Golf ball size hail in Arizona causing severe damage to cars and homes. Unheard of. Thousands of birds falling dead from the skies over Beebe, Arkansas. No explanation, or lame ones like saying it was caused by "fireworks". Many strange and unprecedented weather patterns, storms, and weather related disasters. It is cast off as being symptomatic of "global warming".
But now it is all coming together with a very plausible explanation as to why this erratic and severe weather is taking place. For several years people have been complaining about planes zigzagging across the sky spewing some kind of mist or chemical. These were cast off as being normal vapor or jet contrails...but people aren't stupid. They know the difference. Yet the media does not investigate it, and complaints to the government, environmental agencies, or even the military are excused off as just being normal jet contrails or weather. They are not. These plane emissions are rightfully called "chemtrails", since this is what they REALLY are. The plausible explanation may very well start with chemtrails, contaminating the atmosphere with heavy metals.
Located 200 miles north of Anchorage, Alaska is a highly secretive government program called The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP. It is an antenna array that was set up by the US Naval Research Lab, or "an open plasma-physics laboratory," according to Dennis Papadopoulos, a physics professor at the University of Maryland who helped conceive the idea for HAARP. HAARP has the capability of zapping the upper atmosphere with a focused electromagnetic beam. It is an advanced model of an "ionosphere heater." The ionosphere is the electrically charged sphere surrounding Earth's upper atmosphere. It ranges between 40 to 60 miles above the surface of the Earth. HAARP is a super-powerful radio wave beaming technology that lifts areas of the ionosphere by focusing a beam and heating those areas. It has been reported that the US military has developed advanced capabilities that enable it selectively to alter weather patterns.
It all comes together and makes tragic sense, giving a very plausible explanation for the recent very severe tornadoes, as well as other erratic and severe weather patterns across America. Consider the atmosphere being charged with heavy metal particles through "chemtrails", then the atmosphere gets blasted with a massive HAARP electromagnetic beam. This combination causes super heating of the ionosphere, one of the ingredients along with a cold weather front that can cause severe tornadoes. Is this what has been happening across our South? Can it be that our own government through their highly secretive experimentation is actually responsible for the death and destruction? Is it experimentation or purposeful?
It is time for a full investigation of both "chemtrails" and the current usages of HAARP. More and more evidence is piling up that these secret programs are causing health problems, death, destruction, and a major negative impact upon our economy. It is time for the media and our elected representatives to do their job. It is time for every American to demand and expose the truth.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
What the One World Order is About
All Taken From
The Bilderbergs & Obama’s Agenda
The Bilderbergs Triumphant
The most powerful organization in the world today is the Bilderberg Group, an international organization founded in 1954 to promote a new One World Order wherein nation states would be eliminated and the economy and political activities throughout the world would be controlled by a central bureaucracy. Central to this idea is the use of a single political philosophy, Socialism, but one wherein all business is not controlled by the new supra-national state, but rather by approved banking systems, banks, and extremely large corporations acting in concert with the supervising bureaucracy, all being controlled by Bilderberg members. The key feature of this system is called PPP for private-public partnerships that will own or control all business and economic activity in the supra-national state, but with the PPPs themselves strictly controlled by Bilderberg members. In effect, this system of world government is Supra-National Socialism, with a junta of powerful people running both the private and public sectors. Only the deletion of the racial component and the elevation of the doctrine beyond a nation state separate this system from the earlier National Socialism developed in Germany before World War II. The benefits of this world government primarily revolve around the supposed elimination of all warfare, thus ensuring peace and prosperity for all.
The Bilderberg Group rapidly attracted members from the developed countries of Europe, and North America. Membership is strictly by invitation and limited to extremely powerful industrialists, political leaders, academicians, and opinion shapers, primarily the media and social commentators. Although Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a former member of the German SS, is traditionally mentioned as the founder of the Bilderberg Group and was its Chairman until 1974, the idea originated with Dr. Joseph Retinger in 1952, who recruited Prince Bernhard, David Rockefeller, Averell Harriman, and Walter Bedell Smith, then Director of the CIA. With the solid backing of the CIA, the group’s first meeting took place at the Hotel de Bilderberg, a secluded facility in Oosterbeek near Arnhem from May 29th to May 31st, 1954. Since then the Bilderbergs have met annually, always in highly secure locations, and always with great secrecy. These meetings are only the tip of the iceberg and the executive council and operating committees are active daily throughout the world promoting the attainment of their goals.
There are a number of affiliated organizations that are controlled by Bilderberg members; most notably in the United States these include the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission (TC). Groups in Europe include the Round Table and the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and subsidiaries throughout the world include the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, the Atlantic Institute, the Dartmouth Conference and the Ditchley Foundation. Many supposedly charitable foundations such as those of Ford, Rockefeller, Carnegie and Annenberg are closely controlled to fund Bilderberg projects masquerading as social action programs. In the United States, the vast majority of “think tanks” are controlled by the Bilderbergs, as well as all major media outlets including television networks, radio, newspapers, magazine and publishing houses. The Bilderberg control of what US citizens see, read and hear is essentially absolute, and with the constant but discrete replacement of textbooks in US schools with Bilderberg socialist propaganda since World War II coupled with the training of teachers by socialist professors in American Universities has severely limited the American public’s ability to resist the clever and pervasive Bilderberg assault on American core values. Only in rural America where local control of schools has been successful in repelling attempts by the followers of John Dewey and credentialed educators from elite universities where they were co-opted into a Bilderberg mindset, have the generations raised after World War II been able to retain their patriotism and belief in themselves, their society and their country. The success of the Bilderbergs is all the more astounding in that few Americans are even aware of this five decade long propaganda campaign and how it shifted the American electorate toward socialism, population control, and acceptance of a “nanny state” to replace their formerly cherished individual freedoms. Essentially, most American students have been systematically brainwashed since World War II to the current point that they are willing to accept Bilderberg dictates without raising a finger in protest.
It is important to understand the Bilderberg organizations on the ground in the US actively controlling the American economy and its political process. Foremost among these are the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the well-endowed national charitable foundations, the elite universities, AARP, and the teachers’ unions. As most Americans are aware of the socialist leanings of the teacher’ unions, the foundations, and the AARP, this work will concentrate on the CFR and TC.
The CFR was formed in 1921 at the instigation of Colonel Edward House, President Wilson’s man behind the scene, to push the US into the global community and influence foreign policy in accordance with Wilsonian doctrine. Very rapidly this group of European-oriented elitists, mostly from Yale, Harvard, Princeton and Columbia, took control of American foreign policy-making, and indeed, the CFR has included in its membership virtually every key national security and foreign policy advisor and administrator since its inception. Presidents may come and go, but the foreign policy of the US has been tightly controlled by this small band of elitists from the “Eastern Establishment” even in administrations of Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. The CFR members believe themselves uniquely superior to politicians from the interior and the people at large, and actively promote an enlightened monopolistic PPP socialism, actually Supra-National Socialism, encompassing all the world’s banking systems, credit institutions, production and resources and controlled by a supra-national bureaucracy and policed by a supra-national military force. When one keeps this goal in mind, the foreign policy of the US since World War II comes rapidly into focus and is easily understood. The Round Table in Europe works towards the same attributes and goals as the CFR and can count the formation of the European Union as its signal success following fifty years of hard work behind the scenes.
It was the CFR that began to push socialism into American universities and public schools following World War II as a prerequisite for the US to move closer toward communism so that an eventual world-governing agreement could be reached between the competing systems. The CFR and Bilderbergs functioned effectively during the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations to the point that essentially all international student organizations were controlled by communists and by 1965 over fifty percent of American students believed that patriotism was a learned rather than a natural feeling. Although there is no evidence that Kennedy’s assassination was ordered by the CFR, nonetheless he had acted to build up the American military forces and expanded the Vietnam conflict in opposition to Bilderberg and CFR policies. He was surrounded by Bilderbergs and CFR members, most notably McNamara and those around him, and Johnson was told to keep these individuals in policy-making positions. Nixon was also surrounded by Bilderbergs and CFR members of whom Henry Kissinger was the most important. As a Bilderberg fanatic, Kissinger holds no equal in the Unites States, and even today (2008) is a major power behind the scenes.
The Trilateral Commission, the brainchild of David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski, was founded in 1971. This organization was to provide more effective political action than the larger CFR in the US through small action cells, and in accordance with the Bilderberg directions and goals, set about to form ever-closer alliances between the three areas, Europe, North America and Japan (hence “trilateral”.) In the US, the TC took on an even more sinister form than the CFR as it developed a program to take control of the American Federal Government and the Presidency. In 1973, Brzezinski vetted Jimmy Carter, and introduced him to David Rockefeller as the TC’s first President of the United States. Carter became a founding member of the TC as an obscure governor of a smallish state, but from that point forward was groomed and financed for the Presidency. Seven months before his nomination Carter polled only four percent of the Democrats as their choice for President, but with the power of Rockefeller and his Chase Manhattan Bank behind him, Carter received the nomination and was elected President. Unfortunately for the TC, Rockefeller and Brzezinski (made National Security Advisor) had miscalculated. Carter was so feckless and inept that the “misery index” became the barometer by which his administration was judged. His Chairman of the Federal Reserve was Bilderberg member Paul Volcker who believed then (and still believes) that the standard of living in the US needed to be lowered to come more into line with the world average. He very nearly succeeded is accomplishing that goal.
Ronald Reagan’s election was a populist revolt that stunned the TC, but they were nonetheless able to supply most of Reagan’s staff and literally all of his foreign policy advisors (and State Department) with members of the CFR. Carter was rewarded eventually with a Nobel Prize from the Bilderberg-controlled Nobel Prize Committee. Reagan was made to accept George H. W. Bush, a staunch Trilateralist, as his Vice-President, and almost all of Reagan’s cabinet held multiple memberships in the Bilderbergs, CFR and TC. Meanwhile, the propaganda program in American schools proceeded without a hiccup. After Reagan’s eight years, the TC re-asserted itself with a Trilateral President, George H. W. Bush, but he proved a disappointment on all counts, particularly in not pushing the Bilderberg agenda on the public. The next selection was Bill Clinton, a member of the Bilderbergs, CFR and TC, again an obscure politician in a small state with little national exposure. Clinton attended the Bilderberg meeting in 1991 and was acclaimed as the next American President one year before winning the election. Clinton was made to seem like a heavyweight on the National scene although he was running against the ultimate Washington insider and product of the Eastern Establishment, President Bush. Bilderberg power showed that it was easy for anyone to come from anywhere as long as they were politically reliable and would accept Bilderberg control.
