history is to violate agreements at will, no way will they live up to any restrictions. Everyone knows this except, apparently, our federal government. We can go on and on and on about the Mid East, suffice it to say that we have undermined the stability of the entire region and increased the threat of Islamic terrorism. Yet our government does not even want to recognize it.

Anarchy at our borders, anarchy in our communities, the failure of our federal government to take common sense steps to protect us, the existing threat of terrorism from within (already here), the, in effect, welcoming of terrorists from abroad. The failure, the refusal, of our federal government to recognize and define the problem.

The American people are in grave, grave danger to an extent never seen before.        


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Radical Islam Placed in Perspective

A Pew Research Demographic Study released April 2, 2015 reveals that the Muslim faith is the worlds fastest growing and is expected to increase by 73% by 2050. There are currently approximately 1.6 billion Muslims world wide and this will increase to nearly 2.8 billion by 2050 according to the study.

Research has shown that there are a variety of estimates on how many Muslims are actively involved in jihad, radical Islamic terrorism, but it can be estimated that it is roughly 7%. Some say this is a small number, but is it? This is 112 million radical Islamists, a very big number. (Over 1/3 of the population of the United States to put it in perspective.) Also, to give an attitudinal measure, estimates range from about 20 to 25% of Muslims are in agreement with radical Islam, even though they themselves may not participate. This is a whopping 320 to 400 million Muslims! (Equal to or greater than the entire population of the United States.)

Also, a high number of Muslims believe that they should be ruled by Sharia law. Of all legal systems in the world today, Islam's Sharia law is the most intrusive and strict, especially against women. Even worse it can call for amputation, marriage with female children, and even death for what many consider basic rights and freedoms.

It is inconceivable how anyone, especially in our government, as well as in the media, cannot recognize this as a major problem that is not only not going away, but increasing dramatically over the next several years. Radical Islam is real, barbaric, and evil, and is a threat to the United States and all free countries across the world.  

Monday, December 7, 2015

On Gun Control

Just to clarify, personally I hate guns. They are used to kill, maim, injure. But I worry more about those behind the guns who are mentally ill, criminal, or just plain evil and those who commit mass murders such as terrorists. So you want to take the guns away, or restrict them? What will they then use? Knives, axes, hammers, poison, gas, chemical weapons, fire, other?

There are over 350 million guns in the United States. Many of those who commit crimes and murder buy guns legally, many do not. The black market on guns is huge. Guns are like drugs, they are all over the place. If you legally restrict guns it is a guarantee that criminals and murderers will still get guns, almost at will. Do some research, you can make your own guns. One guy shows how you can build a hand gun in an hour. Another shows how you can even build an AK-47 automatic weapon! The world wide arms and gun market is immense. The United States is as guilty as anyone out there in providing arms worldwide...it is a huge lucrative market. So please, please, don't think that by passing restrictive gun laws that those who are mentally ill and intent on killing, those who are criminals, those that are evil...and terrorists aren't going to have access to guns. That is nothing more than a "feel good" illusion.

Let's take a look at the exact wording, the following text from the first ten amendments to the Constitution in its original form ratified December 15, 1791, known as the "Bill of Rights". Specific to this issue, Amendment II : A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Note that this Amendment was written by our Founders only 15 years after our own quest for freedom as a nation. Thus we should look at this issue, not only in regard to what it meant at that time, but with regard to what history has taught us about "bearing arms" throughout, up to even more modern times.

If you take away or restrict guns from law abiding citizens...then who has them? The answer is the criminals, murderers and the government. Note what Thomas Jefferson said specific to this (Commonplace Book quoting 18th century criminologist, Cesare Beccaria):
"The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailments; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."

Other than criminals and murderers, let's look at the other body that retains full capability with guns...our government! Let's stay away from partisan politics, but include both major political parties of our federal government. Do you trust them? Have you noticed more and more control over our personal lives? The loss of freedoms? The heavy taxation and then the massive waste and outright corruption with the use of our money? Our massive debt that will soon be over $20 trillion? A country divided and in chaos? Again, do you trust them?

In a letter to James Madison, December 20, 1787 Thomas Jefferson said: "What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms."

