Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Why Is Second Amendment Under Attack?

Some of the reasons why American settlers viewed the right to bear arms as being very important were: to deter a tyrannical government; to repel an invasion; to suppress an insurrection, and to facilitate a natural right of self defense. Thus the Second Amendment to the Constitution was passed in December of 1791 along with the rest of the Bill of Rights. The Second Amendment states "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed". This is very clear and unambiguous. In 2008 in order to clarify it even further, however, the Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to possess a firearm, unconnected to service in a militia.

Yet today there appears to be an ongoing attack on the right to bear arms. Every time that there is violence involving a gun this is thrown up as an example as to why the Second Amendment should be revised and guns either more strictly controlled, if not taken out of the hands of the people entirely. Yet at the same time everyone knows that criminals, and those who wish to do violence, can very easily obtain guns since millions of them are available (and will continue to be available) "on the street", illegally, and through underground markets. This will not stop, no matter what kind of legislation is passed in order to control guns.

In addition to attempts to control or eliminate guns in the United States, there is a similar effort going on through the United Nations, in fact our involvement with this is very worrisome to those who strongly support the Constitution of the United States, the Second Amendment, and the very sovereignty of our country. An outside entity dictating what is done in the United States, especially since it is contrary to our Constitution? This should not sit well with any American.

There is even further government hypocrisy, since while there is an ongoing effort to control or eliminate guns in the hands of the people, at the same time there are massive gun and weapon sales going on to other countries by the United States, Russia, China, Iran, and other countries. Hundreds, upon hundreds, of billion dollars worth of guns and weapons. Where do these arms selling governments think that these guns and weapons will end up?

During this time of "gun controversy" the American people are buying guns at record numbers, gun sales have skyrocketed. What is the reason for this? First and fundamentally people see a threat to their Constitutional right to bear arms and fear it will be taken away. But it is much, much deeper than that. People don't trust our government. What they see is more and more dominating federal government control over their lives. They see surveillance cameras on street corners and all over public places. They read about the governments ability to track their cell phones, to read inside their computers and other personal devices. They are aware of government ability to track their motor vehicles with some sort of mysterious implanted "black box" as well as through GPS devices. More recently our federal government is using drones to secretly surveil the American people. Even further, the federal government is attempting to exercise more control over the Internet.

Perhaps the scariest of all is the fact that by a series of acts of Congress, executive orders, and HR 645, known as the National Emergency Centers Establishment Act of 2009, a number of FEMA camps have been set up all over the United States. There over 800 camps in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive people. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full time guards, but they are all empty. This is factual, but if it appears to be too far out "conspiratorial" for you, it is suggested that you do your own research on this and draw your own conclusions.

Again, why are people buying guns at record rates? Yes, for self defense, but also since, for all of the reasons above, they do not trust our government. In fact, as the original American settlers, they fear a tyrannical government, and many feel that this is where we are headed. At the same time we should be asking..."Why is the federal government attempting to strictly control, or even eliminate guns in the hands of the American people?

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