At the end of Clinton’s terms an outsider again interrupted the march to the One World Order, but George W. Bush was obligated to accept Dick Cheney, a member of both the TC and CFR, to keep things under control. As always, the State Department, Defense Department (Rumsfeld was a Bilderberg, TC & CFR member) and the CIA was firmly under the guidance of the CFR and TC. An attempt to unseat the unpopular George W. Bush with Bilderberg John Kerry went awry due to Kerry’s lackluster personality and swift boat baggage. Kerry’s subservience was noted when Bilderberg Henry Kissinger ordered Kerry to name Bilderberg John Edwards as his running mate.
All this brings us to the 2008 election and the competing candidacies of John McCain and Barack Obama. Once again this was a contest between an outsider (McCain) and the Bilderberg candidate, Barack Obama, who in many respects was a Manchurian Candidate. McCain was the lesser preferred candidate although the Bilderbergs, CFR and TC were guaranteed to control all critical administrative positions by the TC, CFR and Bilderberg personnel in McCain’s campaign staff. This was hardly comforting to the Bilderbergs, and McCain’s independence was evident when he selected Sarah Palin, a provincial figure belonging to none of the Bilderberg organizations. In contrast there was Obama, supposedly a Mid-Western populist and a person of little experience, particularly in foreign relations and also Hillary Clinton, the wife of a Bilderberg, TC and CFR member. Mrs. Clinton had even attended a Bilderberg meeting in 1997, but had not subsequently been active or even sympathetic. Nonetheless, the Clintons expected to receive the Bilderberg and TC blessing only to find out in Iowa that there was a new favorite son on the block. So how did this come about?
The answer is a story that starts when Obama attended college at Columbia University where Brzezinski was a political science professor, studied political science, and wrote his senior thesis on Brzezinski’s subject of interest, “Soviet Nuclear Disarmament”. Brzezinski selected Obama for his charisma and potential, groomed him accordingly, guided his activities in Chicago, and assisted him in getting into Harvard Law School. There is even evidence that Obama was named to head up the Harvard Law Review through the influence of his Bilderberg and TC handlers. Obama was adroitly coached to obtain populist credentials by association with Chicago’s radicals which he could later outgrow. He marked time performing community organizer functions and building his image as a man of the people while teaching constitutional law in a local college to build bona fides in spite of his almost invisible knowledge and experience. His elitist sympathies and powerful connections were hidden from view.
When the time was ripe, Obama was posted to run for the Illinois State Senate, and Bilderberg financed lawyers managed to have all of Obama’s opponents stricken from the ballot. With no opposition, Obama was elected to the State Senate.
Obama’s election to the US Senate was even more fraught with Bilderberger behind-the-scenes activities. The leading Democrat contender in the primary was hit suddenly by a series of scandal exposures just before the primary election. Blair Hull was accused of battery and other abuse against his former wife, and it now appears that the charges and timing were the work of Obama’s handlers. Needless to say, Hull’s candidacy imploded. The Republican candidate, Jack Ryan, was popular and formidable, so once again Obama’s handlers provided the solution. They persuaded a judge in Los Angeles to unseal sealed court documents dealing with Ryan’s divorce from a few years earlier. His former wife, Jeri, the actress who played Seven of Nine on StarTrek Voyager, accused him in court papers of asking her to have sexual relations with him at sex clubs in the presence of others. Ryan withdrew from the race when the story was published in the Chicago Tribune, and Obama won almost without opposition.
Obama’s handlers instructed him to avoid controversy by voting ‘Present’ on issues that could cause later difficulties both in the Illinois State Senate and the US Senate. The idea was to have a squeaky clean voting record that an opponent would not be able to attack. He was taught how to speak with melodious voice control and in a cadence that would be hypnotic to many persons. Little was left to chance. Bilderberg member George Soros was brought in as Obama’s point man to support him with financial aid,, and the Hollywood elite to broaden his exposure. Experts and organizers were sent to the caucus states, many that were Republican strongholds but in which he could obtain the necessary primary votes to win the Democratic nomination even if he couldn’t win those states. Much like Carter, Obama entered the national scene as an unknown, and the Clinton campaign was taken by surprise when he easily prevailed in the Iowa caucuses.
At this point Bill Clinton exploded. He felt betrayed by his associates and spoke out angrily and rashly against Obama. But the Bilderbergs were unmoved, even for one of their own. Hillary was thought to be potentially ungovernable due to her strong personality, and from the Bilderberg perspective, Obama was clearly the best candidate due to his pliability and ease of control — the ideal Manchurian Candidate to help move the US along into the One World Order. As a result, Bill Clinton refused to campaign for the Democratic ticket and permanently damaged his wife’s future political career.
A more cynical aspect of Obama’s candidacy is that the Bilderbergs used Obama’s black constituency as pawns. Many Blacks believed Obama would increase their political power and well-being, but a primary Bilderberg goal is that of uniting Canada, the US and Mexico into a European Union type federation. If Obama accomplishes this objective or even opens the US borders more widely than they are at present, American Blacks will become increasingly marginalized as an ever-smaller minority. Hispanics will gain further power as the largest minority, and since they exhibit none of the residual guilt for slavery and segregation that exists among liberal whites, the Federal Government will become increasingly less willing to provide special programs and initiatives for Blacks. Obama’s European dependency was never more evident than when he was required to make a trip to Europe during his campaign to pass Bilderberg muster.
One may still wonder how this subversion of the US political process came about so easily. The answer lies in the incessant and pervasive socialist propaganda that has been spoon fed to American citizens and their children since World War II. When the Smithsonian planned an exhibit in 1994 of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, the thrust of the exhibit was to blame the US for an atrocity. Indeed, the BAFE (Blame America for Everything) propaganda has been so virulent that Berkeley, California, is now seen as centrist rather than ultra-left. The owners of the American media have concentrated on hiring leftist reporters and commentators almost exclusively, and even Fox News is owned by a Bilderberg, Rupert Murdock. To date, Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity have never said the words “Bilderberg”, “Council on Foreign Relations” or “Trilateral Commission” on their programs. Instead, they miss-direct conservative attention towards issues that have no impact on the One World Order goal such as abortion, gay marriage and religious desecration. With the likes of Bilderbergers Bill Moyer, Charles Krauthammer, Fareed Zakaria, Thomas Friedman, John Sulzberger, Bill Kristol, Michael Barone, George Will (TC), and many others, the media is firmly under Bilderberg control even if the owners or presidents of the corporations controlling almost all the networks and major newspapers were not Bilderberg members themselves (which they are). The second part of the Bilderberg transformation of the American political attitudes deals with education in American schools and universities. This has been firmly under Bilderberg and CFR control since World War II as mentioned earlier. American teachers were trained by leftist professors that diversity is our strength, learning foreign languages is important, all religions are equally good (or bad) and deserving of respect, criminals should be rehabilitated instead of punished, and no one has a right to impose their system of beliefs or self-restraint on anyone else – except of course, that which comes from the liberal/socialist segment of the Federal Government. The result is what has been described as “Liberal Fascism” by Jonah Goldberg; not that liberalism is fascist, but rather what is occurring is happy-face or feel-good fascism.
Some issues such as the 2nd Amendment are critical to the Bilderbergs, and the NRA is probably doomed to extinction in a few years. The US is the last industrialized nation to allow private unregistered ownership of firearms, and the elimination of this indulgence is a top Bilderberg priority. The European Union was effectively disarmed, Australia confiscated private firearms, and Canada introduced registration, all in accordance with Bilderberg initiatives to prevent future rebellions. That the crime rate in Australia skyrocketed after confiscation of privately-held firearms was of no consequence. Reducing crime has a vastly lower priority than eliminating the potential for rebellion in the One World Order. With Obama’s election the impetus for firearm registration should gain strength for almost immediate passing in the US Congress, and full firearm confiscation cannot far behind.
Unlimited immigration is another Bilderberg project, since reducing the percentage of Protestant white voters significantly facilitates Bilderberg political activities. Voters who have become accustomed to dogma descending upon them from the top, as in hierarchical religions or religious organizations with controlling priesthoods, tend to have many fewer problems accepting government control of their lives that those who favor direct and personal relations with their god. Like fundamentalist Islam, Roman Catholicism has shown itself historically to be especially fertile in producing imperial individuals rather than those interested in unbridled freedom and self-determination. In fact, the states most open to advances and freedom for females have been Protestant, and the loss of the Protestant majority soon to come in the US will have vast repercussions among those who believe progress for females is permanently on the rise.
Most recently the Bilderberg control of the American election process has been openly evident in two economic events, the fluctuation of gasoline prices and the mortgage system collapse and credit crunch.
Gasoline prices rose to over four dollars a gallon due to unbridled speculation, and Obama’s campaign was jolted with significant losses in the polls due to his anti-oil and anti-nuclear policies. The Bilderberg financiers in the US, Europe and Japan reacted quickly, taking control of the oil futures market and cutting gasoline prices at the pump in half. McCain never understood what was happening, but by October, the gasoline and energy policy issue had evaporated from the public’s consciousness. The Bilderbergs had wanted gasoline prices to rise, a fact that Obama injudiciously let slip, but the timing was disastrous and the Bilderbergs were forced to flex their financial muscles to save Obama’s campaign. If you are wondering, the Bilderbergs want gasoline prices to go much higher so the public will more readily accept governmental economic controls and to reduce the living standards of the middle class.
The second Bilderberg-controlled crisis was the threatened collapse of the US financial system in late September. Bilderberg member Henry Paulson suddenly announced that a bailout of 700 billion dollars was necessary to stave off a collapse in the American (and World) financial system. Supposedly this had been brought about by the continuing mortgage crisis due to an excess of unqualified persons obtaining home mortgages. Again, the blame was put on the American people. The secondary mortgage market and sub-prime lending institutions were facing collapse, and several lenders like Countrywide had already failed, and many more like AIG, Lehman Brothers, and banks like Wachovia were facing bankruptcy. Leading this list were Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae; federally chartered corporations that were essentially bankrupt due to being required to purchase bad mortgages by their overseers in Congress. According to one banker, almost 30% of the bad mortgages held by Freddie Mac had never received a single payment from the borrower. Truly, there was unbridled corruption in these markets and the hand of the Bilderbergs is there for all to see.
