Saturday, May 30, 2009

Heroes Within America's Financial Crisis

The financial crisis in the United States, believe it or not, is worse than being reported. As our reported national debt accelerates rapidly beyond $11.3 trillion, our real debt is actually multiples of that. As reported in USA Today (May 29, 2009) our real debt when you include the liabilities of Social Security, Medicare, and the military / civil servant retirement programs places our debt in the vicinity of $63.8 trillion. The hole has become so deep that it is very difficult to even imagine how we as a nation can ever dig out of it.
If this information isn't depressing enough, a recent report (May 18, 2009) by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities shows that at least 47 states are facing serious financial difficulties, shortfalls in their budgets. Across the nation the shortfalls projected from the states out to 2011 are estimated at $350 billion. With the immense spending and deficit at the federal level, and 47 states in serious financial trouble it is very difficult to visualize anything positive since we have compounding effects.
There is however, a small ray of hope. We have three states that seem to be managing their state's finances...Wyoming, Montana, and North Dakota. What is the common thread so we can all learn from their success while the rest of the nation is failing, in some cases miserably? Research on the success has shown that it starts with excellent leadership, with the respective Governors, Freudenthal (Wyoming), Schweitzer (Montana), and Hoeven (North Dakota). Not that it matters but they are 2 Democrats and a Republican. The first thing that you sense is that their approach is bi partisan. They really seem to care deeply about their states and their people and that is the overriding factor.
All three Governors were born in their state and are keenly aware of all aspects of business, agriculture, the economy, the people, and issues concerning their respective states. They all have excellent educational backgrounds, but just as important they have experience as managers and leaders. All three have experience in financial management, including project and budget control. Real world financial management experience should be a pre-requisite for any candidate that takes on the massive responsibility of running a state government. It is also readily evident that all three governors are strategic thinkers, not knee jerk reaction leaders. They all have a strategy and a plan for their states...a REALISTIC plan.
While many states plan on phantom income, placing it right in their budgets, Governor David D. Freudenthal of Wyoming shows how it should be done. Even though there were optimistic revenue projections, he planned for up 5 to 10% cuts in state agencies. Yet he has a plan, a strategy for the state and covers such important areas such as children and families, energy, education, health care, infrastructure, jobs, etc.
While managing his budget, Governor Brain Schweitzer of Montana is a leading national voice for clean and green American energy sources. He has created more jobs at higher wages than any time in the history of the state. While managing the budget he has nor only cut taxes, but given a $400 rebate to Montana homeowners. He has invested in education and children's quality health care. And it goes on from there.
Governor John Hoeven of North Dakota has a strategy on six pillars of growth: education, economic development, agriculture, energy, technology, and quality of life. He has been able to expand and diversify the economy, adding thousands of jobs. Personal income growth in North Dakota has outpaced the national average. North Dakota has a strong financial reserve, unheard of in today's economic climate. The current budget focuses on programs to stimulate the state's economy, including property and income tax relief, enhanced funding for education, and helping North Dakota families. It goes on and on with such things as renewable energy programs, Centers for Excellence that combines education and economic development, and more.
It is readily evident that at the Federal government level, as well as the state level, we are not doing it right as far as managing the financial condition of our country. Yet we have as examples three shining rays of how to do it right from the northwestern region of our country. It starts with the quality of our representation, as well as their backgrounds and experience to lead. Sound and realistic strategies and plans are needed. Financial management experience as well as common sense is required. Such basics as money out should be equal to or less than money in need to apply. (Dave Freudenthal cuts costs even when income looks positive.)
We have in the northwest three hero governors who are showing us how to do it right. The federal government and all states should learn from them.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

America Headed Toward Socialism / Police State

The handwriting is clear as a bell if people would only wake up and pay attention. In just four months the Obama administration has taken our country to the verge of bankruptcy with the largest spending bill in the history of the world, using taxpayer money. Please remember that a weakened country is easier to take over, weakened to the extent that the 50 states and all of us as individuals become nearly fully dependent upon the federal government. In this short time much more power and control has been gathered at the federal level. Our government is in the process of taking ownership and control over 2 of our largest auto companies and several of our largest banks and financial institutions. These have always been considered the backbone of our country and our economy. The federal government is dictating management direction and policy within these institutions, as well. If that in itself isn't a wake up call, it continues. Legislation is being rammed through Congress that will limit our freedoms, hand strap business, and concentrate even more power at the federal level.

