Thursday, August 13, 2009

Washington Arrogance on Healthcare

The most disturbing aspect of the current healthcare debate is a question of tone. Sincere people, the elderly, and many other people who question or oppose a federally controlled national healthcare plan are being considered by the White House and certain democrats as the enemy. They are being labeled as radicals, nazis, right wingers, nuts, and even being called un-American. Senator Arlen Specter, after a town hall meeting with his constituents claimed that the people attending did not represent America. These were his constituents! Representative Sheila Jackson Lee at a town hall meeting was so rude that she talked on her cell phone while people were attempting to ask her a question or give their input on healthcare. That in itself is symbolic. Basic courtesies were not even given to the people of her district.

Think for a moment. Nancy Pelosi, the person who heads a body of government entitled THE HOUSE OF "REPRESENTATIVES" (those who are supposed to REPRESENT us) said that those who question, who voice their opinions, who speak up in opposition, who disagree with the current direction are un-American. In a letter to Organizing for America President Obama called those who question his healthcare plan "the opposition".

Not only are those in Washington not interested in the voice of the people, it has reached a point of arrogance that they have utter disdain for those who differ in opinion. Now THAT, is un-American!

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