Thursday, July 30, 2009

One Last Chance for America

The destruction of America started with the Bush administration and is proceeding at breakneck speed under the Obama administration. If nothing else, the current crisis in America should point to an irresponsible, incompetent, low integrity, dishonest, and even corrupt Congress. This includes both major parties. If one reads about the formation of our great country and the words of the founders, nearly ALL of their warnings are being violated in regard to how to preserve of our democracy.

First, all power is being consolidated at the federal government level. Correspondingly, the independence and sovereignty of all 50 states is being undermined. Bankruptcy level debt is being generated, not only for today, but for future generations. This, in turn, will result in a heavily overtaxed population greatly limiting financial freedom and independence. Underway are complete federal control of banking, financial institutions, the auto industry, energy sources, the media and communication, transportation, executive pay, the healthcare of citizens, faux environmental programs, and more. There is a stampede, under the guise of urgency, to pass through Congress legislation with "sound good" titles that will take away many of our basic freedoms. These include freedoms of speech, religion, the right to bear arms, and other constitutional rights of people, as well as the rights of private industry.

The word "socialism" is frequently heard today, but what we have now occurring is worse than socialism. We are headed toward a totalitarian state. We have one chance, and one chance only, and that is through our votes in all upcoming local, state, and federal elections. Those in power know this and that is why they are attempting to ram through legislation with a sense of urgency. Once they have passed all their intended legislation the framework will have already been lain so the direction will become irreversible. It will be too late.

Irrespective of party, or party loyalty and affiliation, we need to elect excellent, competent, high integrity people at all levels of government. We need to get rid of those who brought us to this point of crisis and those who are primarily responsible. Whether a local selectman, a mayor, or the president of the United States we need to look critically, AS NEVER BEFORE, at each candidate. It is only by this process, using our right to vote, that we can re-capture America and our democracy. Our failure to do this, without question, will result in an America that we will no longer recognize within just a few short years. It is a battle against time. It will become irreversible unless we critically exercise our right to vote, critically as never before.

We have one chance and one chance only to save our country. It starts with the very next election at the local, state, and federal levels. It is urgent for us to all exercise our rights and speak out loudly, and particularly exercise our right to vote at this time. No one should be silent, and everyone needs to vote critically in whatever election that is before us.

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