In a swift and mysterious move earlier this year the Obama administration seized control of U.S. Census. It now is controlled by the White House. This should also be a major wake up call if one looks at the ramifications of this move. Census taking has historically been the responsibility of the Commerce Department and under Title 13 of the US Code has been required to be free from politics. This intention has now been violated. This gives the White House the opportunity to manipulate congressional redistricting, the allocation of federal funds, and even the composition of the Electoral College. Just think about that for a second. It gets even worse. The White House has contracted ACORN to assist in the taking of the census count. This is the organization, with close ties to Obama, that has been involved in wide spread voter fraud, as well as other illegal and questionable activities. And they are going to assist in the taking and counting of the Census?

Still further, now that the Census is being controlled by the White House, the propaganda being fed us at this time is that the 2010 Census should be the easiest since it first started in 1790, it will only take about 10 minutes. What they don't tell you is that accompanying the Census is the "American Community Survey" that will be the most intrusive and detailed gathering of information on individuals in our nations history. It should be shocking to everyone, there should be outrage over the ACS. You will be required to give everything from a mini income tax report to such things as your physical, emotional, and mental state, how many autos you have, what you pay for electric, gas, what time you leave home in the morning, a full description of your home and rooms, whether you have a toilet, etc., etc. One question that stands out if you understand the implications is whether you own your home free and clear. This is nothing more than a set up, because if you do own your home free and clear, in the future you will be required to pay additional tax since you aren't paying enough money. This is all part of the socialist distribution of wealth scheme.

With the White House control of the US Census and all of the associated ramifications we are definitely running the risk of what Joseph Stalin said, "Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who who count the votes decide everything." Do you trust the White House and ACORN with the counting?

Daily, step by step, we are losing our freedoms and our great democracy. We are headed toward becoming a country of the government, by the government and for the government. The name of this blog was purposely selected as Fighting for Freedom and Democracy. This is not a Democrat or Republican party thing, this is about the future and survival of our country. All Americans should be standing up, speaking up, and fighting for our country. We are now at that point. The drive toward socialism and becoming a police state is accelerating at a very fast pace. During the presidential campaign Obama referred on several occasions to "new mobile development teams", his "peacetime army", a "civil police force", and a "civilian force". Look at the handwriting, it is clear. Act now, it may be too late later.

Winston Churchill said, "There can be no doubt that Socialism is inseparably interwoven with totalitarianism and the abject worship of the state…Socialism is in its essence an attack not only on British enterprise, but upon the right of ordinary men and women to breathe freely without having a harsh, clammy, clumsy, tyrannical hand clasped across their mouth and nostrils. "

It is time to wake up.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

While You Were Sleeping

Cadillac by GM (Government Motors)

While you were sleeping the federal government took your money and confiscated General Motors and is now holding 70% control of the company. When they saw how well that they had done they confiscated 20% more, using your money, and gave it to the Auto Workers Union.

In socialism they call it "public" ownership of property. The word "public" is used to sort of pacify people since it appears that you own it. What it REALLY means is that they use your money and it is not publicly owned, but GOVERNMENT owned. You have no say in it whatsoever.

To say socialism is occurrring in America is an extremist view, ridiculous, far out, crazy to even mention, guess what? The early stages of socialism are already upon us and it is accelerating at a very fast rate. The Founders of our country must be turning over in their graves. They warned against this very thing happening as an affront to our freedoms and democracy. Daily, more and more is being centrally controlled by our federal government while our states get weaker and weaker. In addition to the auto industry, we have government control of some of our largest banks and financial institutions. The largest spending in the history of the world is taking place using taxpayer money and not only do we have no opportunity to object, but our elected representatives approve the spending without even reading the legislation. Through various other legislation and Washington action our freedoms are slowly being taken away.

Winston Churchill warned, "It is not alone that property, in all its forms, is struck at, but that liberty, in all its forms, is challenged by the fundamental conceptions of socialism."

Wake up America, and start voicing your objections in all ways possible before it is too late. This is not a Republican or Democratic thing. We are talking about the survival of our country and our free and democratic society.

Alberto Gonzales OK, Sonia Sotomayor NOT OK??

It was perfectly OK to criticize and attack Alberto Gonzales as Attorney General, even though he was the first Hispanic AG, because he was a Bush appointee and a concern by the media or anyone else about any backlash...

However, it is NOT OK to criticize the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor as Supreme Court Justice because she is Hispanic and there might be some backlash, the media and some talking heads warn us. This is the case even though she ruled in favor of reverse discrimination as a judge, AND she was caught implying that it is OK for judges to legislate from the bench in violation of the Constitution. Does anyone see any hypocrisy here?

