Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sarah Palin, The Real Story

Even before she was selected to be a Vice Presidential candidate she made sense. Interviewed outside of the main stream of media attention, she gave an interview that made a lot of sense on energy, oil, and the environment, something that you never hear from the typical Washington types…and it was refreshing. For those listening it caught people’s attention.

The best move, and in reality the only good move, made by the McCain run for the presidency was selecting Sarah Palin as his running mate. It was a sudden, refreshing, and popular shock to potential voters. A woman who was smart, articulate, good looking, with (the rare) experience in managing something, and with a good track record. The far left, democrats, the media, and even the republican elite began looking closer. What they soon found is that she was the antithesis of everything that they believed in, if she ever were to get elected it would turn back the clock on their vision of America and everything they had worked for. And what did they find?

Unfortunately what it revealed was an introspective look at where we are in America today, the reality of a very sad and shameful state that we have degenerated to. This could not be allowed.They found she had the deep faith and a belief in God, worse (to them) she is a Christian. Imagine a person practicing her faith with a belief in God! They also found that she is a family person with several children. A woman running for high office with a family? The critical and all important issue concerning her is that she is pro-life. She supports the right of a baby to live. Even worse, how could she give birth to a child who knowingly had Down Syndrome? What is the matter with her, why didn't she have an abortion? There is a way of getting rid of less than perfect children. And again, why did she allow her unmarried pregnant daughter to have a child? Abortion would have been so easy, this is the convenient way to deal with such a "problem". This is what they think. Eugenics and convenience should rule.

They found so much else wrong with her. She is patriotic and supports our troops, in fact she has a son who is serving in the military. And how dare her run for high office without an ivy league education? You know, the graduates of those “great” schools that have screwed up our country and given us the mess we are in today. She is a Christian, who believes in traditional marriage, family, country, life, state sovereignty, democracy, freedom, our Constitution, a rational approach to energy independence and the environment, secure borders, a strong national defense, …and so much more that is repulsive to the far left, democrats of today (not yesterday, they have changed), the media, and to some republican elites who have lost their way. Her family represents the quintessential American family with traditional values, living in rural Alaska.This could not be allowed, this could not happen to have her propel to national attention in a positive light, a sure thing to happen. They had to stop it.

The media, like vultures ascended to Alaska, not to find out more about Sarah Palin in an objective journalistic sense, but to find what dirt they could dig up…anything. Unfortunately as with the media today, if they can't find anything wrong, they will create something, and even lie if necessary, and that is exactly what they did. The prime objective was to destroy Sarah Palin, the end justifies the means, a well known far left mantra.

The McCain campaign didn't have a clue on how to utilize the great strength of Sarah Palin in a positive way that would have significantly helped. Senator McCain ran a very poor, mushy, unorganized campaign. People were looking for him to hit hard on the issues of terrorism, the economy, immigration, energy independence, etc. He also had tons of issues to raise about Barack Obama and his lack of experience, highly questionable associations with several radical people, his voting record in Illinois as well as the US Senate, his far left record and more. He failed to address any of these issues and the results speak for themselves. Those running his campaign, many republican elites, looked down their nose at Sarah Palin, she wasn't one of them. What they failed to realize, the American people DID NOT WANT one of them running for office!

Even with the presidential election over, the far left and the media want to make sure that Sarah Palin doesn't have a chance to rise again for a future opportunity for high office. Like never before in history, they have been on the attack, accusing her of everything imaginable, hurling insults not only insulting at her, but to all women. The have sought investigations on her in an all out attempt to discredit her. So desperate in their attack they have also attacked her family, fearful of what she represents. If she were not a public figure, the coordinated and collusive attacks border on criminal. Harassment, libel, slander, and even to some degree stalking.

These attacks were so massive and vicious that, yes, it did affect her family as well as her ability to perform her duties as Governor of Alaska. She and her family are not like the Clinton's and the Gore's with millions of dollars mysteriously and continually sifting through her hands, $500,000 personal debt spent to defend herself is a lot of money. She also cared about the disruption to her office of governor through this continual harassment and the cost to the state of over $2 million as a result of this. Unlike to what is being reported, it was a sign of strength, not of weakness, to resign as governor. This was done because she cares about the state of Alaska and doesn't want personal attacks on her to affect the smooth running of the state. This was also done to remove her family from the vicious attacks as an “in office” fair game political figure. This took great courage.

As far as future political high office, the media seems to prefer those who use their current elected political office as a platform, while selfishly shirking their present duties and obligation to their constituents, to seek higher office. You know, like using a US Senator position while campaigning for the Presidency of the United States for 4 years. Sarah Palin on the other hand is honest about her intentions. Sarah Palin is her own person and that should be highly admired. The far left, some democrats, and the media of course are going to attack her no mater what she does. Most people, however, love her and find her to be very refreshing. She will be formidable and that is what they are afraid of. The talking heads don't understand an honest and sincere person and look for all kinds of excuses and ways to criticize her honesty and integrity….simply because they don't understand it. They want her to act as everybody else does. That isn't Sarah Palin.

Whatever Sarah Palin chooses to do in the future, she will do well. She cares about her family, she cares about the sate of Alaska, she cares about her country. She has the inner strength and courage to continue to do what she thinks is right, in spite of all opposition. It will be interesting to see all the media types eat their words when she succeeds.

I am betting on Sarah Palin.

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