Much of this could be laid at the door of Senator Chris Dodd (Bilderberg & CFR member) and Congressman Barney Frank (CFR member) who pressured Freddie and Fannie to take bad paper in order to provide housing to low income individuals. But the exact timing for all this is highly suspect, coming as it did after Obama began slipping below his opponent in the polls. The bailout was hastily placed in effect for those corporations and institutions that had been at the root of the problem, but were controlled by Bilderbergs. In addition, there were persistent rumors that Bilderberg Paulson received a one percent broker’s fee from the receiving entities for placing the first bailout. In effect, the bailout became a massive transfer of wealth from the American taxpayer to the Bilderberg elite, all the while aiding Obama’s campaign. John McCain thought he might be able to jump into the fray to good effect, but the situation was already out of his hands and under control of Bilderberg, TC and CFR members from both parties who dealt with objections from the public and a few non-controlled populist and conservative representatives in Congress. Probably more than any other single issue, this doomed the McCain campaign. In hindsight, it is clear that McCain was outgunned from the start and never possessed the slightest chance of being elected.
We are now beginning to see the consequences. Credit has tightened so that many small businesses will surely fail in the coming months, medium-sized businesses will be forced to sell out to larger corporations, and the American middle class eventually will be reduced to penury. That will be a highly desirable outcome for the Bilderbergs. If the common people are all reduced to relying on the Federal Government for their well-being, then the monopolistic, supra-national socialist One World Order can be more easily implemented.
There is a great deal of evidence that we are entering into the twilight phase of our democracy, and that rebellion is on the horizon. Particularly pesky are those who “cling to their guns, their God, and are suspicious of those who are different from them.” They have fought for their freedom a number of times in the past, but this may be their swansong. Even Common Law is slated to give way to Civil Law as in effect everywhere in Europe except England, and judicial activism by Bilderberg jurists is on the rise. With Obama as President, the Constitution is in peril from activist judges that he is sure to appoint to satisfy his Bilderberg handlers. The entire concept that law, government, and human rights reside in and emanate from the people is contrary to the Bilderberg governing principles. Law must be created and codified by the emperor or ruling junta, then imposed on the people without their having any right of redress. The people become subjects, serfs and even more precisely, slaves on the Bilderberg plantation. Whether the One World Order is paternalistic and relatively benign remains to be seen.
One might wonder why the US maintains troops and bases in South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Spain, Germany, Italy, Turkey, and many other places throughout the world. Against whom are those troops and bases needed? The reality is that the Bilderbergs see those US forces as the kernel for their policy enforcement, and expect to amalgamate them with soldiers from other subject nations and morph those units into their supra-national police force. Once again, here the Bilderbergs have miscalculated by relying on the historical precedent for dictatorships and oligarchies ruling through minorities. They believe the high percentage of minorities in the US military will make its units easily convertible to supra-national control, but they have failed to note that a very high percentage of those soldiers are conservative, patriotic, and likely to revolt when placed under a non-US flag. In fact, our armed forces are the likely flashpoint for open rebellion against the Bilderberg, CFR and TC elites. At the very least the country will experience a second civil war because so many have already succumbed to the Bilderberg siren songs.
Those Americans who seek to eliminate the sovereignty of the United States in favor of the supra-national state also see no problem with a national identity card (as in the European Union (EU)), an identity chip installed in each person (already in law for farm animals), universal government supplied health care (like in the EU), a work permit book carried at all times (in partial effect in the EU), local detailed police registration at location of domicile and when moving (in effect in the EU), registration with identity card at motels and hotels transmitted to police nightly (in effect in the EU), political reliability being a necessary condition for university acceptance (in effect in the Ivy League), mandatory voting (in effect in some dictatorships), neighborhood area captains to report unlawful activities (in effect is some countries), government licensing of all professions (partially in effect), three-person courts of judges to decide all cases, criminal and civil (in effect in the EU), different laws and penalties for actions against ordinary people as opposed to government employees (already in effect), transferring US national parks to supra-national organization control (already in effect – Carter gave the National Park System to the UN), government employees on a different and funded retirement system than common people (already in effect), criminalization of opinions and thinking (already in place (i.e. hate crimes)), criminalization of saying something offensive to another person (in effect in the EU) and many, many other abridgements of personal freedom. That’s what we have to look forward to in the new One World Order.
A few Quotes and facts might be useful:
“It is difficult to re-educate people who have been brought up on nationalism to the idea of relinquishing part of their sovereignty to a supra-national body.” (Prince Bernhard)
“World events do not occur by accident. They are made to happen, whether it is to do with national issues or commerce; and most of them are staged and managed by those who hold the purse strings.” (Denis Healey, former British Defense Minister)
“The Bilderbergers are too powerful and omnipresent to be exposed.” (Thierry de Segonzac, French broadcaster)
“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as “internationalists” and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” (David Rockefeller, Memoirs, page 405.)
“The overall goal of the United States is …the disbanding of all national armed forces and the … elimination from national arsenals of all armaments…” (US Arms Control And Disarmament Agency, US Department of State)
“It is a legitimate American national objective to see removed from all nations, including the United States, the right to use substantial military force to pursue its own interests.” (Walt Rostow) (does he include survival in this?)
“David Rockefeller is the most conspicuous representative today of the ruling class, a multinational fraternity of men who shape the global economy and manage the flow of its capital.” (Bill Moyers, Bilderberg member)
“…people, governments and economies of all nations must serve the needs of multinational banks and corporations.” (Zbigniew Brzezinski)
“The standard (of living) of the average American has to decline.” (Paul Volcker, former Federal Reserve Chairman & Bilderberg member)
In 1972 Rockefeller proposed the Trilateral Commission at the Bilderberg meeting as an international alliance using four pillars of power, “political, monetary, intellectual and ecclesiastical”, under a central world government.
“Sovereignty is an anachronistic concept; it has been inherited from an age when kings ruled over their subjects.” (George Soros)
“In many situations, the claims of expertise, seniority, experience and special talents may override the claims of democracy as a way of constituting authority… The arenas where democratic procedures are appropriate are, in short, limited.” (Samuel Huntington, TC & CFR member)
We will surely see many of these “progressive” ideas and measures become reality in the coming years. If one wonders about the membership of the Bilderbergs, TC and CFR containing many members from both the Democrat and Republican parties – well, that’s absolutely the case. Both of the parties are controlled by Bilderbergs, although Democrat Presidents are preferred. Nonetheless the true alignment is the Bilderberg, TC and CFR elites with their wannabes on one side and the American people, particularly the middle class, on the other.
With this election of Obama, it is difficult to see how another non-Bilderberg candidate will ever be elected again. What is in store for the American middle class is truly mind-boggling. Remember that if a revolution occurs, Europe will align itself against the rebellious Americans, and the result is likely to be genocide on a large scale. Americans do not make good subjects of the king.
The outcome in any case will be a European-styled socialistic state, either national or supra-national. Americans might wonder why their elites choose a European model for government and what America has to learn from Europe. The answer is nothing, of course. All socialistic governments in Europe have failed, some catastrophically. Europe gave the world Colonialism, Communism, Marxism, Fascism, Socialism, National Socialism, and now the Bilderbergs want to give the US Supra-National Socialism. Far better would be for Europe to pay its debts to the US; for World War I, World War II, the Marshall Plan, and the vast number of foreign aid initiatives that have ended up in European banks. In comparison, the United States has given the world’s subject masses hope for a better world, better life, freedom from want and freedom to think and worship as they please. In many respects, all of the evils the world presently suffers under have come from Europe – not from the United States. America has been the one shining light among developed nations, and Europe’s elites hate the US intensively for its creativity, personal freedom, and generosity. It is no accident that Europeans like George Soros have come to America’s shores to build their fortunes and to control the American political process. Having joined Europe’s top financial elites considered by themselves as destined to rule the world, such individuals desire to reduce the status of Americans to controlled populations on a European model with themselves determining what Americans shall do and how they will live. This Bilderberg effort is nothing less than the destruction of the United States and the creation of a tyranny in its place.
With respect to Barack Obama himself, one should remember that tyrannical oligarchies have historically ruled through the use of representatives of minorities to deflect criticism from the ruling oligarchy itself. Sometimes, however, the public face of the oligarchy generates so much public support that he becomes a de facto ruler and is able to dispossess his backers. The jury will be out for some time on Obama concerning whether he will be merely a mouthpiece for the ruling clique or develop into his own man over time. In this regard, it is instructive to quote a few lines written recently by author Ian Kershaw:
“How could such a …[man]… have been in a position to take power in …, a modern, complex, economically developed, culturally advanced country? …he had to deal … with a government machine and circles used to ruling. How could he so swiftly dominate the established political elites…?
[For] the key to understanding how [he] could exercise his peculiar form of power … I turned to the concept of ‘charismatic authority’, as devised by the brilliant sociologist Max Weber. ‘Charismatic authority’, as deployed by Weber, did not rest primarily on demonstrable outstanding qualities of an individual. Rather, it derived from the perception of such qualities among a following which, amid crisis conditions, projected on to a chosen leader unique ‘heroic’ attributes and saw in his personal greatness, the embodiment of a ‘mission’ of salvation. Charismatic rule has long been neglected and ridiculed, but apparently it has deep roots and becomes a powerful stimulus once the proper psychological and social conditions are set. The leader’s charismatic power is not a mere phantasm – none can doubt that millions believe in it. (Note the adulation from Oprah Winfrey and Chris Matthews, a reporter who said his job was to make Obama’s presidency successful.)
There have been attempts to see him as a type of political con-man, hypnotizing and bewitching the … people … and turning him[self] into a mystical, inexplicable figure. An absolutely contrary view … relegates [him] to no more than the status of an agent … for the interests of big business and its leaders who controlled him and pulled the strings of their marionette.
He was certainly not unintelligent, and possessed a sharp mind which could draw on his formidably retentive memory. He was able to impress seasoned statesmen and diplomats with his rapid grasp of issues. His rhetorical talent was recognized even by his political enemies. He was interested in … building a better society, however … the methods.
[His] power … was a social product – a creation of social expectations and motivations invested in [him] by his followers. He did not base his claim to power on his position as a party leader, or on any functional position. He derived it from what he saw as his historic mission. There is no necessity to play down the contribution to [his] gaining and exercise of power that derived from the ingrained features of his character. Single-mindedness (pursuit of the Presidency), inflexibility (far-left ideology), ruthlessness in discarding all hindrances (Reverend Wright), cynical adroitness (‘they cling to their guns and their God…’), the all-or-nothing gambler’s instinct for the highest stakes (the Presidency): each of these helped shape [his rise to] power.”
All this certainly sounds like Obama and fits him like a glove – the only problem is that Kershaw was writing about Adolf Hitler.
It would be well not to underestimate Barack Obama’s abilities and potential for acting in his own interests. If he throws off the Bilderberg yoke, the consequences may be worse than those of joining the One World Order. In either case, those individuals who like being Americans in a sovereign United States of America would be well advised to greet each new initiative with great skepticism, and defend our hard-won freedoms to the utmost. Remember, the Bilderbergs and their powerful forces of financial strength, elite academics, politicians and propagandists are arrayed directly against the interests of the American citizenry.
