Thursday, November 25, 2010

Finding Our Own Calcutta

We hear so much today about the closings and struggles of soup kitchens, community centers for the needy, shelters for the homeless, and centers for helping children in our local areas. This should never be. The most immediate and powerful form of charity is that of direct help. This includes needed food, clothing and goods; money donations; volunteer services; and volunteering personal time to help. We should not just sit back and rely upon "the government" or think that some other wealthy people or organizations are going to provide the needed support for these organizations. IT SHOULD COME FROM US...ALL OF US, the everyday people and families of our own areas.

Today, more than ever, our personal help and support are desperately needed. The poor economy has pushed multitudes more into the needy category and these help centers are overwhelmed. Mother Teresa, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize for her charitable work, when asked by people who wanted to help in her work in Calcutta, would say, "Find your own Calcutta. Find the sick, the suffering, the lonely, right there where you are". (Right in your own area.)

Think about what she said. You don't have to go to far off lands...our Calcutta exists right in our own localities. Also think about if each region of our country, and those across the world, reached out to those right in their own areas, what a better world it would be. This does not exclude us from helping others in need in far off places, it simply says, start right at home.

We should NOT ALLOW these needy organizations to struggle, or even the thought of closing when so many today are in need of help. Particularly during this holiday season, we should re-commit ourselves to supporting these direct help organizations, through the very best form of our direct charity.

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