Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas & Holidays - A Time to Reflect on God

The underlying problem with America is not the economy, jobs, the debt, the threat of terrorism, or other frequently mentioned problems. The problem is the increasing absence of God from our nation. Throughout history it has been proven, time and time again, that a nation's moral condition and its character are key to its survival. Nations, as well as individuals, are subject to God's moral laws. It is said that we should learn from history. Yet one only needs to look at history and the ruination of empires and nations of the past...the Assyrian Empire, the Babylonian Empire, the Roman Empire, the Biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, and in more recent times Nazi Germany, and Communist Russia. The common thread is that God was removed in favor of the emperor, the dictator, the ruler, and / or the state. The fact is that they cannot co-exist. Loyalty to God interferes with loyalty to the ruler and the state. In effect, the ruler and the state become God.

Our Founding Fathers believed that God was important to both the founding and survival of our nation. Some modern day historians have tried to bury and ignore this very important part of our heritage. They want us to believe that the Founding Fathers were mainly Deists or Agnostics. Yet most of them were devout Christians and even those who weren't believed that God was critical to the survival of our nation. The proof of this is through their writings and speeches, our history is laced with their references to God.

Today, there is an ongoing distortion of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The Amendment prohibits the making of any law respecting the establishment of religion and impeding the free exercise of religion. Yet we have several groups today in our country that have twisted this toward actual violation of the Amendment by specifically preventing the free exercise of religion. The underlying motive is to take God out of every aspect of American life. It is a real and ongoing battle, and for the most part they are succeeding.

We see the bad fruits of eliminating God from our country. This starts with the destruction of marriage and the family, the very cornerstone of society. It extends to rampant immorality, the deterioration of our education system, the dumbing up of our population through wide spread drug use, crime, political and corporate corruption, the lack of respect for life, the use of propaganda in order to fool people...and even brainwashing in our schools. We see signs of it all around us. This is what always happens when God is removed from a nation, from a society.

As we approach the Christmas and Holiday season, we should all reflect on what God means to us individually and as a nation. Facts and history have shown that removing God from our lives, and from our nation, will result in ruination. Conversely, by placing God strongly in our lives and recognizing Him to be foundational to our nation will result in both personal success, and the lasting success of our nation. We WILL solve our problems, one by one.

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