Sunday, December 18, 2011

Anti-Semitism Could Spark World War III

There is rampant and irrational anti-Semitism across Europe and now the United States. Even secular Jews (those who don't practice their faith) are on the attack. For those who remember history it is very similar to the anti-Semitism that preceded World War II that eventually led to the extermination of over 6 million Jews. After the war the cry was "Never Again" , yet we are now repeating history in spite of this cry.

It starts with leadership. Amazingly the leaders in Europe who seem to have a short memory of the Nazi atrocities right in their own countries either participate in the anti-Semitism or remain silent, which is just as bad. The United Nations is clearly anti-Israel and anti-Semitic. They ignore acts of terrorism against Israel and constantly criticize the Jewish state. Then there is President Obama. He has essentially turned his back on Israel and insulted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Obama's call for borders based on the lines prior to the Six Day War of 1967 showed a total disregard for Israel, and would place Israel in a defenseless position against neighbors who want to destroy her.Yet Israel is one of our strongest allies and the ONLY true democracy in the Mid East.

Then there is the media who has clearly displayed anti-Semitism. The New York Times has had a constant stream of articles that are anti-Israel, and in reality, anti-Semitic. They are not alone. The terrorist organization, Hamas (and others) have been continually firing missiles and rockets into Israeli civilian populations. Hardly a mention by the media or the UN. Yet when Israel responds to defend herself there is widespread criticism. This is where it becomes irrational. It is OK to bomb civilian populations, not OK for Israel to respond.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has repeatedly stated that he wants to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. Reports are that Iran is just months away from achieving a nuclear weapon, but even this is being discounted by the media and other sources. Few doubt, however, that Iran is moving quickly toward nuclear weapons capability. The Sunday Times of London recently reported that Israel is setting up an "Iran Command" to not only deal with the threat but fueling speculation that a military attack may be in the works. With the entire Mid East in turmoil, the entire region is becoming a threat. The call for removal of dictators by the U.S. and others may seem like a good thing, but a vacuum has been set up that has allowed radical Islamic groups to begin to take over. They all hate Israel and want to see her destroyed.

The anti-Semitism in Europe, within the U. S., the U.N. and the media, along with a madman in Iran close to nuclear weapons capability, coupled with an entire Mid East in turmoil has set up a flash point between Israel and Iran. Israel cannot just sit back and let themselves be destroyed as has been announced repeatedly by Ahmadinejad. They will be forced to take a pre-emptive strike. This could very well spark a NUCLEAR World War III that will draw in many nations, including the United States.

The only thing that may be able to stop it is for the American people to speak up. Speak up against anti-Semitism. Speak up against nations that want to destroy Israel. Speak up and demand that the rocket / missiles attacks against the civilian population in Israel cease immediately. Speak up that our federal government in Washington again take a leadership position, not to initiate attacks or war, but a firm hand to bring about peace. Speak up that we support our friend and ally, Israel.

The American people need to speak up to prevent World War III and live up to the pledge, "Never Again".

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