Monday, November 14, 2016

Who is REALLY Behind Protests ?

I am going to start and end with the questions: Where is the media? Where is the Justice Department? Where is Congress? Where are those who direct law enforcement?

There is a clear template, a clear pattern behind MANY of the protests, riots , destruction of property, and even harm of human life that has been taking place across the country.

Certainly in America people have a right to peaceful protest. But some, if not a lot, go far beyond that. Here is the template that is repeated over and over and is pretty consistent.

1) An organization or group initiates the protest with a cause. In many cases the organization cares little about the protest cause, they just wish to create unrest in America, even bring down our country. Few are spontaneous although they try to make it appear that way,

2) Behind the scenes the protest is funded. Paid leaders or instigators are dispatched.

3) The leaders rile up a group of many people, some very well intentioned that feel strongly, but are misled by a false or grossly exaggerated premise. The organization behind the protest USE the people who protest.

4) The media fully supports the protests, even riots and physical harm to people because it supports THEIR agenda. They will even seek out outliers in the group and make them news to prove their point.

5) In many cases major felonies are committed, including violations of federal law since they go from state to state. A recent example is at Trump protests where George Soro's paid people interfered with the Presidential Election process, caused violence and harm to people, took advantage of paid mentally challenged people, destroyed property, and prevented a legitimate rally in Chicago. All illegal.

6) Many of the current movements, protests, riots, destruction of property, and physical harm to people are instigated and paid for by George Soro's type of organizations. His real goal is to bring down the United States in favor of a one world government. He cares little about the supposed cause, he just uses people.

We have currently going on across the country protests, riots, and destruction of property over not accepting the democratic process in the selection of a President. You will see more and more protests, riots, destruction of property, harm to life, for various supposed "causes".


Major felonies, state and federal, are being committed. Treason and sedition are regularly being committed in our country. Where is the media? Where is the Justice Department? Where is Congress? Where are those who direct law enforcement? 

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Media / Journalism MUST Be Looked At Part 2

Previously I raised the obvious problem of the Media today and journalism, and how it is hurting America. I would be glad to send you Part 1 if you so wish. I promised specific examples, here they are. Media bias is VERY obvious to the average person paying attention. Let's give some specific examples.

During the presidential election the media couldn't have been more biased against Donald Trump. Information in E-mails revealed that they were colluding together in order to defeat Trump. The Washington Post alone sent out 20 reporters, not to gather news, but to specially dig out dirt on Trump. CNN was guilty of giving Hillary Clinton the questions before the debate and it was OBVIOUS that she was able to research the answers. This was more than just Donna Brazile, other CNN people HAD to be involved to GIVE her the questions in advance. Other media sources such as the NY Times, as well as the Washington Post, would give the Clinton campaign the ability to review, change,and approve stories before they were published. The collusion was obvious since on a daily basis they would come out with the SAME story, using the same words and phrases. At the same time they were attacking Trump, they covered up and did not report the long history of corruption, obvious lies, and illegal actions of Hillary Clinton, a whole reservoir of available real news information. An honest media would have reported all this.They purposely DID NOT report it or covered it very lightly, mostly covered it up.

ABC News was one news organization that obviously falsified polls in order to influence public opinion against Trump, using a psychological propaganda approach. (They had Trump behind by 12% in polls !) . Other media polls were highly questionable as to motive, since they all had Hillary winning, some by large margins. The biggest joke is that the Real Clear Politics Average Poll was supposed to be the most accurate. Yet if you looked at what they were "averaging" it was many of the warped media polls! (Average garbage and you get garbage.)

The media gave Hillary Clinton overwhelmingly positive press, so much so that it was equivalent to a multi billion dollar free marketing campaign in her favor. AOL News / The Huffington Post gave her a constant stream of favorable press while attacking Trump. Even photos showed favorable pictures of her while attacking Trump and using unflattering photos of him...and old photo trick to create an impression through photography. CBS long in advance of the campaign yet in anticipation of it, began a television series entitled Madame Secretary to glamorize her position as Secretary of State. The intent was obvious. One can go on and on but there are hundreds of examples of a biased media. All this is not news and it is irresponsible in a democracy.

The anti-Trump post election protests and even riots with destruction of property have been brought about in part by the media itself. The signs of the protesters take media untrue or grossly exaggerated accusations and use them as the cause of their protest. One is calling him a "racist". He is not. This came from Trump simply asking the question about President Obama's birth, something he has a complete right to do. Obama's past was kept very vague from the American people (with the help of the media). This included his college background, marks and papers; his 19 year attendance at the VERY radical Reverend Wright's Church; his "community organizing", his association with the very corrupt ACORN; His friendship and association with the frightful domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers...and more. Any citizen of the United States has a perfect right to asks questions, particularly under these circumstances. Another untruth floated by the media and evidenced by protester signs is that the "military is concerned about Trump". In fact the exact opposite is true, the military has been 250% behind Trump form the very beginning. Thus the media helps create unrest, protests and riots, since THEY do not like the Trump victory. They are actually complicit with the protests, feeding falsities and innuendos that incite people. Also the media should be investigating George Soros and his role in the protests.

