Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Why Corruption Must Be Stopped

Huge dollar numbers, today, are tossed around like they are almost meaningless...trillions and billions of dollars! Let's put things into perspective. The City of Chicopee, Massachusetts has a population of approximately 55,000 people. The median income per household is $36,000 per year and the average income per capita is only $19,000. Approximately 12.3% of the population are below the poverty line.

The most recent annual budget, fiscal year 2010, of the City of Chicopee is $148 million.

Yet an organization like ACORN, that the American people know is widely corrupt, was slated to get $8.5 billion of taxpayer "stimulus" money!

Now let's put that into perspective. That $8.5 billion slated to be given to a corrupt organization would pay for the annual budget of Chicopee, Massachusetts for 57 years!! That's right, 57 years!

Think about it.

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