For more information see:
Robert Ross; Who’s Who of the Elite – Members of the: Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign Relations & Trilateral Commission
Anthony Sutton: America’s Secret Establishment
David Rockefeller: Memoirs
Robert O’Driscoll and Elizabeth Elliot: New World Order Corruption in Canada
Holly Sklar: Trilateralism, The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management
Anthony Sutton: Trilaterals Over America
Daniel Estulin: The Bilderberg Group
James Perloff: The Shadows Of Power
Zbigniew Brzezinski: Between Two Ages
William Hoar: Architects of Conspiracy
Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas: The Wise Men
Robert Preston: The Plot to Replace the Constitution
Pat Robertson: The New World Order
Walter Rostow: Rostow Papers (where he preaches unilateral disarmament, world government and accommodation of Communism)
B.K. Eakman: Educating for the New World Order
John Coleman: Conspirator’s Hierarchy
Webster Tarpley: Barack H. Obama The Unauthorized Biography
Webster Tarpley: Obama The Postmodern Coup
Council on Foreign Relations, Independent Task Force of the Future of North America: Creating a North American Community
Council on Foreign Relations: The Future of North American Integration in the Wake of the Terrorist Attacks
Pastor: Toward a North American Community – Lessons from the Old World
Herbert Grubel: The Case for the Amero: The Economics and Politics of a North American Monetary Union
Jerome Corsi: The Late Great USA – The Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada
Jim Marrs: Rule by Secrecy
Jim Marrs: The Rise of the Fourth Reich
David Freddoso: The Case Against Barack Obama
Kathy Roth-Douquet & Frank Schaeffer: AWOL: The Unexcused Absence of America’s Upper Classes from Military Service and How it Hurts Our Country
The Bilderbergs & Obama’s Agenda
The Bilderbergs Triumphant
The most powerful organization in the world today is the Bilderberg Group, an international organization founded in 1954 to promote a new One World Order wherein nation states would be eliminated and the economy and political activities throughout the world would be controlled by a central bureaucracy. Central to this idea is the use of a single political philosophy, Socialism, but one wherein all business is not controlled by the new supra-national state, but rather by approved banking systems, banks, and extremely large corporations acting in concert with the supervising bureaucracy, all being controlled by Bilderberg members. The key feature of this system is called PPP for private-public partnerships that will own or control all business and economic activity in the supra-national state, but with the PPPs themselves strictly controlled by Bilderberg members. In effect, this system of world government is Supra-National Socialism, with a junta of powerful people running both the private and public sectors. Only the deletion of the racial component and the elevation of the doctrine beyond a nation state separate this system from the earlier National Socialism developed in Germany before World War II. The benefits of this world government primarily revolve around the supposed elimination of all warfare, thus ensuring peace and prosperity for all.
The Bilderberg Group rapidly attracted members from the developed countries of Europe, and North America. Membership is strictly by invitation and limited to extremely powerful industrialists, political leaders, academicians, and opinion shapers, primarily the media and social commentators. Although Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a former member of the German SS, is traditionally mentioned as the founder of the Bilderberg Group and was its Chairman until 1974, the idea originated with Dr. Joseph Retinger in 1952, who recruited Prince Bernhard, David Rockefeller, Averell Harriman, and Walter Bedell Smith, then Director of the CIA. With the solid backing of the CIA, the group’s first meeting took place at the Hotel de Bilderberg, a secluded facility in Oosterbeek near Arnhem from May 29th to May 31st, 1954. Since then the Bilderbergs have met annually, always in highly secure locations, and always with great secrecy. These meetings are only the tip of the iceberg and the executive council and operating committees are active daily throughout the world promoting the attainment of their goals.
There are a number of affiliated organizations that are controlled by Bilderberg members; most notably in the United States these include the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission (TC). Groups in Europe include the Round Table and the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and subsidiaries throughout the world include the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, the Atlantic Institute, the Dartmouth Conference and the Ditchley Foundation. Many supposedly charitable foundations such as those of Ford, Rockefeller, Carnegie and Annenberg are closely controlled to fund Bilderberg projects masquerading as social action programs. In the United States, the vast majority of “think tanks” are controlled by the Bilderbergs, as well as all major media outlets including television networks, radio, newspapers, magazine and publishing houses. The Bilderberg control of what US citizens see, read and hear is essentially absolute, and with the constant but discrete replacement of textbooks in US schools with Bilderberg socialist propaganda since World War II coupled with the training of teachers by socialist professors in American Universities has severely limited the American public’s ability to resist the clever and pervasive Bilderberg assault on American core values. Only in rural America where local control of schools has been successful in repelling attempts by the followers of John Dewey and credentialed educators from elite universities where they were co-opted into a Bilderberg mindset, have the generations raised after World War II been able to retain their patriotism and belief in themselves, their society and their country. The success of the Bilderbergs is all the more astounding in that few Americans are even aware of this five decade long propaganda campaign and how it shifted the American electorate toward socialism, population control, and acceptance of a “nanny state” to replace their formerly cherished individual freedoms. Essentially, most American students have been systematically brainwashed since World War II to the current point that they are willing to accept Bilderberg dictates without raising a finger in protest.
It is important to understand the Bilderberg organizations on the ground in the US actively controlling the American economy and its political process. Foremost among these are the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the well-endowed national charitable foundations, the elite universities, AARP, and the teachers’ unions. As most Americans are aware of the socialist leanings of the teacher’ unions, the foundations, and the AARP, this work will concentrate on the CFR and TC.
The CFR was formed in 1921 at the instigation of Colonel Edward House, President Wilson’s man behind the scene, to push the US into the global community and influence foreign policy in accordance with Wilsonian doctrine. Very rapidly this group of European-oriented elitists, mostly from Yale, Harvard, Princeton and Columbia, took control of American foreign policy-making, and indeed, the CFR has included in its membership virtually every key national security and foreign policy advisor and administrator since its inception. Presidents may come and go, but the foreign policy of the US has been tightly controlled by this small band of elitists from the “Eastern Establishment” even in administrations of Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. The CFR members believe themselves uniquely superior to politicians from the interior and the people at large, and actively promote an enlightened monopolistic PPP socialism, actually Supra-National Socialism, encompassing all the world’s banking systems, credit institutions, production and resources and controlled by a supra-national bureaucracy and policed by a supra-national military force. When one keeps this goal in mind, the foreign policy of the US since World War II comes rapidly into focus and is easily understood. The Round Table in Europe works towards the same attributes and goals as the CFR and can count the formation of the European Union as its signal success following fifty years of hard work behind the scenes.
It was the CFR that began to push socialism into American universities and public schools following World War II as a prerequisite for the US to move closer toward communism so that an eventual world-governing agreement could be reached between the competing systems. The CFR and Bilderbergs functioned effectively during the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations to the point that essentially all international student organizations were controlled by communists and by 1965 over fifty percent of American students believed that patriotism was a learned rather than a natural feeling. Although there is no evidence that Kennedy’s assassination was ordered by the CFR, nonetheless he had acted to build up the American military forces and expanded the Vietnam conflict in opposition to Bilderberg and CFR policies. He was surrounded by Bilderbergs and CFR members, most notably McNamara and those around him, and Johnson was told to keep these individuals in policy-making positions. Nixon was also surrounded by Bilderbergs and CFR members of whom Henry Kissinger was the most important. As a Bilderberg fanatic, Kissinger holds no equal in the Unites States, and even today (2008) is a major power behind the scenes.
The Trilateral Commission, the brainchild of David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski, was founded in 1971. This organization was to provide more effective political action than the larger CFR in the US through small action cells, and in accordance with the Bilderberg directions and goals, set about to form ever-closer alliances between the three areas, Europe, North America and Japan (hence “trilateral”.) In the US, the TC took on an even more sinister form than the CFR as it developed a program to take control of the American Federal Government and the Presidency. In 1973, Brzezinski vetted Jimmy Carter, and introduced him to David Rockefeller as the TC’s first President of the United States. Carter became a founding member of the TC as an obscure governor of a smallish state, but from that point forward was groomed and financed for the Presidency. Seven months before his nomination Carter polled only four percent of the Democrats as their choice for President, but with the power of Rockefeller and his Chase Manhattan Bank behind him, Carter received the nomination and was elected President. Unfortunately for the TC, Rockefeller and Brzezinski (made National Security Advisor) had miscalculated. Carter was so feckless and inept that the “misery index” became the barometer by which his administration was judged. His Chairman of the Federal Reserve was Bilderberg member Paul Volcker who believed then (and still believes) that the standard of living in the US needed to be lowered to come more into line with the world average. He very nearly succeeded is accomplishing that goal.
Ronald Reagan’s election was a populist revolt that stunned the TC, but they were nonetheless able to supply most of Reagan’s staff and literally all of his foreign policy advisors (and State Department) with members of the CFR. Carter was rewarded eventually with a Nobel Prize from the Bilderberg-controlled Nobel Prize Committee. Reagan was made to accept George H. W. Bush, a staunch Trilateralist, as his Vice-President, and almost all of Reagan’s cabinet held multiple memberships in the Bilderbergs, CFR and TC. Meanwhile, the propaganda program in American schools proceeded without a hiccup. After Reagan’s eight years, the TC re-asserted itself with a Trilateral President, George H. W. Bush, but he proved a disappointment on all counts, particularly in not pushing the Bilderberg agenda on the public. The next selection was Bill Clinton, a member of the Bilderbergs, CFR and TC, again an obscure politician in a small state with little national exposure. Clinton attended the Bilderberg meeting in 1991 and was acclaimed as the next American President one year before winning the election. Clinton was made to seem like a heavyweight on the National scene although he was running against the ultimate Washington insider and product of the Eastern Establishment, President Bush. Bilderberg power showed that it was easy for anyone to come from anywhere as long as they were politically reliable and would accept Bilderberg control.
At the end of Clinton’s terms an outsider again interrupted the march to the One World Order, but George W. Bush was obligated to accept Dick Cheney, a member of both the TC and CFR, to keep things under control. As always, the State Department, Defense Department (Rumsfeld was a Bilderberg, TC & CFR member) and the CIA was firmly under the guidance of the CFR and TC. An attempt to unseat the unpopular George W. Bush with Bilderberg John Kerry went awry due to Kerry’s lackluster personality and swift boat baggage. Kerry’s subservience was noted when Bilderberg Henry Kissinger ordered Kerry to name Bilderberg John Edwards as his running mate.