Tea Parties Represent Deep Concern of Americans

All Tea Party Photos by Alfredo

The Tea Parties across our nation where thousands of people participated represented the deep concern quickly spreading across America. Those participating with this grass roots showing of concern were young and old, Republicans and Democrats, people of different races and ethnic backgrounds. Yet the media wrongly labeled them as crazy right wing radicals, racists, and other derogatory terms. The media, except for Fox News, also failed to cover this outpouring of concern, essentially attempted to ignore it, as did the current administration in Washington. Yet if it were a left wing cause where 5 people gathered on a street corner it would have been front page "news" to the main stream media. Fortunately, people do understand how today's media works and that is why circulation and viewership have dramatically shifted downward.

The people at the Tea Parties were very friendly and orderly, nonetheless the common thread was very deep concern about the current course and future direction of our country. Universally people are concerned about out of control spending and a Congress that approved the largest spending legislation in the history of the world, without even reading it. They are concerned about too much control at the federal government level over business, banking, the auto industry, and their personal lives. They are concerned over inevitable higher taxes and the cost of living. They are concerned about loss of jobs. And they are concerned about the loss of personal freedoms. There is an anger over Washington, with both parties, and the lack of responsible represenation. Yes, there also is a deep concern over the media, their strong bias, their failure to report the truth and objectively report the real news that Americans deserve in a democracy such as ours.
The "radicals" at the Tea Parties were grandmothers deeply concerned about the future of their grandchildren. The "crazies" were young people very concerned about their immediate future and that of their country. The "right wingers" were democrats, some of whom were having second thoughts about voting for Obama. If the media had correctly and objectively covered the Tea Parties they would have sensed the deep concern of ALL Americans and the grass roots level simmering movement that will only get stronger as time goes on.

Prayer That Will End Abortion

Prayer to Blessed Mother Teresa

For an End to Abortion

Blessed Mother Teresa, throughout your life you

cared for sick, unwanted and dying children.

You frequently spoke out against the evils of

abortion. We now ask for your prayers and

intercession for a final end to this great sin

against God and humanity. Please pray for

the conversion of political leaders, the medical

profession, and for all people. Let their eyes,

minds, and hearts be open so that they come

to realize what a great atrocity this is. Through

prayer and love help us to bring about a final end to abortion.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hate Crimes Legislation Dangerous to America

The federal "hate crimes" Bill HR 1913 is dangerous to America. Currently all people are equally protected by both state and federal laws against various crimes. What the hate crimes bill does is offer super protection to selected groups of people, and is totally unnecessary, since they are already protected. The result of passing this bill will center even more power in the federal government over American citizens and will restrict freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and even freedom of thought. This is a very dangerous and unnecessary bill. It violates the “equal protection of the laws” by protecting some selected groups of people more than others, thus violating the 14th Amendment.

Just to show how dangerous it is, Canadian Parliament passed Bill C-250 that includes sexual orientation in the hate propaganda of the Criminal Code. What it does is allow prosecution of anyone who even comments publicly on sexual morality. The evangelical fellowship in Canada has said it endangers faith groups’ freedom to read, preach and distribute sacred texts and to publicly discuss and comment on sexual morality. In essence what it has done is declare sections of the Bible, and many religious beliefs and teachings illegal, as hate crimes. Think about that and how far down hill things have gone. In Canada Roman Catholic Bishop, Fred Henry, was brought before the Alberta Human Rights Commission for sending a letter to parishioners stating the Church’s position on same sex marriage. One Canadian citizen commented, “We were once a catacomb Church and could end up that way again”. (Reference to the necessity of an underground Church in the days of the Romans.)

Similar "hate crimes" legislation was passed in countries such as England, Ireland, Sweden, Belgium, Spain and more. (Socialist Europe). Cardinal Varela of Spain was prosecuted for preaching against homosexuality in a homily in the Madrid Cathedral. Reverend Ake Green in Sweden was sentenced to one month in prison for a sermon concerning Biblical references to homosexuality. Cardinal Gustaaf Joos of Belgium was sued for discrimination for his comments in a magazine regarding the Church’s teaching on homosexuality. Stop! Think! Imagine! Religious leaders or anyone can be prosecuted for simply stating Biblical references, for their religious beliefs. So much for freedom of speech and freedom for religion...or even freedom of thought.