Throughout history, one of the first things that brutal, dictatorial regimes did was take guns away from their people. In 1938 Communist Chinese dictator, Moa Tze Tung said "All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party." In Nazi Germany, in the 1930's and early 40's, they took guns away from the people. In 1942 Adolf Hitler said " The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to carry arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so." In dictator Josef Stalin's Russia, 1924 - 1954, he said: "If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves". As a result of these dictatorships, millions upon millions of people were slaughtered at the hands of their own governments.

Uganda established gun control in 1970. As a result 300,000 Christians unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated. Pol Pot, in Cambodia, was responsible for killing over 1 million of his people who were disarmed. Need we go on?

I again ask you: Do you trust our federal government? Please keep in mind that in each of the nations mentioned above the people did not believe it could happen to them. It happened in, at first gradual, then accelerated steps. And then it was too late.

Our Founders did a masterful job in forming these United States. They were wise to call upon the failures of nations of the past. This 2nd Amendment: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed...exists to keep our country free, and for the individual protection of the people.

When you take away or restrict guns from law abiding citizens...that leaves those who want to commit crimes and murder who surely will still have access to weapons...a guarantee...and it leaves our government. For very good reason this was not the intent of our Founders.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Why Hillary Clinton Should NOT Be President

* Hillary Clinton was fired from the Watergate Committee by lifelong and respected Democrat, Jerry Zeifman, Chief of the House Judiciary Committee investigating the Watergate scandal. She was fired by Zeifman for being a liar and for unethical behavior.

* Hillary was involved in a fraudulent land scheme, Whitewater, while she was a partner in the Rose Law Firm in Arkansas. Some say she masterminded it. A key witness and financial partner of Hillary, Jim McDougal, was sent to prison and died there. Also with the Rose Law Firm were Webster Hubbell and Vince Foster. Hubbell was sent to prison for tax fraud; Vince Foster turned up dead in Fort Mercy Park, Virginia. There were some questions about his death, he was a material witness into the Whitewater Investigation.

* Hillary fired the head of the White House Travel Office, Billy Dale, based upon trumped up false charges. She then put in his place friends, Harry and Susan Thomas, so that they could reap the benefits of the government travel office. Billy Dale was later cleared of all her charges, but not before his life was virtually ruined. This came to be known as "Travelgate".

* In what became known as "Filegate" it was uncovered by the House Government and Reform Oversight Committee that Hillary had ordered up, without proper legal justification, more than 900 FBI files concerning the White House Travel Office scandal in an attempt to cover up this information. During this same Committee investigation it was discovered that Hillary and Bill Clinton also covered up and suppressed more than a million potentially incriminating E-mails.

* While Hillary, to this day, claims to be a champion of women's rights throughout her married life she has been an enabler of her husband toward the sexual harassment of women. She places political ambition ahead of women's dignity and rights. She knew that her husband was a philanderer and predator toward women. He used his high executive positions as Governor of Arkansas and President of the United States in order to gain or force sexual favor. This is sexual harassment at the highest level. Hillary not only enabled her husband in this illegal practice, she attacked the women who came out and disclosed his predatory actions. She called a very young Monica Lewinski a "narcissistic loony toon" as one example.

The Bill Clinton list is long: Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky, Gennifer Flowers, Kathleen Wiley, Elizabeth Ward Gracen, and Dolly Kyle. There are many more. Kathleen Wiley said of Hillary: "How can you be a champion of women's rights and turn around and do what she's done to women like me?" She said that Hillary ran an investigation and smear campaign aimed at discrediting her and claims she did it to other countless women. Hillary, a champion of women's rights?

* Nothing was more devastating to the United States as what happened during the Clinton Presidency as he was moving toward his 2nd term and money was needed for the Democratic Party and his reelection campaign. It has been called "Chinagate" and even though documented the full extent of it's damage to America for some reason has not been fully revealed. During this period of time Hillary was heavily involved, so much so that many considered her as "Co-President". She was said to be the mastermind of the scheme where the Clinton reelection campaign of 1996 took bribes from communist Chinese banks and their government in order to bankroll their reelection campaign. She had Secretary of Commerce, Ron Brown, sell seats to executives of major corporations who were seeking Chinese business on Department trade missions to China.