All this brings us to the 2008 election and the competing candidacies of John McCain and Barack Obama. Once again this was a contest between an outsider (McCain) and the Bilderberg candidate, Barack Obama, who in many respects was a Manchurian Candidate. McCain was the lesser preferred candidate although the Bilderbergs, CFR and TC were guaranteed to control all critical administrative positions by the TC, CFR and Bilderberg personnel in McCain’s campaign staff. This was hardly comforting to the Bilderbergs, and McCain’s independence was evident when he selected Sarah Palin, a provincial figure belonging to none of the Bilderberg organizations. In contrast there was Obama, supposedly a Mid-Western populist and a person of little experience, particularly in foreign relations and also Hillary Clinton, the wife of a Bilderberg, TC and CFR member. Mrs. Clinton had even attended a Bilderberg meeting in 1997, but had not subsequently been active or even sympathetic. Nonetheless, the Clintons expected to receive the Bilderberg and TC blessing only to find out in Iowa that there was a new favorite son on the block. So how did this come about?
The answer is a story that starts when Obama attended college at Columbia University where Brzezinski was a political science professor, studied political science, and wrote his senior thesis on Brzezinski’s subject of interest, “Soviet Nuclear Disarmament”. Brzezinski selected Obama for his charisma and potential, groomed him accordingly, guided his activities in Chicago, and assisted him in getting into Harvard Law School. There is even evidence that Obama was named to head up the Harvard Law Review through the influence of his Bilderberg and TC handlers. Obama was adroitly coached to obtain populist credentials by association with Chicago’s radicals which he could later outgrow. He marked time performing community organizer functions and building his image as a man of the people while teaching constitutional law in a local college to build bona fides in spite of his almost invisible knowledge and experience. His elitist sympathies and powerful connections were hidden from view.
When the time was ripe, Obama was posted to run for the Illinois State Senate, and Bilderberg financed lawyers managed to have all of Obama’s opponents stricken from the ballot. With no opposition, Obama was elected to the State Senate.
Obama’s election to the US Senate was even more fraught with Bilderberger behind-the-scenes activities. The leading Democrat contender in the primary was hit suddenly by a series of scandal exposures just before the primary election. Blair Hull was accused of battery and other abuse against his former wife, and it now appears that the charges and timing were the work of Obama’s handlers. Needless to say, Hull’s candidacy imploded. The Republican candidate, Jack Ryan, was popular and formidable, so once again Obama’s handlers provided the solution. They persuaded a judge in Los Angeles to unseal sealed court documents dealing with Ryan’s divorce from a few years earlier. His former wife, Jeri, the actress who played Seven of Nine on StarTrek Voyager, accused him in court papers of asking her to have sexual relations with him at sex clubs in the presence of others. Ryan withdrew from the race when the story was published in the Chicago Tribune, and Obama won almost without opposition.
Obama’s handlers instructed him to avoid controversy by voting ‘Present’ on issues that could cause later difficulties both in the Illinois State Senate and the US Senate. The idea was to have a squeaky clean voting record that an opponent would not be able to attack. He was taught how to speak with melodious voice control and in a cadence that would be hypnotic to many persons. Little was left to chance. Bilderberg member George Soros was brought in as Obama’s point man to support him with financial aid,, and the Hollywood elite to broaden his exposure. Experts and organizers were sent to the caucus states, many that were Republican strongholds but in which he could obtain the necessary primary votes to win the Democratic nomination even if he couldn’t win those states. Much like Carter, Obama entered the national scene as an unknown, and the Clinton campaign was taken by surprise when he easily prevailed in the Iowa caucuses.
At this point Bill Clinton exploded. He felt betrayed by his associates and spoke out angrily and rashly against Obama. But the Bilderbergs were unmoved, even for one of their own. Hillary was thought to be potentially ungovernable due to her strong personality, and from the Bilderberg perspective, Obama was clearly the best candidate due to his pliability and ease of control — the ideal Manchurian Candidate to help move the US along into the One World Order. As a result, Bill Clinton refused to campaign for the Democratic ticket and permanently damaged his wife’s future political career.
A more cynical aspect of Obama’s candidacy is that the Bilderbergs used Obama’s black constituency as pawns. Many Blacks believed Obama would increase their political power and well-being, but a primary Bilderberg goal is that of uniting Canada, the US and Mexico into a European Union type federation. If Obama accomplishes this objective or even opens the US borders more widely than they are at present, American Blacks will become increasingly marginalized as an ever-smaller minority. Hispanics will gain further power as the largest minority, and since they exhibit none of the residual guilt for slavery and segregation that exists among liberal whites, the Federal Government will become increasingly less willing to provide special programs and initiatives for Blacks. Obama’s European dependency was never more evident than when he was required to make a trip to Europe during his campaign to pass Bilderberg muster.
One may still wonder how this subversion of the US political process came about so easily. The answer lies in the incessant and pervasive socialist propaganda that has been spoon fed to American citizens and their children since World War II. When the Smithsonian planned an exhibit in 1994 of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, the thrust of the exhibit was to blame the US for an atrocity. Indeed, the BAFE (Blame America for Everything) propaganda has been so virulent that Berkeley, California, is now seen as centrist rather than ultra-left. The owners of the American media have concentrated on hiring leftist reporters and commentators almost exclusively, and even Fox News is owned by a Bilderberg, Rupert Murdock. To date, Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity have never said the words “Bilderberg”, “Council on Foreign Relations” or “Trilateral Commission” on their programs. Instead, they miss-direct conservative attention towards issues that have no impact on the One World Order goal such as abortion, gay marriage and religious desecration. With the likes of Bilderbergers Bill Moyer, Charles Krauthammer, Fareed Zakaria, Thomas Friedman, John Sulzberger, Bill Kristol, Michael Barone, George Will (TC), and many others, the media is firmly under Bilderberg control even if the owners or presidents of the corporations controlling almost all the networks and major newspapers were not Bilderberg members themselves (which they are). The second part of the Bilderberg transformation of the American political attitudes deals with education in American schools and universities. This has been firmly under Bilderberg and CFR control since World War II as mentioned earlier. American teachers were trained by leftist professors that diversity is our strength, learning foreign languages is important, all religions are equally good (or bad) and deserving of respect, criminals should be rehabilitated instead of punished, and no one has a right to impose their system of beliefs or self-restraint on anyone else – except of course, that which comes from the liberal/socialist segment of the Federal Government. The result is what has been described as “Liberal Fascism” by Jonah Goldberg; not that liberalism is fascist, but rather what is occurring is happy-face or feel-good fascism.
Some issues such as the 2nd Amendment are critical to the Bilderbergs, and the NRA is probably doomed to extinction in a few years. The US is the last industrialized nation to allow private unregistered ownership of firearms, and the elimination of this indulgence is a top Bilderberg priority. The European Union was effectively disarmed, Australia confiscated private firearms, and Canada introduced registration, all in accordance with Bilderberg initiatives to prevent future rebellions. That the crime rate in Australia skyrocketed after confiscation of privately-held firearms was of no consequence. Reducing crime has a vastly lower priority than eliminating the potential for rebellion in the One World Order. With Obama’s election the impetus for firearm registration should gain strength for almost immediate passing in the US Congress, and full firearm confiscation cannot far behind.
Unlimited immigration is another Bilderberg project, since reducing the percentage of Protestant white voters significantly facilitates Bilderberg political activities. Voters who have become accustomed to dogma descending upon them from the top, as in hierarchical religions or religious organizations with controlling priesthoods, tend to have many fewer problems accepting government control of their lives that those who favor direct and personal relations with their god. Like fundamentalist Islam, Roman Catholicism has shown itself historically to be especially fertile in producing imperial individuals rather than those interested in unbridled freedom and self-determination. In fact, the states most open to advances and freedom for females have been Protestant, and the loss of the Protestant majority soon to come in the US will have vast repercussions among those who believe progress for females is permanently on the rise.
Most recently the Bilderberg control of the American election process has been openly evident in two economic events, the fluctuation of gasoline prices and the mortgage system collapse and credit crunch.
Gasoline prices rose to over four dollars a gallon due to unbridled speculation, and Obama’s campaign was jolted with significant losses in the polls due to his anti-oil and anti-nuclear policies. The Bilderberg financiers in the US, Europe and Japan reacted quickly, taking control of the oil futures market and cutting gasoline prices at the pump in half. McCain never understood what was happening, but by October, the gasoline and energy policy issue had evaporated from the public’s consciousness. The Bilderbergs had wanted gasoline prices to rise, a fact that Obama injudiciously let slip, but the timing was disastrous and the Bilderbergs were forced to flex their financial muscles to save Obama’s campaign. If you are wondering, the Bilderbergs want gasoline prices to go much higher so the public will more readily accept governmental economic controls and to reduce the living standards of the middle class.
The second Bilderberg-controlled crisis was the threatened collapse of the US financial system in late September. Bilderberg member Henry Paulson suddenly announced that a bailout of 700 billion dollars was necessary to stave off a collapse in the American (and World) financial system. Supposedly this had been brought about by the continuing mortgage crisis due to an excess of unqualified persons obtaining home mortgages. Again, the blame was put on the American people. The secondary mortgage market and sub-prime lending institutions were facing collapse, and several lenders like Countrywide had already failed, and many more like AIG, Lehman Brothers, and banks like Wachovia were facing bankruptcy. Leading this list were Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae; federally chartered corporations that were essentially bankrupt due to being required to purchase bad mortgages by their overseers in Congress. According to one banker, almost 30% of the bad mortgages held by Freddie Mac had never received a single payment from the borrower. Truly, there was unbridled corruption in these markets and the hand of the Bilderbergs is there for all to see.
Much of this could be laid at the door of Senator Chris Dodd (Bilderberg & CFR member) and Congressman Barney Frank (CFR member) who pressured Freddie and Fannie to take bad paper in order to provide housing to low income individuals. But the exact timing for all this is highly suspect, coming as it did after Obama began slipping below his opponent in the polls. The bailout was hastily placed in effect for those corporations and institutions that had been at the root of the problem, but were controlled by Bilderbergs. In addition, there were persistent rumors that Bilderberg Paulson received a one percent broker’s fee from the receiving entities for placing the first bailout. In effect, the bailout became a massive transfer of wealth from the American taxpayer to the Bilderberg elite, all the while aiding Obama’s campaign. John McCain thought he might be able to jump into the fray to good effect, but the situation was already out of his hands and under control of Bilderberg, TC and CFR members from both parties who dealt with objections from the public and a few non-controlled populist and conservative representatives in Congress. Probably more than any other single issue, this doomed the McCain campaign. In hindsight, it is clear that McCain was outgunned from the start and never possessed the slightest chance of being elected.
