Friday, August 16, 2013

Obamacare - An Illegal Abomination

Obamacare is an abomination, it definitely violates the Constitution and other federal laws, it will cost trillions of dollars, and it will result in very poor healthcare for all Americans. We had a great healthcare system in America, all that was needed was some fine tuning, not a massive federally controlled system.

Obamacare was based upon shocking premises. Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, a chief advisor to Obama on healthcare is on record saying that healthcare should be rationed in favor to those "most productive in society". By implication this was a direct indication of denying necessary care for seniors, the chronically ill, the handicapped, and even babies / young children since they are not "most productive" at that point. Obama, himself, made comments (ABC News) about not having expensive surgery in favor of a painkiller, and having an "independent group" (not doctor / patient / family) decide what is necessary.

Cass Sunstein, Obama's Regulatory Czar wrote in a New York Times op-ed that healthcare rationing is both moral (he says) and good public policy. David Berwick, Obama's appointee to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services called for treatment to be denied according to "quality adjusted life years". This is all much more than conjecture, it is specific proof that by design Obamacare calls for the federal government to decide who gets what treatment, and certain groups of people will be denied if they are not considered "productive". It is as plain as day what the fundamental premise of Obamacare is all about. If further proof is needed the Stimulus Bill provided for $1.1 billion to set up a Federal Coordinating Council in order to "guide" your doctor's decisions. It all sounds like something straight out of Nazi ideology, yet all this is the verifiable premise of Obamacare.

Let’s look logically what will most certainly happen with Obamacare. The intent is to take on approximately 30 million more people under the American healthcare system. Note that the number can be only a loose approximation since our borders are not controlled and “undocumented” immigrants either by direct or de facto inclusion will be covered by Obamacare. The fact is this will immediately become an overload since we do not have the doctors, nurses, and the medical personnel and service to cover all the additional people. The direct result will then be - rationing. The scenario above…treating only those that are “most productive in society” will take over. It has to - due to lack of medical personnel and services. This is in the design of Obamacare and this is why they are setting up an “independent group” as Obama stated, or a “Federal Coordinating Council” as included in the Stimulus Bill. The federal government will ultimately make decisions on who gets what care. This is not a good thing and it is not moral as Sunstein says, in fact just the opposite. It is immoral for something like this to happen in America.

Does anybody doubt that Obamacare, still another federally run program, will cost our country trillions of dollars? This may very well be “the nail” that bankrupts our once great nation. Yet if we had taken our currently excellent healthcare system and took logical steps to improve it, it would have become even better while solving any existing problems without a complete government takeover. This should have been the approach by the leadership of both parties in Washington.

Why is Obamacare Unconstitutional.? The reason is that the so called “individual mandate” that forces all Americans to buy healthcare or be subject to a fine is a direct violation the Commerce clause of the Constitution. The Commerce clause provides for the federal government “to regulate Commerce with foreign nations and with the Indian tribes”. Not to force people to buy something or fine them if they don’t! Yet a very misguided Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts, twisted Obamacare’s individual mandate into being viewed as a tax…even though the Obama administration argued before the Court that it was NOT a tax! Amazing.

Further, nothing has been said about the fact that rationing healthcare that will adversely and differentially affect seniors is a direct violation of the Age Discrimination Act of 1975. This Act specifically states that no federally sponsored program (such as Obamacare) can discriminate against seniors. The discrimination against seniors comes from the original premise of Obamacare ( Emanuel, Obama, Sunstein, Berwick and other specific statements); and by evidence: Stimulus Act and Obamacare itself calling for an independent group, coordinating council, panel, etc., and finally actual acts in violation of the Age Discrimination Act where rationing against seniors will occur….and it will, by design. 

In addition to age discrimination that will take place by federal panels that will ration and deny seniors necessary treatment, Obamacare provides for taking an estimated $716 billion out of Medicare to pay for it. This clearly means that reimbursement rates to doctors will be significantly be cut for seniors.  Already some doctors are refusing new Medicare will get worse.

There is little question that Obamacare is a direct violation of both the U.S. Constitution AND the Age Discrimination Act of 1975.

Obamacare was forced upon the American people against our will. That isn’t the way our democracy is supposed to work.  It violates the Constitution and other laws. It will drive our country deeper and deeper into debt; it will cost several trillions of dollars…ongoing… and this has been purposely hidden from the American people. In addition to what has been stated in this document, there are a whole host of nightmarish affects yet to be realized coming right at us soon. 

Obamacare will lead to higher healthcare costs for all Americans; to much poorer quality healthcare; to loss of jobs; it will negatively affect business; it will be a "nail" into our economy; and it will be policed by Gestapo-like IRS agents. Worst of all certain groups of people will be denied life saving medical treatment since it will be deemed by both the design of Obamacare, and by panels, to be too expensive for those least productive in society. How can something as evil as this become law in our country! In America?!     

We should not relent in our opposition to Obamacare; consider it a fait accompli and just accept it. We should not accept it. We need to get rid of it. We need to fight tooth and nail against it and throw it out. We need to instead take rational steps to improve the pre-existing healthcare system in America. It is VERY possible to do so and our healthcare system in America will be better than ever. That is the answer, NOT the illegal federally controlled abomination called Obamacare.


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