Friday, April 27, 2012

The Plan to Beat Obama and Save America

The Plan That Will Beat Obama and Save America

Please send this to everybody that you know, E-mail lists, place on blogs, communicate through Facebook, Twitter…every means of communication possible. The great strength of the Internet is that we can send this “viral”, where in a very short time, with your help, millions of people can read it.


Mitt Romney is now the Republican candidate and he will make an excellent President. With your help he will beat Obama. Following are the 4 simple Steps that we need to take. Please take them seriously and become involved in this process to beat Obama and save our country. Below are the powerful yet simple Steps that we need to take. This is followed by some background information on Romney for your information.

Here is a suggested approach on what we need to do to rid our country of Obama by making SURE he gets voted out of office before he completely destroys America. People who have never before been activists should become activists to the extent recommended here. The future of our country, the future of your children, grandchildren, and future generations depends upon it. Don't be a person who failed to act when it was needed.

Here is what you can do:

1) Give financial donations to the extent that you can to the Tea Party. Why give to the Tea Party? We need to counteract the many "Obama" organizations, their activities, the onslaught of the media, Hollywood and the entertainment industry, and the over billion dollars that he will raise from these sources. Organizations like ACORN (they are still there),, Media Matters, Hollywood, corrupt Union bosses (union workers are not the issue, leadership is) , and the hundreds of front organizations funded by George Soros. The Obama campaign will also use widespread voter fraud and this has to be exposed and overcome. (Why do you think they fought against voter ID's?) All this has to be counteracted and the Tea Party can do it since they are already organized and will strongly support Romney. Many think they have gone away, but they have not, they have been just laying in wait.

The Tea Parties have become a very powerful force in America and this is the reason why the left hates them so much and falsely portrays them. They are just good ordinary people, next door neighbor types...very responsible and friendly. Many had never attended a political rally before. Most of their signs were home made, not provided by an organization. They are not all "right wing", but include concerned democrats, independents, and just plain concerned Americans that have attended their rallies. They all share a deep concern for the current direction of our country and are peacefully expressing their concerns. Nothing could be more American. They ARE NOT racists, radicals, terrorists, barbarians, etc. etc.

Most all Americans are concerned. The Tea Party represents a voice for the concerned. We should all be concerned. You don't have to be a "member" or attend any rally, but you are urged to give them your financial support. They are a voice and an organized strength that can help turn this situation around.

Step 1 is to support the Tea Parties.

2) Give a financial donation to the Romney Campaign for President. Even if you have never given financial support to a candidate before, this presidential race is will determine the future of America. It is critical that we financially support Romney. You can bet that people like George Soros, Jeffrey Immelt of GE, and others will pour millions of dollars into support of Obama. Some of it will be done illegally through front organizations, or through false people (made up, deceased, etc.) . They have done this before. The media will represent hundreds of millions of dollars free advertising / propaganda support for Obama. This is a huge hurdle that needs to be to overcome through our financial support.

Please give the Romney Campaign your financial support....$10, $20, $50, $100....up to the legal limit, whatever you can afford...BUT GIVE. This financial support will definitely be needed to overcome the Obama onslaught.

Step 2 to is to financially support the Romney Campaign for President.

3) Make sure you vote and encourage others to vote in the Presidential election in 2012. Your vote is sacred and is critical. Also vote for those who will be supportive of Romney in the US Congress, he will need all the support that he can get. Vote very carefully at the state and local levels of government so that we elect people who will be supportive to bring back America to what it should and can be.

It is pretty obvious that we are now headed in the wrong direction. We need a groundswell, starting at the local level, to turn this situation around.

Step 3 is to VOTE and encourage others to vote!

Step 4 is to become an activist during this election to the extent that you feel comfortable, but do something! It may be a sign on your lawn, a bumper sticker, attending a rally, helping in some way with his campaign, writing a Letter to the Editor, or Op-ed, calling a television or radio news organization or program, etc. Those with prominence and positions should attempt to use your position to appear in the media and state your position. By doing all of the above, by people seeing your willingness to stand up for what you believe in…this will influence others…YOU can make a difference and influence others.

Step 4 is to be active in your support of Romney.

These are 4 simple Steps where we all can be activists toward placing in office a President and those who represent the American people, and the future of America. This is a very, very critical time. To not act at this time would be tragic. To act is easy. All you have to do is keep informed, be active, and financially support, to the extent that you can, those who can bring America back to what it should be....and VOTE.

You are urged to consider this. If we all work together we can succeed. Let’s take back America. This is a critical time. Please do your part.