We are now beginning to see the consequences. Credit has tightened so that many small businesses will surely fail in the coming months, medium-sized businesses will be forced to sell out to larger corporations, and the American middle class eventually will be reduced to penury. That will be a highly desirable outcome for the Bilderbergs. If the common people are all reduced to relying on the Federal Government for their well-being, then the monopolistic, supra-national socialist One World Order can be more easily implemented.
There is a great deal of evidence that we are entering into the twilight phase of our democracy, and that rebellion is on the horizon. Particularly pesky are those who “cling to their guns, their God, and are suspicious of those who are different from them.” They have fought for their freedom a number of times in the past, but this may be their swansong. Even Common Law is slated to give way to Civil Law as in effect everywhere in Europe except England, and judicial activism by Bilderberg jurists is on the rise. With Obama as President, the Constitution is in peril from activist judges that he is sure to appoint to satisfy his Bilderberg handlers. The entire concept that law, government, and human rights reside in and emanate from the people is contrary to the Bilderberg governing principles. Law must be created and codified by the emperor or ruling junta, then imposed on the people without their having any right of redress. The people become subjects, serfs and even more precisely, slaves on the Bilderberg plantation. Whether the One World Order is paternalistic and relatively benign remains to be seen.
One might wonder why the US maintains troops and bases in South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Spain, Germany, Italy, Turkey, and many other places throughout the world. Against whom are those troops and bases needed? The reality is that the Bilderbergs see those US forces as the kernel for their policy enforcement, and expect to amalgamate them with soldiers from other subject nations and morph those units into their supra-national police force. Once again, here the Bilderbergs have miscalculated by relying on the historical precedent for dictatorships and oligarchies ruling through minorities. They believe the high percentage of minorities in the US military will make its units easily convertible to supra-national control, but they have failed to note that a very high percentage of those soldiers are conservative, patriotic, and likely to revolt when placed under a non-US flag. In fact, our armed forces are the likely flashpoint for open rebellion against the Bilderberg, CFR and TC elites. At the very least the country will experience a second civil war because so many have already succumbed to the Bilderberg siren songs.
Those Americans who seek to eliminate the sovereignty of the United States in favor of the supra-national state also see no problem with a national identity card (as in the European Union (EU)), an identity chip installed in each person (already in law for farm animals), universal government supplied health care (like in the EU), a work permit book carried at all times (in partial effect in the EU), local detailed police registration at location of domicile and when moving (in effect in the EU), registration with identity card at motels and hotels transmitted to police nightly (in effect in the EU), political reliability being a necessary condition for university acceptance (in effect in the Ivy League), mandatory voting (in effect in some dictatorships), neighborhood area captains to report unlawful activities (in effect is some countries), government licensing of all professions (partially in effect), three-person courts of judges to decide all cases, criminal and civil (in effect in the EU), different laws and penalties for actions against ordinary people as opposed to government employees (already in effect), transferring US national parks to supra-national organization control (already in effect – Carter gave the National Park System to the UN), government employees on a different and funded retirement system than common people (already in effect), criminalization of opinions and thinking (already in place (i.e. hate crimes)), criminalization of saying something offensive to another person (in effect in the EU) and many, many other abridgements of personal freedom. That’s what we have to look forward to in the new One World Order.
A few Quotes and facts might be useful:
“It is difficult to re-educate people who have been brought up on nationalism to the idea of relinquishing part of their sovereignty to a supra-national body.” (Prince Bernhard)
“World events do not occur by accident. They are made to happen, whether it is to do with national issues or commerce; and most of them are staged and managed by those who hold the purse strings.” (Denis Healey, former British Defense Minister)
“The Bilderbergers are too powerful and omnipresent to be exposed.” (Thierry de Segonzac, French broadcaster)
“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as “internationalists” and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” (David Rockefeller, Memoirs, page 405.)
“The overall goal of the United States is …the disbanding of all national armed forces and the … elimination from national arsenals of all armaments…” (US Arms Control And Disarmament Agency, US Department of State)
“It is a legitimate American national objective to see removed from all nations, including the United States, the right to use substantial military force to pursue its own interests.” (Walt Rostow) (does he include survival in this?)
“David Rockefeller is the most conspicuous representative today of the ruling class, a multinational fraternity of men who shape the global economy and manage the flow of its capital.” (Bill Moyers, Bilderberg member)
“…people, governments and economies of all nations must serve the needs of multinational banks and corporations.” (Zbigniew Brzezinski)
“The standard (of living) of the average American has to decline.” (Paul Volcker, former Federal Reserve Chairman & Bilderberg member)
In 1972 Rockefeller proposed the Trilateral Commission at the Bilderberg meeting as an international alliance using four pillars of power, “political, monetary, intellectual and ecclesiastical”, under a central world government.
“Sovereignty is an anachronistic concept; it has been inherited from an age when kings ruled over their subjects.” (George Soros)
“In many situations, the claims of expertise, seniority, experience and special talents may override the claims of democracy as a way of constituting authority… The arenas where democratic procedures are appropriate are, in short, limited.” (Samuel Huntington, TC & CFR member)
We will surely see many of these “progressive” ideas and measures become reality in the coming years. If one wonders about the membership of the Bilderbergs, TC and CFR containing many members from both the Democrat and Republican parties – well, that’s absolutely the case. Both of the parties are controlled by Bilderbergs, although Democrat Presidents are preferred. Nonetheless the true alignment is the Bilderberg, TC and CFR elites with their wannabes on one side and the American people, particularly the middle class, on the other.
With this election of Obama, it is difficult to see how another non-Bilderberg candidate will ever be elected again. What is in store for the American middle class is truly mind-boggling. Remember that if a revolution occurs, Europe will align itself against the rebellious Americans, and the result is likely to be genocide on a large scale. Americans do not make good subjects of the king.
The outcome in any case will be a European-styled socialistic state, either national or supra-national. Americans might wonder why their elites choose a European model for government and what America has to learn from Europe. The answer is nothing, of course. All socialistic governments in Europe have failed, some catastrophically. Europe gave the world Colonialism, Communism, Marxism, Fascism, Socialism, National Socialism, and now the Bilderbergs want to give the US Supra-National Socialism. Far better would be for Europe to pay its debts to the US; for World War I, World War II, the Marshall Plan, and the vast number of foreign aid initiatives that have ended up in European banks. In comparison, the United States has given the world’s subject masses hope for a better world, better life, freedom from want and freedom to think and worship as they please. In many respects, all of the evils the world presently suffers under have come from Europe – not from the United States. America has been the one shining light among developed nations, and Europe’s elites hate the US intensively for its creativity, personal freedom, and generosity. It is no accident that Europeans like George Soros have come to America’s shores to build their fortunes and to control the American political process. Having joined Europe’s top financial elites considered by themselves as destined to rule the world, such individuals desire to reduce the status of Americans to controlled populations on a European model with themselves determining what Americans shall do and how they will live. This Bilderberg effort is nothing less than the destruction of the United States and the creation of a tyranny in its place.
With respect to Barack Obama himself, one should remember that tyrannical oligarchies have historically ruled through the use of representatives of minorities to deflect criticism from the ruling oligarchy itself. Sometimes, however, the public face of the oligarchy generates so much public support that he becomes a de facto ruler and is able to dispossess his backers. The jury will be out for some time on Obama concerning whether he will be merely a mouthpiece for the ruling clique or develop into his own man over time. In this regard, it is instructive to quote a few lines written recently by author Ian Kershaw:
“How could such a …[man]… have been in a position to take power in …, a modern, complex, economically developed, culturally advanced country? …he had to deal … with a government machine and circles used to ruling. How could he so swiftly dominate the established political elites…?
[For] the key to understanding how [he] could exercise his peculiar form of power … I turned to the concept of ‘charismatic authority’, as devised by the brilliant sociologist Max Weber. ‘Charismatic authority’, as deployed by Weber, did not rest primarily on demonstrable outstanding qualities of an individual. Rather, it derived from the perception of such qualities among a following which, amid crisis conditions, projected on to a chosen leader unique ‘heroic’ attributes and saw in his personal greatness, the embodiment of a ‘mission’ of salvation. Charismatic rule has long been neglected and ridiculed, but apparently it has deep roots and becomes a powerful stimulus once the proper psychological and social conditions are set. The leader’s charismatic power is not a mere phantasm – none can doubt that millions believe in it. (Note the adulation from Oprah Winfrey and Chris Matthews, a reporter who said his job was to make Obama’s presidency successful.)
There have been attempts to see him as a type of political con-man, hypnotizing and bewitching the … people … and turning him[self] into a mystical, inexplicable figure. An absolutely contrary view … relegates [him] to no more than the status of an agent … for the interests of big business and its leaders who controlled him and pulled the strings of their marionette.
He was certainly not unintelligent, and possessed a sharp mind which could draw on his formidably retentive memory. He was able to impress seasoned statesmen and diplomats with his rapid grasp of issues. His rhetorical talent was recognized even by his political enemies. He was interested in … building a better society, however … the methods.
[His] power … was a social product – a creation of social expectations and motivations invested in [him] by his followers. He did not base his claim to power on his position as a party leader, or on any functional position. He derived it from what he saw as his historic mission. There is no necessity to play down the contribution to [his] gaining and exercise of power that derived from the ingrained features of his character. Single-mindedness (pursuit of the Presidency), inflexibility (far-left ideology), ruthlessness in discarding all hindrances (Reverend Wright), cynical adroitness (‘they cling to their guns and their God…’), the all-or-nothing gambler’s instinct for the highest stakes (the Presidency): each of these helped shape [his rise to] power.”
All this certainly sounds like Obama and fits him like a glove – the only problem is that Kershaw was writing about Adolf Hitler.
It would be well not to underestimate Barack Obama’s abilities and potential for acting in his own interests. If he throws off the Bilderberg yoke, the consequences may be worse than those of joining the One World Order. In either case, those individuals who like being Americans in a sovereign United States of America would be well advised to greet each new initiative with great skepticism, and defend our hard-won freedoms to the utmost. Remember, the Bilderbergs and their powerful forces of financial strength, elite academics, politicians and propagandists are arrayed directly against the interests of the American citizenry.
