Thursday, October 20, 2016


My son suggested that there is too much negativity from both sides concerning the Presidential Election and that we should focus on the positives, what we should do. Following are 25 reasons why I suggest that you should consider voting for Donald Trump:

1) He will secure our borders. Once secure, he will rid our country of criminal illegal aliens. He will disallow sanctuary cities and the harboring of criminal aliens. He will exercise compassion for the remainder of those here illegally, but ultimately we need to enforce our immigration laws. This will do away with the current anarchy that exists and will make our country safer. There will be a huge financial benefit to our nation from
doing this.

2) He will call for us to be smart and exercise extreme vetting for visitors and immigration to our country from the hotbeds of terrorism.

3) He will defeat ISIS and Islamic terrorism by working closely with other countries in Europe, NATO, and the Mid East. Participating countries, NATO members, and others should pay their fair share. This should not be a US pay alone situation. Together we must defeat radical Islamic terrorism. People are smart enough to be able to distinguish between radical Islam and peaceful, good Muslims in this effort. They are separate, there is no discrimination in doing this.

4) He will strengthen all branches of our military. This will NOT place ourselves on the brink of war, on the contrary, a strong military is a deterrent to war. A second to none military.
5) He will honor our veterans. This includes immediate action toward ensuring that veterans needing medical / psychological help get it on a priority short term basis.

6) He will work to finally do something with our inner cities and establish real help for minorities within the cities. This will include respecting the dignity of all people, improving education, focus on families, providing jobs and opportunities to improve their status. At the same time the cities have to be safe and crime and violence cannot be an acceptable way of life. Police have to be supported and integrated within the communities in a positive way.

7) As a very successful businessman he will get our economy moving in a positive direction again. There will be a massive effort to improve infrastructure all across the United States.

8) He will again give businesses an incentive to stay in the United States, manufacture here, invest here, and grow. He will do this through reducing the highest taxes on business in the world and the stranglehold of over regulation on large and small business. He will provide disincentives for businesses to leave the United States. All this will help bring back to the United Sates the some $ 2 trillion in overseas money held by US corporations. All this will significantly increase jobs and also be a MAJOR boon to the US economy.

9) He will revitalize FARMING in America. We are currently bringing in food from South America, including meat products, and from China, some of which is unhealthy and contaminated...this includes filthy fish products. We have some of the greatest farmlands and water lands in the world and have the ability to produce and consume our own food products. This will also be a major benefit to our economy.

10) He will turn international trade around to be a win / win by negotiating SMART trade agreements. We currently have an over $800 billion disadvantage that is bad for our economy and makes no sense. This will be a major benefit to our economy.

11) He will end the death tax. Parents work long and hard in order to leave their children some of the financial benefit of their lifetime efforts. The death tax hurts ALL Americans, especially farmers.
12) He will modify and simply income taxes and tax returns into a simple and fair formula that anybody can fill out and submit. No more than 2 pages.

13) He will move power and control away from the federal government and BACK to the people and the states as intended in our Founding as a country. The Preamble of the Constitution says the role of the federal government is to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. Under this umbrella it was the intent to give great power to the states, localities, and most importantly the people. This needs to be reestablished in America.

14) He will appoint Supreme Court Justices that will support and uphold the Constitution, their intended role. Said again: That support and uphold the Constitution. He will restore the balance of power of the federal government. The Supreme Court will move away from it's current path of making laws through judicial decisions.

15) He will support the sanctity of human life. He will work to de fund the more than $500 million of taxpayer's money used to support Planned Parenthood, an organization that takes the lives of over 330,000 babies a year. An organization that was caught red handed in the gruesome business of selling baby body parts. He will work to end late term abortions, a brutal process of killing fully formed children in the mother's womb.

16) He will introduce a Constitutional Amendment to place term limits on members of Congress. This will include an 8 year limit on members of the House of Representatives, and 12 years on members of the Senate. This will go a long way toward reducing the level of corruption, favor, and dominance by long term and lifetime members of Congress, and reduce the potential of lobbyist control of our government that now exists to a high degree.

17) He will reestablish respect for the United States across the world and as a world leader. A chaotic world desperately needs US leadership. We will be a compassionate country in support of freedom and helping other people, yet not taken advantage of. Attacks against our country, embassies / consulates, and people will be met with strong, swift, and decisive action.

18) He will work to have an approved federal budget each and every year, no more kicking the can down the road and creating a crisis in lieu of a budget. He will work toward achieving a responsible balanced budget each and every year.

19) He will work to bring our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to 4% and above. It currently is at a meager 1.4% for the 2nd quarter of 2016. (China's was 6.7%). This can be accomplished by all the business and economy stimulants shown above and more.

21) He will work to substantially reduce the US National Debt from the expected $22 trillion by the time he takes office. This is unsustainable and will lead to the financial collapse of America. He will start a massive "economy engine" in the United Sates and show how it is possible to invest in what we should be doing, while at the same time balancing a budget and reducing debt. Economists simply do not realize the potential and power of a booming economy.

22) He will work to bring people together and end the current divisions that have been created between, races, religions, gender, ethnic backgrounds and places or origin, economic status, police and communities, etc. He will demonstrate and ability to work with both major parties of government for the overall good.

23) He will communicate and report regularly to the American people giving an HONEST status of progress, and assessment of both domestic and international situations.

24) He will STRONGLY support the sovereignty of the United States and will NO HOW, NO WAY give away any governance or freedoms to any international body. The US Constitution is our total base and reference and is sacred to our country and the American people.

25) We will again return to being a nation UNDER GOD. Our Founders ALL made reference to the importance of a divine being as being a basis of our laws, and for our very survival as a nation. We should not let a small number of people rule us away from this under distortions of what was intended by the First Amendment...that is not what our democracy is all about. Without God as our foundation, America will not survive. We are already seeing the decline in our country today by the absence of God.

These are 25 reasons why I urge you to consider voting for Donald Trump. Please read and give them a lot of thought. Spread this to everyone. America desperately needs to get back on track and needs bold leadership to accomplish it. We are at a critical time for our country like never before.  Thank you. 

Al DiLascia
Chicopee, MA 


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