Saturday, August 2, 2014

Israel - Hamas, Time to Recognize the Truth

After World War II the cry was "never again" in reference to the Nazi concentration camps and the brutal inhumane killing of over 6 million, women and children. Yet we have not learned, history is repeating itself. Anti-Semitism is growing across the world to a level even greater than that of the World War II era. It is certainly present throughout the Mid East, but shockingly it is also prevalent throughout Europe and the United States. Further, it is present throughout the media, Western governments, including the United States, and certainly in the United Nations.

There is no greater evidence than the upside down, hypocritical, totally irrational thinking and reporting concerning Israel and the Hamas controlled Gaza Strip. In 1994 Israel gave this territory to the Palestinians in the attempt to bring about peace. Yet this territory has been a source of rocket / missile launching at civilian populations in Israel. No other country in the world would sit back and allow this to happen without some sort of response. Hamas does not want peace. They do not recognize Israel as a country. Worse, in their Charter they call for the destruction of Israel and the killing of all Jews. Hamas is recognized in all rational areas of the world as a terrorist organization. The son of the Hamas founder, Mosab Hassan Yousef,
has stated that they are a terrorist organization. He stated that Hamas wants to push it's radical political and ideological agenda and wants to destroy Israel and ANY country that does not believe in its ideology. During military conflict they purposely place, and even drag, children and women to places where they are engaging in military action since they KNOW that the Western media will pick up on this and blame Israel. This is exactly what happens...played for suckers. There are even videos of Hamas dragging screaming children to their military sites to be used as shields showing this.

Israel goes to extremes to forewarn residents of the Gaza Strip of the areas that they will attack in response to Hamas military strikes against Israel. They send leaflets, make phone everything possible...unheard of during warfare when your country is being attacked.

Yet what the media does is alarming. If they treated Hamas as a moral equivalent to Israel that would be bad enough. What they do is even worse than that. About 80% of all media reporting is is Israel's fault. The United Nations does the same...blames and criticizes Israel, in this case about 90% of their issued statements! Our own federal government criticizes Israel for defending itself in spite of all known facts concerning Hamas. The only real democracy in the Mid East, our strong ally and supporter, Israel, and it's leader, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are continually insulted by our current administration. In some cases they even show favor to Hamas. House Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi recently called Hamas a "humanitarian organization". Totally unbelievable.

When writing this letter I continually asked myself...Where are the Jews? Why do I have to write this letter? Where are all the Jews across America and Europe? Why aren't they speaking up? Why do they ideologically, in very large numbers, align themselves with the left when they are obviously ant-Israel, anti-Semitic? It is like spitting in your own face. Why aren't they defending the Jewish state, Israel, the Jewish people? Their Jewish faith?

There is a right and wrong here and it is crystal clear. There are many good Palestinian people. Yet Hamas is about an evil of an organization that you are going to find. I am a Catholic but I love Israel and I love the Jewish people. I highly admire Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He stands out as being one of the greatest leaders of our time...courageous, clear thinking and clear speaking. Everyone, including our own government, should listen.

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