For more information see:
Robert Ross; Who’s Who of the Elite – Members of the: Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign Relations & Trilateral Commission
Anthony Sutton: America’s Secret Establishment
David Rockefeller: Memoirs
Robert O’Driscoll and Elizabeth Elliot: New World Order Corruption in Canada
Holly Sklar: Trilateralism, The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management
Anthony Sutton: Trilaterals Over America
Daniel Estulin: The Bilderberg Group
James Perloff: The Shadows Of Power
Zbigniew Brzezinski: Between Two Ages
William Hoar: Architects of Conspiracy
Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas: The Wise Men
Robert Preston: The Plot to Replace the Constitution
Pat Robertson: The New World Order
Walter Rostow: Rostow Papers (where he preaches unilateral disarmament, world government and accommodation of Communism)
B.K. Eakman: Educating for the New World Order
John Coleman: Conspirator’s Hierarchy
Webster Tarpley: Barack H. Obama The Unauthorized Biography
Webster Tarpley: Obama The Postmodern Coup
Council on Foreign Relations, Independent Task Force of the Future of North America: Creating a North American Community
Council on Foreign Relations: The Future of North American Integration in the Wake of the Terrorist Attacks
Pastor: Toward a North American Community – Lessons from the Old World
Herbert Grubel: The Case for the Amero: The Economics and Politics of a North American Monetary Union
Jerome Corsi: The Late Great USA – The Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada
Jim Marrs: Rule by Secrecy
Jim Marrs: The Rise of the Fourth Reich
David Freddoso: The Case Against Barack Obama
Kathy Roth-Douquet & Frank Schaeffer: AWOL: The Unexcused Absence of America’s Upper Classes from Military Service and How it Hurts Our Country
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Energy / Oil Dependence, The Betrayal of America
What could be more important to America, our economy, our national security, and our long term survival as a nation, than energy independence? For over 35 years Americans have been betrayed by successive administrations in Washington and by both political parties in Congress. During the mid 70's a promise of energy impendence was made to the American people. Not only has nothing been done, today we are even MORE dependent upon foreign oil.
Yet a small group of bright college students could EASILY come up with a comprehensive plan of energy independence where our federal government cannot. The plan could center on both available and alternative sources of energy, conservation, and possible new sources of energy, while at the same time being environmentally responsible. We have before us all the pieces, all the resources, and all the possibilities of clearly and rather easily succeeding with America establishing energy independence. All it takes is leadership and a committed national plan. Further, this plan would not cost the American people more for energy costs as currently claimed, but significantly less. Still further, the path to achieving it would create jobs and be a major boon to the economy. The path to achieve this should include the VAST deposits of oil available to us, conservation, seeking alternate sources of energy such as natural gas, solar energy, wind generated energy, hydroelectric power, responsible nuclear power, environmentally responsible coal well as new technology sources.
We don't have to go into all the details here, but information readily available from the US Geological Service, the Energy Information Administration, and other sources, clearly indicate that we have enough oil available to us within our borders and off shore to achieve 100% independence from foreign sources for the next 200 years, or longer! Yet for over 35 years we have not even taken step 1.
Not only is energy independence for years to come within our grasp, it will create jobs, be a major, major boon to our economy, and will cost homeowners and the American people significantly less (contrary to what we are being told today) and increase our standard of living. By the way, if we embark upon a national committed plan of energy independence, watch how fast OPEC and all those who are currently manipulating our energy costs scramble to lower costs in an effort to deter us.
The goal should be to reach energy independence within 10 years. We need the leadership and a national commitment to achieve this. It is extremely doable to accomplish this. It is time that the American people stand up and demand this. We need to start NOW. IMMEDIATELY.
Yet a small group of bright college students could EASILY come up with a comprehensive plan of energy independence where our federal government cannot. The plan could center on both available and alternative sources of energy, conservation, and possible new sources of energy, while at the same time being environmentally responsible. We have before us all the pieces, all the resources, and all the possibilities of clearly and rather easily succeeding with America establishing energy independence. All it takes is leadership and a committed national plan. Further, this plan would not cost the American people more for energy costs as currently claimed, but significantly less. Still further, the path to achieving it would create jobs and be a major boon to the economy. The path to achieve this should include the VAST deposits of oil available to us, conservation, seeking alternate sources of energy such as natural gas, solar energy, wind generated energy, hydroelectric power, responsible nuclear power, environmentally responsible coal well as new technology sources.
We don't have to go into all the details here, but information readily available from the US Geological Service, the Energy Information Administration, and other sources, clearly indicate that we have enough oil available to us within our borders and off shore to achieve 100% independence from foreign sources for the next 200 years, or longer! Yet for over 35 years we have not even taken step 1.
Not only is energy independence for years to come within our grasp, it will create jobs, be a major, major boon to our economy, and will cost homeowners and the American people significantly less (contrary to what we are being told today) and increase our standard of living. By the way, if we embark upon a national committed plan of energy independence, watch how fast OPEC and all those who are currently manipulating our energy costs scramble to lower costs in an effort to deter us.
The goal should be to reach energy independence within 10 years. We need the leadership and a national commitment to achieve this. It is extremely doable to accomplish this. It is time that the American people stand up and demand this. We need to start NOW. IMMEDIATELY.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Federal Reserve, Cause of Financial Crisis in America
The Federal Reserve is the centerpiece and enabler of the corruption and financial crisis that has occurred, and is continuing to occur in America. It is nothing more than a giant monetary fraud scheme. In an ideal case banks would have good and high integrity management. In conducting their financial business of banking, loans would be given out to individuals, corporations, and institutions based upon the borrower's ability to pay back the loans...both good business and common sense. The banks, and their investors, could maintain their financial integrity as well as showing a profit. This is the way that it should be.
The Federal Reserve, however, in collusion with the larger banks, have BY DESIGN allowed greed and corruption to take over...all at the expense of the American taxpayer. The profit from good loans wasn't enough, there was more "profit" that they could extract. Much more. This has accelerated even more after the elimination of the gold standard in America in 1971. The Federal Reserve can now, at will, issue "paper", or money, whenever it wants to. Nothing has to back it up. The already existing scheme, could now be accelerated. The scheme consists of loaning out tons of individuals, corporations, institutions, 3rd world countries...practically anybody, IRRESPECTIVE OF THEIR ABILITY TO PAY BACK. These banks then derive huge amounts of apparent profits simply from the income stream from the interest payments on these loans. The game then becomes to keep the income stream flowing. When the interest income stream stops due to the inability to pay, there are two things that can be done to get it flowing again:
1) Re-do the loan, or turn it over to a new loan, issue more money (paper) to the borrower, and keep the interest income (profit) flowing. The bank's financial performance looks great, everybody is happy.
2) You have heard the phrase "too big to fail". Typically special interest groups will go before the Congress, to tell their stories of how it will cause a financial crisis, unemployment, greatly affect education, children, the poor, etc., etc. Congress responds with a 'bail out". This time the American taxpayer pays the bill rather directly. It does with 1) above, as well, but in this case it is more direct. Sound familiar? The American people have heard about the massive bail outs that have occurred recently, however, under reported have been a fairly constant stream of smaller bail outs occurring right along, hundreds of million, and even billions of dollars. With these bail outs the financial performance of the banks (and borrower) gets back on track, everybody is happy...except for the taxpayers, that is, who foot the bill.
Widespread corruption and outright thievery exists within the Federal Reserve, with the top management of major banks, and with many of those behind the scenes in these organizations. Hundreds of millions of dollars are taken in salaries, bonuses, and other forms of "compensation". This is their reward for executing the scheme outlined above. A fairly recent publicized example is Franklin Raines, former Vice Chairman of Fannie Mae, who walked away with over $90 million after a brief organization that not only failed, but helped bring on the financial crisis in America. Many of the top executives of major banks such as Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase & Company, Goldman Sachs and others, seem always to be able to circle back into high level positions in the federal government. In their positions of influence in government they are able to perpetuate the scheme and keep the cycle going.
The Federal Reserve Bank should be audited. The FED has too great, and somewhat of an invisible influence on the American economy and America itself. All of their controlling people, activities, directions, policies, plans, etc. should be completely visible to the American people with periodic audits. Even the elimination of the Federal Reserve Bank should be considered.
There needs to be REAL federal oversight (not control) of banking in America for the protection of our country, and for the protection of taxpayers. What we have going on now is a complete and corrupt farce. Strict rules of lending and borrowing should be put in place based upon good financial business practice and common sense.
Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae should be eliminated as federal government sponsored enterprises. Mortgage, banking, and acting as an intermediary on mortgages, lending, etc. should cease. These institutions have been riddled with corruption, political paybacks, executive pay scandals, and more...and they are one of the prime reasons behind the current failure of our economy. Banking, lending, and mortgage functions should be private, not government controlled. Cut out the cancer.
The American people are given diversions by blaming the financial crisis in America on "Wall Street", greedy corporations, and other such blame recipients. There is no doubt that some corruption and greed does exist with these entities. The centerpiece of greed and corruption, however, lies with the Federal Reserve and some of our nations largest banks. They are the ones primarily responsible for the financial crisis that exists in our country. They are the ones that deserve our immediate attention. And it is going to get worse. Already well on the way is another global organization, veiled in secrecy, The International Monetary Fund. The IMF is set up to control international finance and you can bet it will NOT be for the betterment of the people of the world. Corruption, greed, and control can be expected.
Our first step is to stop the Federal Reserve, America's major banks, and those behind them from continuing their 'scheme" that is destroying America. Both parties of Congress and successive administrations have allowed this giant monetary fraud scheme to operate for many, many years. Some corrupt elected and appointed high ranking officials in government have supported the Federal Reserve and major banks in this continuing scheme.
What we need is a public outcry. What we need are honest and courageous members of Congress to stand up to the Federal Reserve and major banks on the ongoing monetary fraud scheme that is destroying America. There needs to be a sense of urgency in order to save America.
The Federal Reserve, however, in collusion with the larger banks, have BY DESIGN allowed greed and corruption to take over...all at the expense of the American taxpayer. The profit from good loans wasn't enough, there was more "profit" that they could extract. Much more. This has accelerated even more after the elimination of the gold standard in America in 1971. The Federal Reserve can now, at will, issue "paper", or money, whenever it wants to. Nothing has to back it up. The already existing scheme, could now be accelerated. The scheme consists of loaning out tons of individuals, corporations, institutions, 3rd world countries...practically anybody, IRRESPECTIVE OF THEIR ABILITY TO PAY BACK. These banks then derive huge amounts of apparent profits simply from the income stream from the interest payments on these loans. The game then becomes to keep the income stream flowing. When the interest income stream stops due to the inability to pay, there are two things that can be done to get it flowing again:
1) Re-do the loan, or turn it over to a new loan, issue more money (paper) to the borrower, and keep the interest income (profit) flowing. The bank's financial performance looks great, everybody is happy.
