Saturday, August 15, 2009

ALL People Have Value to Society

Every human being irrespective of age and condition in life has value to society. This includes the complete spectrum from very young children to older seniors. It includes those who are handicapped or disabled, those who may have an illness, and those who have a physical or mental impairment. It includes people of all races, religions, and national origins. All have value to society and the potential of making both small and large contributions to society. No person, government, or organization can know or predict what contributions are possible from other human beings.

Love is immeasurable. The love between husband and wife, parents and children, brother and sister, or just the love between friends. The love that is given, and the love that flows back from grandparents to grandchildren. The love by parents of a down syndrome child, and the love given back to the parents by this child. In addition to love, there is the great value of teaching and learning from each other, and the interaction between people of all ages and condition in life. Some cultures show great respect for age and for good reason. A person who has lived long has gained great experience and wisdom, and in many cases has seen the consequences of choices and actions. Further there is an opportunity to gain pure input and wisdom on issues of importance; and major contributions to society.

Yet in the healthcare debate today there is a very strong undertone of placing "value" on people in regard to their age and physical or mental condition. Missing is the value of love. There is a strong implication in healthcare planning that some are worth more than others in regard to spending money and medical treatment time on them. Unfortunately it is more than undertone, there are some in high positions who have given advice and opinions on recent healthcare planning who have actually stated that we should consider some more valuable to society and others not worth the cost and time. What it shows is how low we have sunk in morality in our country that this would even be considered as a factor.

Is this one of the solutions for healthcare in our ration medical care and treatment only to those who are deemed worthy? To play God at a high level of government, to determine who deserves to live and who does not?

We need to stop and think where we are headed as a country. The rationing of healthcare being proposed by some, that considers some people more valuable than others, is not what America is about. The current thinking and direction is nothing short of sinister.

ALL people have value.

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