Saturday, October 26, 2013

America Will Not Survive Without God

Our Founding Fathers believed that God was important to both the founding and survival of our nation. Some modern day historians have tried to bury and ignore this very important part of our heritage. They want us to believe that the Founding Fathers were mainly Deists or Agnostics. Yet most of them were devout Christians and even those who weren't believed that God was critical to the survival of our nation. The proof of this is through their writings and speeches, our history is laced with their references to God.

Today, there is an ongoing distortion of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The Amendment prohibits the making of any law respecting the establishment of religion and impeding the free exercise of religion. Yet we have several groups today in our country that have twisted this toward actual violation of the Amendment by specifically preventing the free exercise of religion. The underlying motive is to take God out of every aspect of American life. It is a real and ongoing battle.

What we are doing is allowing a very small minority of people, if not a single individual, to remove the word God from every aspect of American life, or any reference to God in the military or in our government. This is a grave and fatal error never, ever intended by our Founders and a twisted interpretation of the First Amendment. Worse, our own government is disallowing any reference to God and in some cases going so far as to de fund any group that does so. Today, throughout our nation many Christian churches are praying for religious freedom, praying that our own government will not force Christians to violate our Christian faith, beliefs and teachings. The villain here is our own government! Our own government overriding the First Amendment in attempting to force religious institutions to violate their faith.

Look at history. From the beginning of time no empire or nation has survived with the absence of God. Many have been brutal dictatorships that caused great oppression and suffering to their people, as well as to other nations. Our Founders knew this. If we want to solve our nations problems, and even survive as a country, it is absolutely essential that we recognize that God is foundational to our country.


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