During this time VITAL secret US information was given to the Chinese including rocket, missile, and space technology, nuclear weapons technology, encryption technology, military logistics technology and more. Just before Bill Clinton left office he gave China perpetual Most Favored Nation trade status with America. Today we can see the fruits of all this where China has surged in their rocket and space programs and where they have dramatically improved militarily. We can also thank Bill and Hillary Clinton for the fact that practically everything that we buy in America today is "Made in China". The "Chinagate" scandal in late 1996 and early 1997 got to such a level that joint congressional hearings were empanelled. This along with the Monica Lewinsky scandal caused the whole thing to just drift away.

And then there is Sandy Berger, former National Security Adviser to Bill Clinton. In 1999 he was "criticized" for not disclosing the espionage that China had acquired the designs of several US nuclear warhead designs. Yet he knew about this in 1996. In 1998 a diversion took place, taking people off track. A Chinese / American scientist, Wen Ho Lee, was falsely accused of nuclear weapons espionage in giving information to China. This took attention away from the Clinton administration. Wen Ho Lee spent 9 months in prison without due process. Upon his release the federal judge apologized to him. In 2003 Sandy Berger was caught stealing documents out of the National Archives, stuffing them into his pants and socks. On all counts the Clinton's stood up for him, he got away with a misdemeanor charge. No matter, in Hillary's 2008 run for President, Sandy Berger was her Foreign Policy Advisor for her campaign.

* It is well documented and it has been extensively reported about Hillary's utter disdain for members of the White House Staff during the Clinton Presidency, including aids, Secret Service personnel, the FBI, and especially the military. She has been quoted as using the most profane foul language imaginable to the people around her...really degrading others. This should be a window into Hillary's true character.

* "I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base." Hillary Clinton giving a speech at George Washington University, March 17, 2008. Yet a number of media people present and nearly 100 accounts of her visit to Bosnia showed NO threats or sniper fire whatsoever on her visit. Telling the truth...or not...is a measure of character.

* Hillary Clinton. as Secretary of State had a direct responsibility for US Embassies and for Consulates. This includes their funding, staffing, and protection. Yet the Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, a very dangerous and volatile region of the world, was grossly under protected....even with forewarnings of dangers. In addition it was September 11. Yet the Consulate was attacked by organized terrorist action on that day and our Ambassador and 3 other Americans were murdered. Hillary and the Obama administration knew that evening that it was an organized terrorist attack. Yet for political purpose they chose to lie about it to the American people and tell us it was a spontaneous outbreak caused by a You Tube video. Hillary not only lied, she sent her report, US Ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, out to 5 major TV networks to perpetuate the lie. Hillary then proceeded to lie to the families of the deceased Americans when their coffins were returned to the US.

* As Secretary of State she conducted correspondence, some top secret, on her private E-mail server. She then lied about it, and destroyed thousands of E-mails. Many believe she committed felonies by her actions. She put the United States at risk by using private E-mails, easy for foreign governments to intercept.

* The Clinton Foundation is fraught with many highly questionable monetary transactions. Money flowed into the Foundation after Russian sources were enabled to acquire uranium. The "charity" took in more than $140 million in grants in 2013, but spent just $9 million on direct charitable aid. The bulk of its windfall is spent on administration, travel, salaries, and bonuses, with the majority going to family friends. It is on the Charity Navigator's "watch list". Highly questionable, while Secretary of State the Foundation accepted contributions from foreign governments.

* As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton was highly instrumental in installing the Muslim Brotherhood in leadership in Egypt. Her multiple public remarks made it appear that the Muslim Brotherhood were as innocuous as the Boy Scouts, yet they were a known terrorist organization. After a short while the Muslim Brotherhood leadership was thrown out of office by the Egyptian people as they attempted to install a dictatorial government under Sharia law.

We are at the crossroads in American history. I cannot recall our great country being so low. Yet we have in front of us an opportunity, perhaps a last chance to save our country by placing good leadership in the highest office.

I ask you to look at the facts above and ask yourself...Is this the type of person that you want to lead our country?