Thursday, July 8, 2010

Letter to Editor on Tea Parties

This Letter to the Editor was in response to an article in USA Today that made it appear that Tea Party people were "centrists" and that is the reason for the larger numbers of Independent candidates running for office. This is pure bunk, not true. It also made it appear that Tea Party people were dissatisfied with the Republican right. Again, not true at all. Newspapers like USA Today attempt to form public opinion by such articles, truth is not their objective...propaganda in attempting to influence thought and opinion is.

The original Letter to the Editor was edited quite a bit, watered down, some of the bite taken out of it, and the title puts a different slant on it. This is what they do. Anyway it was published as below.

July 8, 2010
Party lines don't matter

The article "A rebellion in the middle, independents gain favor" is misleading. The piece seems to imply that centrists are behind the momentum of some independent candidates. However, Tea Party members will support and vote for any candidate whether they are a Republican, Democrat, independent or libertarian. Substance, not party, is the issue (Cover story, News, Tuesday).

The Tea Parties were formed in opposition to the policies of President Obama, his administration, and congressional leaders Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. They also are opposed to politicians who claim to be Republicans but do not follow conservative principles.

The Tea Party is not a party at all but a grass-roots movement whose members are concerned about out-of-control spending; power grabbing by the federal government; anarchy at our borders; a weak and apologetic approach to foreign policy; and legislation rammed through Congress against the will of the people.

Readers should attend a few Tea Party rallies. Talk to the participants and learn about who they really are. You will find that they are average American citizens deeply concerned about the future of our country.

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