Saturday, July 30, 2011

Time to End Abortion in America

Nothing will ever change the fact that is very wrong to take the life of a helpless, innocent child through abortion. They like to try to convince you that it is just a lump of flesh, call it a "fetus", but it is a human life. Many girls, at a very early age, are continually bombarded with their "right" to make decisions about their own body, and that right certainly exists. They make their sometimes emotional decisions based upon this right. There are two things that are hidden, however, in the process of learning about abortion. The first, and the most important, is that a life does actually exist within a mother's womb during pregnancy. The second is that the process of taking this life is a brutal and inhumane one, especially with partial birth abortion. Even very intelligent women are snookered by the propaganda associated with their "right" and the trick words that are used to purposely dehumanize the life that exists by calling it a lump of flesh, or a "fetus".

When girls or women allow themselves to be open and really learn about the existence of life during pregnancy, and what the procedure of abortion actually does to this life, they are horrified. Yet it is difficult to overcome the years of indoctrination and propaganda concerning abortion that young girls are exposed to. More recently ultrasound has helped show an expectant mother the real truth concerning the existence of life and this has become the enemy of those who push abortion. They would rather hide the truth, rather than exposing the deception that exists concerning abortion.

Medical science for MANY years has shown how the life in a mother's womb develops, how it can sense and feel things, feel pain, gain eyesight, reason and think, and much more. That is life! Books on this at one time were readily available and many expectant mother's read about and experienced the joy with each stage of pregnancy. Prenatal books describing the stages of life during pregnancy are not so readily available today in a purposeful attempt to hide the truth.

Proponents of abortion will cite the extreme cases of hardship that will result if a woman is not allowed to have an abortion. The facts are, however, that about 98% of all abortions are those of convenience, a way of getting rid of the child since it would be inconvenient or "burdensome" and absolving all responsibility. There are others who want to use abortion as a means of population control with the thinking that if there are too many of "them", there will be less for US. Think about that for a moment...taking life so WE have more. The UN has ongoing programs with the intent of using abortion as a means of population control.

Abortion is by far the worst holocaust in human history with over 50 million lives of babies taken in the United States alone since Roe vs. Wade. There is no "right" to take the life of another human being. Not only are we taking life through abortion at home, America is now exporting death by offering funding and abortion assistance outside the U.S. Millions of taxpayer's dollars are being used to fund abortion.

Mother Teresa said; "We cannot fight credibly against other social and moral evils, including poverty and violence, while we tolerate mass killing by abortion." It is hard to understand how people can sleep at night. Why are so many silent? It is time to end abortion in America.

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