Friday, July 16, 2010

NAACP Accusations of Tea Party Racism Not True

The NAACP recent charges of racism by the Tea Parties should be questioned. It appears to be a complete and purposeful fabrication. While any large group of people or organization may contain some fringe elements of racism, the vast majority of the American people (and the NAACP) know full well that the Tea Parties are not a racist organization. The NAACP has lost major credibility due to this accusation and there is little doubt that this will backfire vs. their intended purpose. I would venture to say that there is more racism involved at a Democratic or Republican National Convention than exists at a Tea Party rally. In fact, more racism exists within the NAACP itself than the Tea Parties. The NAACP has been stone dead silent on the New Black Panther Party calling for the killing of whites and white babies, and their obvious voter intimidation tactics.

I have attended Tea Party rallies as a photojournalist and have not seen one sign, or heard one comment that would be considered racist. In fact, at some there were African American speakers involved! Those attending were peaceful, friendly, polite, not radical, and shared a deep concern over the current direction of our country. They are just everyday Americans involved in a grass roots movement across our country. The fact that they protest against President Obama, his administration, and his current policies and the direction he is leading our country is NOT racist. They also protest against both parties of Congress. This is not racism, it is the exercise of the First Amendment right of free speech and thank God we still have this right to do so in our democracy!

It is understandable that many black, African / Americans, voted in a huge block in support of our first African / American President. But now, reality is beginning to set in even with them. All clear thinking people can see the out of control spending, excessive power being exercised by the federal government, the real threat to our freedoms, violations to the Constitution, and more...essentially people are watching in horror as our great country is being destroyed right before us. This is not a color or race issue, it is a concern to ALL Americans. Thus the power base of the Obama administration and the Democratic majority is beginning to slip away, including with those of color.

In a desperation move, attempting to discredit Tea Parties, and to rally people back into the fold with accusations, the NAACP has trumped up the charge of racism when it doesn't exist. The NAACP has a long history as a credible organization doing positive things for people of color. Sadly, they are now running the risk of losing all credibility and relevance. People know the truth. This accusation will backfire. The current leadership and motives of the NAACP should be questioned.

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