Congress doesn't read legislation and people are ill informed about this bill that is dangerous to our freedoms. It would be a further step in the present trend toward concentrating more power in the federal government over the lives of the American people. It would restrict freedom of speech, freedom of religion..even to the extent of referring to the Bible, freedom of thought and more. It violates the 14th Amendment. This bill would be still another step toward undercutting our Constitution and our democracy in America.

Massachusetts Sales Tax Increase Will Backfire

One of the MA state senators said that a sales tax increase was a very fair way to increase taxes. He is out of touch with reality. The wealthy could care less if the sales tax is 5% or 6.25%, it has little significance to them. It does however significantly affect the average working person, the poor, and the elderly on a fixed income. It is still another financial burden to them, already trying to make ends meet.

In addition, the sales tax increase is short sighted and without regard to the strategic long term effects on state income. In the past many people from Connecticut, and other bordering states used to come to Massachusetts to shop. This will come to a screeching halt. Further, retailers were not listened to when they warned that a sales tax increase will have a major negative impact on their business. This will mean less business for them, loss of jobs, and some businesses closing or moving out of state. Please note that unemployment in the private business sector (non government jobs) is already 10% in Massachusetts. This will get worse.

Desperate to make up for lack of rational financial planning, MA state government is grasping for straws and short sighted, fueled by non strategic money grabbing from Massachusetts citizens. For the reasons stated above, this will all backfire and the net result will be less income for the state, not more.

Buy Ford

All of us need to support American owned business that manufactures in America. Ford stands out as offering quality vehicles and seems to be well managed. Ford also refused bail out money, which also has to be highly admired. AND they are NOT government / union owned. We should buy and support Ford.

If Not Guantanamo, Where?

Unfortunately it looks like we will be engaged for some time in some form of anti-terrorism conflict or war. During this time we will no doubt capture enemies in battle, or terrorists who want to destroy the United States. What should we do with them? Do we shoot them (not implying that we should), release them, or detain them?

If we detain them and have closed Guantanamo, where should we put them? Has anyone thought that far out yet? It appears not.

The Ultimate Hypocrisy?

President Obama is strongly opposed to the waterboarding of terrorists when necessary to protect the United States, but supports partial birth abortion and allowing "born alive" babies to die if not outright killing them.

Which Heartbeat Do You Prefer?

The media attacked Sarah Palin during the presidential campaign, implying she was unqualified, warning she was only a heartbeat away from the presidency. What this has given us instead is Joe Biden who is one heartbeat and Nancy Pelosi who is only 2 heartbeats away from the presidency. Which heartbeat do you prefer?

Credit Card Holders Fight Back

The new Credit Card Bill signed by President Obama, originating from the Senate Banking Committee, chaired by Senator Christopher Dodd, is still another situation where those who are responsible and pay their bills on time are punished financially in favor of those who don't. Congress approves these Bills without even reading them, or knowing what's in them. Banks are expected to look at reviving annual fees, curtailing cash-back and other rewards programs and charging interest immediately on a purchase. If you pay your credit card on time and in full you still will be charged finance fees. Edward L. Yingling, the chief executive of the American Bankers Association, which has been lobbying Congress for more lenient legislation on behalf of the nation’s biggest banks recently said: “Those that manage their credit well will in some degree subsidize those that have credit problems.” Here we go again, this is similar to bail out of mortgage forfeiters at the expense of taxpayers. Not wasting any time to take advantage of this CITI Group is ALREADY charging finance charges on credit card holders that pay in full and on time.

This time however there is an opportunity for people to stand up and fight. Here is what is recommended.

Monitor very closely all charges on your credit card statement. If they start to charge finance charges for paying on time stop using that card. Do not cancel it to begin with since unbelievably that affects your credit rating. If they try to charge an annual fee cancel it, anyway.

Use the cards that DON'T charge finance charges, if any. It may be better to use credit cards issued by local banks. Local banks can use this as an opportunity to improve their business by simply being fair to customers. There is little question the larger banks will attempt to take advantage of this.

Try using an American Express card since they have always required to pay in full. If they begin adding finance charges stop using that too.

Use your debit card, but still looking for any finance charges on that.

Begin paying in cash more, or by check.

People are urged to fight back on this by following the above recommendations. Most importantly card holders need to look at their statements very critically and question anything that doesn't look right.

In our book, charging someone a finance charge for paying on time and in full is nothing short of stealing. Americans need to start standing up and fighting for their rights and fair treatment. This is an opportunity to do it.