Thursday, June 24, 2010

Obama's Premise on Attending G20 Dead Wrong

There are serious problems with the article: "The Question at G 20: To spend or save?" , written by Richard Wolf, appearing in USA Today on June 24, 2010. To begin with whole premise of the article is way off base. You don't continue massive spending when you are broke and already have enormous debt. No individual, family, business, or organization would do that. It is totally illogical.

Wolfe states "...Obama is on firmer ground than he was last spring in London...". That is totally not true. Our national debt has skyrocketed to over $13 trillion during this time, unemployment has increased to 10%, as reported, (not 9.4% as reported in the article). Real measures of unemployment are even worse at 15 - 16% when you include those who have given up, and those underemployed just to earn meager incomes. In a more severe look, 24/7 Wall St. Online reports 100,753,706 unemployed of those over the age of 14, or 32.5% of the population. False claims of "creating jobs" by the Obama administration would be laughable if it were not so tragic. Real facts dispute claims.

The recently passed national healthcare, for certain, will add trillions of dollars to our national debt as well as creating social and medical chaos. Further proposed legislation coming down the pike will drive the United States even deeper into debt while at the same time undermining the stability and structure of America...all that which made us great. Legitimate estimates reveal that our national debt will more than double to well over $20 trillion over the next 10 years.

Being hidden until after the November election is the fact that a historical irresponsible budget of $3.8 trillion awaits us, with little being said about it by the media. This is not "firmer ground" as stated by Wolf.

The so called "stimulus" packages have done next to nothing for the economy. Much of the taxpayer money given out has been squandered, a great deal of it to special interests. Essentially all 50 states are broke and the only reason many of them are keeping their head above water is due only to federal money that is being used to feed the drug of overspending, fiscal irresponsibility, corruption, and waste.

Wolf, amazingly quotes the Center for Strategic and International Studies: "Obama goes there looking pretty good..."; then goes on to add "The administration is in a strong position to make its case". Its case for what? More out of control spending when you are already bankrupt!?

There is more. But the fundamental question that should be asked is how in the world can a leader, go into an international conference and propose more massive spending when the United States, and most of the world, is already in severe financial difficulty? It defies all logic.

Where is the media? Where is professional journalism that brings people the real perspective...the real facts and truths, not smoke and mirrors while our country fails.

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