Thursday, December 23, 2010

Letter to Senator Scott Brown on START Vote

To: Senator Scott Brown December 23, 2010

Dear Senator Brown:

This is to let you know of my extreme disappointment for your vote in favor of the START Treaty. Instead of allowing time for due consideration with the new Congress you allowed the Obama administration to again rush and ram through legislation under a false banner of end of year urgency...and you fell for it.

Worse, by your vote you allowed Russia to dictate the terms on a treaty that is detrimental to the safety and security of the United States. While we reduce our nuclear capability, Russia has been given an opportunity to increase their strength against us. Any concessions by them are meaningless, since as history has proven...they always cheat and renege on their agreements.

The worst part of this so called "Treaty" is the fact that we have given up our right to defend ourselves!! If nothing else was evident to you about how bad this Treaty is, all logic and common sense are absent on your part... how in the world could you EVER vote to give up our right to self defense?!

By your voting record you are fast becoming the Olympia Snowe of Massachusetts. All of us who worked so hard to get you elected have effectively been spit upon. We will remember you at re-election time.

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