Romney Background Information

It is very important to have good and factual information on Romney since he will be under unmerciful attack. His qualifications for President are nothing short of excellent. He has a business, managerial, and leadership background. He knows how to manage finances and a budget. He is an excellent communicator. He speaks clearly and can be firm, yet he knows how to work with others who have a different view in order to get things done, without sacrificing the basics, the principles, of what he is attempting to accomplish. He is an excellent family man, has an excellent moral background...and he is clean from corruption and personal issues that seem so prevalent in politics today.

In regard to the issues that he will be faced with, it is important to deal with the facts, not what is reported and purposely distorted in the media about him. First, Romney is a conservative, he is miscast as being a moderate. This will be explained below. If his characterization as a moderate brings in more votes in that area, so be it.

Being a Republican Governor of Massachusetts, a one party Democratic state, is no easy chore. Yet he did an excellent job with an 85% Democratic legislature, and with most all city / towns controlled by Democrats in the state. Not easy, yet he did an excellent job. He kept his "finger in the dam" on spending and managed the budget with a legislature that wanted to spend, spend, spend, as well as do other outrageous things in Massachusetts.

Very importantly on healthcare, people forget that the strongly Democratic legislature in Massachusetts pushed like crazy for a state controlled healthcare approach. An opinion on this is that they wanted to set up a forerunner model in order to force a nationally controlled healthcare on America, and that Ted Kennedy was strongly behind this. Yet Romney pushed back on the legislature and refused to sign the state bill until certain concessions were made that were more reasonable and rational. He did then sign the bill. It now has mixed reviews, some good, some bad. Yet if he had stayed on as governor he would have made corrections on the bad aspects of healthcare in the state since that is the type of leader that he has demonstrated to be. Healthcare will continually come up during the campaign and he will have to answer the questions on this. You should at least know some background.

As Governor of Massachusetts he was an excellent and SMART communicator. On every single critical issue facing the state he clearly stated his positions and the reasoning behind them. He did this through TV and radio ads, or through publicly communicated interviews. In other words he brought his positions DIRECTLY to the people so that they knew exactly where he stood on the issues. Many politicians do not do this and allow the conduit of newspapers, such as the Boston Globe, NY Times, the Washington Post, etc. to put any spin they want on their positions. He went directly to the people.

Concerning the issue of abortion and the fact that he changed his mind after being pro-choice: Most important is where he stands now and the fact that he is he sincere. Saint Paul changed his mind, as well, since earlier in his life he persecuted Christians. At a Massachusetts Citizens for Life Mother's Day Dinner, on May 10, 2007, where he was the guest speaker, people listened very, very critically to every word that he said. He fully explained his transition and reasoning for becoming Pro-Life. He was believed to be sincere and today this is believed to be his true position. That is what counts.

In regard to his tenure as CEO of Bain Capital he actually had an excellent record of helping and growing the majority of companies that he was involved with, while at the same time making money for Bain. In some cases they had to make some tough decisions on companies that were not successful...they were in the minority. That is what leadership and capitalism is all about.

On the issue of being a Mormon that will most probably come up... It is suggested to look at the type of person that he is, the values that he displays, and the fact that he is an excellent family man, with a beautiful family. His religion should NOT be an issue and hopefully it isn't with you.

Here is why Mitt Romney is REALLY a conservative:

* He is a fiscal conservative, believes in cutting spending, reducing the debt, and balancing the budget.

* He believes in a strong military and a clearly communicated firm foreign policy. He will NOT apologize for America.

* He believes in securing the border and a legal PROCESS of immigration.

* He is Pro-Life and stated he would de-fund Planned Parenthood.

* He believes in the Constitution and the founding principles of our country.

* He is in favor of marriage being between a man and a woman. He has strong family values and a strong belief in God.

* He would repeal Obamacare.

* In regard to gun control, he has stated: "Let me speak very directly and candidly about where I stand. I support the Second Amendment (the right to bear arms) as one of the most basic and fundamental rights of every American. It's essential to our functioning as a free society, as are all the liberties enumerated in the Bill of Rights..."

The media and many of the "talking heads" on television try to label people in certain ways, but with all of the above, and more, Mitt Romney is a pretty conservative candidate...wouldn't you say?


This is the most critical Presidential election in the last 100 years, if not ever. So much so that if we do not elect Mitt Romney and rid our country of Barack Obama the United States will be pushed to a point of complete ruin. We all have an obligation and a duty NOT to let that happen.

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