Let's look at billionaire George Soros and what is NOT reported by the media. His stated objective is to bring about a one world government. In order to do so he has to bring down the United States. He funds or help fund close to 100 organizations aimed toward his objectives. In the recent presidential election paid representatives from his organizations caused disturbances and near riots in order to upset Trump rallies. Even making it appear that they were Trump people who caused them. He was successful in stopping a rally in Chicago through paid people. These actions are felonies! He also is behind many "protest" groups, those that cause a civil disturbance, destroy property, even cause physical harm. The leaders of many of the "Occupy" , "Black Lives Matter", anti-police riots, current anti-Trump protests, and other major disturbances across our country have paid "Soros" instigators behind them. Soros paid $400,000 in Massachusetts alone in order to legalize drugs. A dumbed up population is good toward his objective. An honest media should be exposing the heck out of this guy with solid investigative reporting. They do not because much of his actions agree with the ideological objectives of the media. This is NOT a responsible media. Soros should be in prison for the rest of his life committing felony, after felony, after felony through the use of his wealth. Again the media is irresponsible with failing to bring out the truth.

Let's go back in time for a moment. Around 2008 / 2009 a grass roots movement started to spread across America called the "Tea Party Movement". This immediately became a threat to the media and their agenda since they were everyday people, next door neighbor types, that were fed up with both the direction of our country and the media bias. They HAD to be discredited and that is just what the media did. They went out and searched for one person amongst the thousands who had a tee shirt on, anything that might be considered as controversial and labeled the Tea Party as radicals. Absolutely not true, but this is exactly what they did. The other trick is to ignore and not give coverage, even though it definitely was news. There were even paid instigators at some of the rallies, and this is who the media covered and highlighted. On September 11, 2009 there were approximately 2,000 people gathered at the Capitol Building, in the rain, in Hartford, CT. This should have been significant local news. Yet the next day newspapers, including the Hartford Courant, hardly even mentioned it. The net was the media, who discredited the Tea Party, a group that represented a strong voice of a large portion of the population.

In bringing about the Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade, a corrupt media helped bring about this landmark decision. Dr. Bernard Nathanson, a founder of the abortion NARL group told the story of how they would just make up stories and numbers supporting their cause and the media would print it as truth, without checking out the facts...which were false. (There is a whole chapter of this in the book, "The Marketing of Evil.") In regard to Planned Parenthood, the media covers up non favorable news such as selling baby body parts and promotes the organization as if were doing the greatest service ever to humankind as they take the lives of over 330,000 babies per year, the worst holocaust in human history. The media protects abortion as if it were the "Holy Grail". There are many unreported horrors related to abortion that the media does not report or covers up.

There are thousands of examples of the media, with the sacred right given them to report the real news in an unbiased manner, and yet they abuse this right with purposeful propaganda. Several years ago there were reports of the NY Times, the Boston Globe, and other media sources as going bankrupt. The reason is that the American people knowing of their bias stopped buying their newspaper, or listening or watching. These media sources blame it on the Internet and social media because they cannot face up to the truth. I ASK YOU TO FOLLOW THE MONEY. If they were going bankrupt 3 or 4 years ago how is it that they are still in business still operating as normal??? Could it be that someone, or some organization is funding them to stay alive, as long as they report the DESIRED news? Think about this, if they were going did they survive?

Part 3 of this series will be forthcoming. What America and the American people MUST do in order to bring the media back to their intended purpose under the First Amendment as the watchdog of our nation in reporting relevant, factual, and unbiased news. 

Friday, November 11, 2016

Media / Journalism MUST Be Looked At: Part 1

If there was one thing that came through crystal clear during the election campaign was the major problem that exists today in America with the media. The media is now at a point where they are destructive to our very foundation as a democracy and as a free country. They continually violate their sacred duty as given by the First Amendment concerning freedom of the press. Their duty to act as a "watchdog" in making sure truth and facts come out in regard to situations, people, candidates, and our government. They not only purposely fail with this duty, they do just the opposite...they become complicit with wrongdoing and view everything that they report through a narrow ideological window. There is no longer "news" in America, but propaganda and even untruths aimed at influencing people and minds. They become a multi billion dollar marketing arm for an ideology, a cause, a person or group, or a government administration. They purposely warp minds.

It starts with our colleges and universities, and the Schools of Journalism. The total atmosphere of colleges today lacks balance with the administration and faculties consisting of 80 to 90% of those leaning to the left, even the far left. It is one thing for an individual to be so disposed, it is another to transmit this into their teaching...and this is exactly what they do. They do it overtly and they do it subtly through many different methods, imposing their views upon students and within the programs that they teach. It becomes more than just propaganda, it becomes brainwashing. This has to stop.

Then there is the management of the various media sources, whether it be a newspaper, magazine, a television network, or an online Internet source. Again, a very high percent of management is left or far left leaning. It goes without saying, an employee wants to please his or her boss. This is where their paycheck comes from and their career opportunities. Thus they will tend to write and report what the boss wants, that is human nature, especially when it comes to "food on the table".

The net result of all of the above is a totally corrupt media, and that is exactly what we have in America today. This was HIGHLY exhibited throughout this recent election campaign. America will not be what it can be if this media situation is not corrected. We must all work to make sure this happens...a return to true journalism, a return to the intention of the First Amendment to the Constitution.

This will be followed up with specific examples that show and prove the case of a destructive to America media. And that will be followed with specific recommendations on what we must do to solve this serious problem. It is time to act.