Sunday, March 21, 2010

Healthcare, Against Our Will

The passing of the healthcare bill is a turning point for America. It gives the federal government major control over our lives and a major step toward socialism . Not only will healthcare be worse, but it will necessarily lead to rationing, and be very detrimental to the health and care of seniors. Despite what is said, it will be the final nail in the coffin in accomplishing the bankruptcy of our country. Every federal program has cost many multiples of what had been initially stated, this one is no different. It will end up costing trillions of dollars during a time where we are fighting for economic survival. In addition to controlling all aspects of our healthcare, incorporated in the bill are all kinds of add on controls over the lives of the American people that have nothing to do with healthcare. These will soon become evident.

The process of getting this bill approved was as corrupt as any bill in our history. Bribes using taxpayer money, threats, lies, and every kind of underhanded tactic imaginable. Most importantly, with total arrogance, they cared nothing about what the American people wanted or thought. This can be considered a forerunner of what to expect in the future.

Socialism isn't just another harmless ideology, it is designed to give government total control over the lives of people while "taking care of us" at some lower level of existence. With socialism, always, a ruling elite emerges. Sooner or later people wake up and find out they don't like their lives totally controlled and being taken care of at this lower level of existence. The human spirit, dignity, a desire for freedom and free will takes over. It is then when this ruling elite become stronger and stronger in order to keep control. Eventually even force is used. Obama has frequently mentioned the requirement of a "civilian army". What do you think that this means? It should be obvious. Eventually, in order to keep control, socialism will evolve to a totalitarian dictatorial state. It will become a police state. People's lives will be miserable in this condition.

We had in America, the most ideal form of a representative democracy in the history of humankind. We were given the gift of this system of government and our freedoms as guaranteed by our wonderful Constitution. This will now, step by step, begin to erode. More legislation is on the horizon that make this happen and it will occur before we know what hit us. This is their plan until total control is gained.

We have now only one very limited thread of a chance. It is almost already too late. That is for ALL people to speak up and to become activists to protect our country. We need to follow each and every upcoming election very carefully and that includes local, state, and federal levels of government. We need to be fully informed and vote those responsible out of office. We are involved with a race for time. Those now in power know this and are doing everything possible in attempting to to nullify our vote through such things as manipulating census information, voter intimidation and fraud, more forced legislation, and other means. We need to encourage good people to run for elective office, everything from such things as local school boards, to every level of local, state, and federal government. We are in a race for time to take back our country. We have already lost a great deal of control over our country and our freedoms.

All of us need to act, nobody can sit back. If not for yourself, do it for those that you love, for your families, for your children, and your grandchildren. The handwriting is clear. One would have to be blind not to see it. Do not sit back at this time. Be informed, act, vote!

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