Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Push for Reverse Mortgages Suspected..and More

The Push for Reverse Mortgages are Suspect

A few years back you would seldom hear much about reverse mortgages. Now we are bombarded on television and with mailings by ads promoting reverse mortgages. Hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent on ads. Why? A reverse mortgage for a home owner is a personal decision and may be a good thing for them. BUT, let’s step back for a moment and look at the big picture. Why suddenly the big push?

The federal government is incrementally gaining more and more power and control over people’s lives. Legislation, “Executive Orders”, and outright power grabs are occurring that are gaining more government control, and encroaching upon / limiting personal freedoms. Communications are controlled, by the 80 to 85% “mainstream media”. At the same time they continually try to shut down all opposition media opinions and voices. There are ongoing attempts to control the Internet. (It is too open and free.) The federal government controls all money sources through the “fed” and large banks that are repeatedly bailed out using taxpayer money. They have the ability to control and manipulate the economy MUCH more than they admit. The federal government controls food and water supplies.

There has been an extreme, even shocking, push in recent years on the ability of the government to look into and track people’s lives. There are surveillance cameras all over the place. There are devices in automobiles, GPS and other, where without your consent or a reason you can be tracked. The government can look into your computer, E-mails, etc. without your knowledge or consent. They can track your cell phone. More recently they are now using surveillance drones. This is all happening in America! Yet people, like sheep, say nothing.

The government controls all of our energy sources and the direction of what energy sources we use. During recent blackouts in the northeast people had a sample of how helpless that they are when electricity is shut off, totally dependent upon the government. Through the government’s control of the economy, tax burdens, and other money impacting legislation, they have an influence on jobs, unemployment, etc. More and more people are becoming dependent upon government for survival. A “nanny state” is being created. Currently over 50 million people receive food stamps.

Obamacare was a huge step toward government control of the healthcare of all Americans. Healthcare is obviously a vital part of people’s lives, now controlled by the government. There is even more healthcare control by the government through organizations such as the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control, etc. Transportation is controlled by the federal government. The federal government attempts to control the environment, not all based upon scientific fact. The EPA, in using the “environment” as a wedge, severely restricts and has a major impact on business, as well as on the lives of every American.

The federal government is using every excuse possible to build propaganda against guns, they are attempting to get them out of the hands of the American people. They want a submissive, defenseless populace. One of the major reasons for the Second Amendment is to protect the people against the tyranny of government.

Federal regulations are everywhere….dictating, controlling, preventing, determining directions, driving costs, influencing the standard of living of every single American.

The federal government has gained immense power and control in recent years. But what is missing? Property represents power, control, wealth, and independence. In order to gain FULL control the federal government needs to have control of private property. There has been a recent move by government to expand the use of eminent domain, where government can seize private property. This is still ongoing but it has been met by many outcries, it is too out in the open to criticism that will alert people. Many Americans do not realize that the federal government already owns an immense amount of private property in America:

* The federal government now owns 650 million acres, or 30% of the total territory in the United States.

* Just a few examples: the federal government owns 84.5% of Nevada; 69.1% of Alaska; 48.1 % of Arizona, and the list goes on. Pretty shocking.

Yet 30% isn’t enough, the federal government wants even more control of private property for obvious reasons…power, control, wealth and dependence on government, NOT independence. How do they accomplish it?

You guessed it…reverse mortgages. This is the apparent plan:

* Conduct a massive ad campaign, money is no object.

* Appeal to the benefit of the homeowner, they actually get a benefit of cash, particularly those in later years.

* It is a hidden power grab, no one will squawk. In the short term people will be actually happy about the additional income.

* Huge amounts of private property will gathered together, accumulated, under the ownership of large banks, conveniently in one place, rather than scattered under individual ownership.

* The next step is an easy one for the federal government. Through the large bank, bail out, Fed connection the government can easily seize control of the private property, now conveniently all in one place…and they can do it with minimum of outcry by the American people.

Think about this, the next time you see an advertisement for a reverse mortgage.


Also think about the federal governments control over communications; money sources and the economy; food and water supplies; all of our energy sources and energy direction; the environment; healthcare; transportation; guns; the environment; jobs / employment; the conducting of private business; the increasing federal ownership of private property…and more. Also think about the American people placed into a position of great dependency on the federal government for all of our basic needs. Think about the very high level of surveillance being conducted on the American people. Think about the ongoing erosion of our personal freedoms. Can you see where all of this is headed?

Take time to read our foundational documents…The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and the Amendments. Compare what you see going on in our country today to the principles and founding laws of our country. Compare what the Founders of our country said, gave speeches about, and wrote, concerning our founding as a country.

It should be a wake up call to all of us. It is time to speak up, to act, to use the sacred power of our vote. It is time NOT to allow this to happen to our great country. Do it for your children, your grandchildren, and for future generations. They will look back and thank you for saving our country.

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