Friday, June 4, 2010

Media Feeding Americans False Propaganda

There is a constant stream of false propaganda attempting to prop up the Obama administration by making it appear that the economy is doing better. By doing this much of the news media is not only hurting America, but betraying us. What the American people need is the truth, not propaganda. This this is both the duty and the responsibility of the news media and professional journalism.

The real story is that the U.S. national debt just surpassed a whopping $13 trillion, yet this very significant occurrence has been barely reported. The real truth is that all 50 states in America are in severe financial difficulty, contrary to what has been reported. Recently in Bloomberg Businessweek, Meredith Whitney, founder and chief executive officer of Meredith Whitney Advisory Group in New York said the financial conditions of U.S. states resemble those in Greece, whose debt was downgraded by Standard & Poor’s to junk status.

Astoundingly, the US Treasury has reported that in the next 10 years (by 2020) the spending of major entitlement programs plus interest on the national debt will absorb 100% of federal revenue. This does not include the cost of the new healthcare law where the costs will be significant.

Unemployment, as reported, is hanging at around 9.7%. But this has been deflated by the federal government hiring of 411,000 temporary jobs, with 16,000 new permanent jobs on the way. What organization would hire huge amounts of people when deeply in debt? As we all know these unemployment numbers don't include those who have given up looking for jobs, estimated at over 300,000 people, and those who have accepted lower paying or part time jobs. The REAL unemployment number hovers around 16%.

Purposely kept on low burner by the media and the Obama administration is the fact the next fiscal year's budget is a staggering $3.8 trillion. This shows total irresponsibility by the administration in managing the economy.

The states and the U.S. economy are in a very dire condition. This is the real truth that should be reported, and what the American people deserve to read about and hear.

Truth, NOT propaganda!

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