Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hate Crimes Legislation Dangerous to America

The federal "hate crimes" Bill HR 1913 is dangerous to America. Currently all people are equally protected by both state and federal laws against various crimes. What the hate crimes bill does is offer super protection to selected groups of people, and is totally unnecessary, since they are already protected. The result of passing this bill will center even more power in the federal government over American citizens and will restrict freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and even freedom of thought. This is a very dangerous and unnecessary bill. It violates the “equal protection of the laws” by protecting some selected groups of people more than others, thus violating the 14th Amendment.

Just to show how dangerous it is, Canadian Parliament passed Bill C-250 that includes sexual orientation in the hate propaganda of the Criminal Code. What it does is allow prosecution of anyone who even comments publicly on sexual morality. The evangelical fellowship in Canada has said it endangers faith groups’ freedom to read, preach and distribute sacred texts and to publicly discuss and comment on sexual morality. In essence what it has done is declare sections of the Bible, and many religious beliefs and teachings illegal, as hate crimes. Think about that and how far down hill things have gone. In Canada Roman Catholic Bishop, Fred Henry, was brought before the Alberta Human Rights Commission for sending a letter to parishioners stating the Church’s position on same sex marriage. One Canadian citizen commented, “We were once a catacomb Church and could end up that way again”. (Reference to the necessity of an underground Church in the days of the Romans.)

Similar "hate crimes" legislation was passed in countries such as England, Ireland, Sweden, Belgium, Spain and more. (Socialist Europe). Cardinal Varela of Spain was prosecuted for preaching against homosexuality in a homily in the Madrid Cathedral. Reverend Ake Green in Sweden was sentenced to one month in prison for a sermon concerning Biblical references to homosexuality. Cardinal Gustaaf Joos of Belgium was sued for discrimination for his comments in a magazine regarding the Church’s teaching on homosexuality. Stop! Think! Imagine! Religious leaders or anyone can be prosecuted for simply stating Biblical references, for their religious beliefs. So much for freedom of speech and freedom for religion...or even freedom of thought.

Congress doesn't read legislation and people are ill informed about this bill that is dangerous to our freedoms. It would be a further step in the present trend toward concentrating more power in the federal government over the lives of the American people. It would restrict freedom of speech, freedom of religion..even to the extent of referring to the Bible, freedom of thought and more. It violates the 14th Amendment. This bill would be still another step toward undercutting our Constitution and our democracy in America.

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