2) You have heard the phrase "too big to fail". Typically special interest groups will go before the Congress, to tell their stories of how it will cause a financial crisis, unemployment, greatly affect education, children, the poor, etc., etc. Congress responds with a 'bail out". This time the American taxpayer pays the bill rather directly. It does with 1) above, as well, but in this case it is more direct. Sound familiar? The American people have heard about the massive bail outs that have occurred recently, however, under reported have been a fairly constant stream of smaller bail outs occurring right along, hundreds of million, and even billions of dollars. With these bail outs the financial performance of the banks (and borrower) gets back on track, everybody is happy...except for the taxpayers, that is, who foot the bill.
Widespread corruption and outright thievery exists within the Federal Reserve, with the top management of major banks, and with many of those behind the scenes in these organizations. Hundreds of millions of dollars are taken in salaries, bonuses, and other forms of "compensation". This is their reward for executing the scheme outlined above. A fairly recent publicized example is Franklin Raines, former Vice Chairman of Fannie Mae, who walked away with over $90 million after a brief organization that not only failed, but helped bring on the financial crisis in America. Many of the top executives of major banks such as Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase & Company, Goldman Sachs and others, seem always to be able to circle back into high level positions in the federal government. In their positions of influence in government they are able to perpetuate the scheme and keep the cycle going.
The Federal Reserve Bank should be audited. The FED has too great, and somewhat of an invisible influence on the American economy and America itself. All of their controlling people, activities, directions, policies, plans, etc. should be completely visible to the American people with periodic audits. Even the elimination of the Federal Reserve Bank should be considered.
There needs to be REAL federal oversight (not control) of banking in America for the protection of our country, and for the protection of taxpayers. What we have going on now is a complete and corrupt farce. Strict rules of lending and borrowing should be put in place based upon good financial business practice and common sense.
Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae should be eliminated as federal government sponsored enterprises. Mortgage, banking, and acting as an intermediary on mortgages, lending, etc. should cease. These institutions have been riddled with corruption, political paybacks, executive pay scandals, and more...and they are one of the prime reasons behind the current failure of our economy. Banking, lending, and mortgage functions should be private, not government controlled. Cut out the cancer.
The American people are given diversions by blaming the financial crisis in America on "Wall Street", greedy corporations, and other such blame recipients. There is no doubt that some corruption and greed does exist with these entities. The centerpiece of greed and corruption, however, lies with the Federal Reserve and some of our nations largest banks. They are the ones primarily responsible for the financial crisis that exists in our country. They are the ones that deserve our immediate attention. And it is going to get worse. Already well on the way is another global organization, veiled in secrecy, The International Monetary Fund. The IMF is set up to control international finance and you can bet it will NOT be for the betterment of the people of the world. Corruption, greed, and control can be expected.
Our first step is to stop the Federal Reserve, America's major banks, and those behind them from continuing their 'scheme" that is destroying America. Both parties of Congress and successive administrations have allowed this giant monetary fraud scheme to operate for many, many years. Some corrupt elected and appointed high ranking officials in government have supported the Federal Reserve and major banks in this continuing scheme.
What we need is a public outcry. What we need are honest and courageous members of Congress to stand up to the Federal Reserve and major banks on the ongoing monetary fraud scheme that is destroying America. There needs to be a sense of urgency in order to save America.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Social Security Robbed By Federal Government
Did you know: That Social Security is primarily funded through dedicated payroll deductions of 12.4%? And that during 2009 the total income of this plus interest was $807 billion? And that $686 billion in Social Security benefits were paid out? And that there was a surplus of $121 billion? That's right...a surplus!
This surplus is put into a Social Security Trust Fund of which the proceeds are paid into the U.S. Treasury where it can be used for "other" government purposes. Did you know that nearly $2.4 trillion of excess Social Security income, by 2008, were placed into this "Trust Fund", only to be used by our federal government for "other" purposes.
When you hear that "Social Security is broke" this is about as close to an outright lie that you will ever be told. The real truth is that the federal government has been raiding Social Security for some time.
Social Security is only ONE issue, our federal government has been cheating and stealing from the American people for many, many years. Our federal government is fraught with misuse of our money and corruption throughout every level of government.
This is where we should start as far as straightening out our financial crisis in America.
Did you know: That Social Security is primarily funded through dedicated payroll deductions of 12.4%? And that during 2009 the total income of this plus interest was $807 billion? And that $686 billion in Social Security benefits were paid out? And that there was a surplus of $121 billion? That's right...a surplus!
This surplus is put into a Social Security Trust Fund of which the proceeds are paid into the U.S. Treasury where it can be used for "other" government purposes. Did you know that nearly $2.4 trillion of excess Social Security income, by 2008, were placed into this "Trust Fund", only to be used by our federal government for "other" purposes.
When you hear that "Social Security is broke" this is about as close to an outright lie that you will ever be told. The real truth is that the federal government has been raiding Social Security for some time.
Social Security is only ONE issue, our federal government has been cheating and stealing from the American people for many, many years. Our federal government is fraught with misuse of our money and corruption throughout every level of government.
This is where we should start as far as straightening out our financial crisis in America.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Americans Being Fooled By Federal Budget
The Obama administration played politics with the budget by delaying it last year before the November elections. Did you know that the fiscal budget is supposed to run from October 2010 to September 2011? The budget, not put forth by the September 30, 2010 deadline, has been funded by a series of continuing resolutions. They knew that the American people would not like a $3.83 trillion budget in one year, driving America into still deeper massive debt. None of the news media covered this purposeful pre-election deception placed upon the American people. Yet it is the obvious and plain truth.
In typical Obama fashion, with all his major legislation, the budget decisions were forced into a stampede, urgent to get done mode, by his administration. This is the same approach that was used on the stimulus package and on healthcare, making it appear like there is a sense of urgency and crisis against a deadline.
Now let's put all the headlines making it appear that something great was accomplished with a budget compromise, and BS aside, and look at the REAL facts. The Obama budget is for a whopping, unbelievable, $3.83 billion for one year! Built into the budget is a KNOWN $1.56 trillion deficit in one year. In reality it will be even more than that. What this means is that our current $14.3 trillion national debt will skyrocket, with interest, to OVER $16, BILLION! Our Washington representatives have pushed America to the brink of economic ruin.
This so called compromise, or as one headline read, "Monumental Deal", is nothing more than a fraud placed upon all Americans. The fact is, the $38 billion budget cut is LESS THAN 1% of the Obama budget of $3.83 trillion, nothing more than a spit in the ocean...or better, a spit in OUR faces. This the deal that our representatives made. Then further, to claim that $500 billion will be saved over 10 years is a further insult, since on a relative scale this is almost nothing compared to the trillions of dollars of debt that will accumulate over the years, driving our national debt to well over $20 trillion during this period of time.
This is all basic arithmetic. But the American people are allowing themselves to be fooled by the Obama administration, both parties in Congress, and by a media that doesn't do their job and report the facts.
The only thing that will save America at this point are massive cuts in spending, and a major downsizing of the federal government which is now totally out of control.
In typical Obama fashion, with all his major legislation, the budget decisions were forced into a stampede, urgent to get done mode, by his administration. This is the same approach that was used on the stimulus package and on healthcare, making it appear like there is a sense of urgency and crisis against a deadline.
Now let's put all the headlines making it appear that something great was accomplished with a budget compromise, and BS aside, and look at the REAL facts. The Obama budget is for a whopping, unbelievable, $3.83 billion for one year! Built into the budget is a KNOWN $1.56 trillion deficit in one year. In reality it will be even more than that. What this means is that our current $14.3 trillion national debt will skyrocket, with interest, to OVER $16, BILLION! Our Washington representatives have pushed America to the brink of economic ruin.
This so called compromise, or as one headline read, "Monumental Deal", is nothing more than a fraud placed upon all Americans. The fact is, the $38 billion budget cut is LESS THAN 1% of the Obama budget of $3.83 trillion, nothing more than a spit in the ocean...or better, a spit in OUR faces. This the deal that our representatives made. Then further, to claim that $500 billion will be saved over 10 years is a further insult, since on a relative scale this is almost nothing compared to the trillions of dollars of debt that will accumulate over the years, driving our national debt to well over $20 trillion during this period of time.
This is all basic arithmetic. But the American people are allowing themselves to be fooled by the Obama administration, both parties in Congress, and by a media that doesn't do their job and report the facts.
The only thing that will save America at this point are massive cuts in spending, and a major downsizing of the federal government which is now totally out of control.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Lawsuit No April Fool's Joke

Western Massachusetts, April 1, 2011
Massive Lawsuit Filed Over Global Warming Claims
The elementary public school children across America have filed a massive class action suit, asking $3 trillion in damages. The children claim that they were forced to watch Al Gore's movie, An Inconvenient Truth. This caused them severe anxiety and psychological damage, as well as resulting secondary mental and physical illnesses. In the largest and most complex lawsuit in history multiple defendants have been named. The list includes, but is not limited to: Al Gore, school boards and administrations across the country, the United Nations, and a number of "scientists" who purposely falsified information and data in an attempt to prove warming.
In support of their case the children have compiled an extremely large amount of factual information and data, proving beyond any doubt, that the so-called global warming scare was nothing more than a hoax that would allow political agendas to be pushed, grossly enrich many individuals and corporations (Al Gore and GE as examples cited in the suit), as well as other corrupt motives.
The children, using their home computers, gathered temperature data across the globe over the last 75 years. It simply consisted of taking temperature data, each day at noon local time, each and every day, at 50 locations across the world. Robin Williams, 7 years old, stated: "The data was easily accessible, no fudge factors were necessary, the data speaks for itself." She went on to say, "That it may seem to be a large amount of data, but with the multiple Giga-Byte computers that we have today, it was no problem whatsoever." She also indicated that in going through the process, it angered the children even more, since absolutely no adjustments or fudge factors (as used by the "global warming scientists") are necessary, the data itself reveals the facts.
The irrefutable conclusion is that over the last 75 years there were periods of both temperature increases and decreases, some trends that did momentarily exist, but these were completely random. Overall, the temperature variations that did occur were statistically random. NO WARMING OR COOLING IS EVIDENT. This conclusion is clearly supported by the data collected.
Robert Givens, an 8 year old participant in the study, asked the question: "Why did it take elementary school students to simply collect the data and either prove or disprove warming or cooling? It is so simple to do. Our motto has been "let the data speak", and it did!" He reiterated that there is no necessity to use fudge factors, the data itself gives the answer, pure and simple.
The lawsuit is expected to be filed in a federal court within the next 2 months. Many scientists who were previously silent rather than risking a personal "politically correct" attack, are now coming out of the woodwork in support of the lawsuit. The cat (and truth) is now out of the bag.
Questions are already beginning to arise as to whether the children will be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for PURE Science; an Oscar; or Congressional / Presidential awards and recognition.
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