Wednesday, September 30, 2009

To the Students

Think! Open your eyes, your ears, and your minds. Question everything. As students you are the future of our country. You will also inherit and be greatly affected by what is going on in our country today. Put aside whether you are a democrat, republican, independent, libertarian, liberal, or conservative, or whatever your beliefs. Just think for a moment about what is confronting our nation and what will be dramatically affecting your future life.

At the federal level we have out of control spending. Our national debt is fast approaching $12 trillion. This year's budget deficit alone is projected to be $1.85 trillion. Additional programs are being stampeded through an irresponsible Congress that will add even more; trillions upon trillions of dollars to our debt. This gigantic financial burden will be placed directly on YOUR shoulders and your future families. Much of this enormous spending legislation is being pushed through under the guise of "do good" programs that in reality will not make things better, but even worse while bankrupting America. I urge you to study it, READ IT, question it, get the real facts from an objective viewpoint, not by what you are just told, no matter what the source. Use your own minds and intelligence to get to the truth.

The work "socialism" is frequently and somewhat casually mentioned today as if were just another innocuous ideology. It is not. Words like "distribution of wealth", "public ownership of property", "helping the poor" are frequently used to make socialism appear attractive. In reality it is about federal government control over all aspects of our lives. The government owns and dictates, not the people. Personal freedoms become restricted. Information sources and the media are controlled. Yes, people are taken care of, but at a lower level of existence of life while a ruling elite emerges. What is sure to evolve is that sooner or later people will not be satisfied to be "taken care of" at some lower level of existence. When this occurs the ruling elite will become stronger and stronger in order to keep people under control. The result will be a totalitarian dictatorship where the people will be under a very oppressive form of government. This is the natural evolution of socialism. Study history.

People today are "fed" what to think through a process of propaganda and even indoctrination. Whether you realize it or not, you are not allowed to form your own opinions on subjects. It is cleverly fed to you. Much of it is under seemingly "do good" programs and titles. But if you REALLY look at the facts and study objectively both sides of issues, many of these programs, directions, legislation, etc. are not really what they appear to be or sold to be.

Your future is at stake. Dramatic change is happening to our country. This is an appeal for you to get involved. This is not, however, an appeal for you to get involved by FOLLOWING. Open your eyes, ears and minds. Study issues deeply, get the facts, and objectively look at all and any issues from both sides. Use your God given intelligence to make up your OWN minds.

I have great faith in young people and students. Our country is at stake like never before in our history. Your future lives are at stake. Don't be silent. Get involved. Voice your opinions. Take action in a positive way, but take action. You have great unused power. Use it constructively, but use it. America needs you!

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