Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Mitt Romney

It looks like Mitt Romney will emerge as the Republican candidate and overall I think that he will be an excellent candidate that can beat Obama. Personally I liked Michelle Bachman, Romney, Rick Santorum, and Newt Gingrich. Gingrich would have been a strong candidate but the fear was he would have too much of the wrong kind of baggage.

I believe that it is very important to have good and factual information on Romney since he will be under unmerciful attack. His qualifications for President are nothing short of excellent. He has a business, managerial, and leadership background. He knows how to manage finances and a budget. He is an excellent communicator. He speaks clearly and can be firm, yet he knows how to work with others who have a different view in order to get things done, without sacrificing the basics, the principles, of what he is attempting to accomplish. He is an excellent family man, has an excellent moral background...and he is clean from corruption and personal issues that seem so prevalent in politics today.

Now I will give you my observations, particularly in regard to the issues that he will be faced with. I have closely and critically studied Romney over a number of years. First, Romney is a conservative. He is miscast as being a moderate and I will explain that below. If his characterization as a moderate brings in more votes in that area, so be it.

I live in Massachusetts and I studied him closely as the Governor of Massachusetts. Being a governor of a one party Democratic state is no easy chore. Yet he did an excellent job with an 85% Democratic legislature, and with most all city / towns controlled by Democrats. Not easy, yet he did an excellent job. He kept his "finger in the dam" on spending and managed the budget with a legislature that wanted to spend, spend, spend.

Very importantly on healthcare, people forget that the strongly Democratic legislature pushed like crazy for a state controlled healthcare approach. My own opinion on this they wanted to set up a forerunner model in order to force a nationally controlled healthcare on America. Yet Romney pushed back on the legislature and refused to sign the state bill until certain concessions were made that were more reasonable and rational. He did then sign the bill. It now has mixed reviews, some good, some bad. My opinion is that if he had stayed on as governor that he would have made corrections on the bad aspects of healthcare in the state since that is the type of leader that he is. Healthcare will continually come up during the campaign and he will have to answer the questions on this. From my personal perspective nothing has changed for my healthcare insurance coverage in the state, I had insurance before, I have it now, my coverage is unchanged in every respect. I am much more worried about Obamacare when it gets fully implemented.

As Governor of Massachusetts he was an excellent and SMART communicator. On every single critical issue facing the state he clearly stated his positions and the reasoning behind them. He did this through TV and radio ads, or through publicly communicated interviews. In other words he brought his positions DIRECTLY to the people so that they knew exactly where he stood on the issues. Many politicians do not do this and allow the conduit of newspapers, such as the Boston Globe, to put any spin they want on their positions. He went to the people.

On the issue of abortion and the fact that he changed his mind after being pro-choice. My greatest concern is where he is now. Saint Paul changed his mind too, since earlier in his life he persecuted Christians. I attended a Massachusetts Citizens for Life Mother's Day Dinner where he was the guest speaker. Believe me, I listened very, very critically to every word that he said. He fully explained his transition and reasoning for now being Pro-Life. I believe that he was sincere and that today this is his true position. I am fully satisfied.

In regard to his tenure as CEO of Bain Capital he actually had an excellent record of helping and growing the majority of companies that he was involved with, while at the same time making money for Bain. In some cases they had to make some tough decisions on companies that were not successful...they were in the minority. That is what leadership and capitalism is all about. During that time I was employed in management with James River Corporation and we used Bain extensively as a consultant. I found Bain to be an excellent company and they helped us substantially in helping to direct our efforts, our strategy, in a better direction. Oh yes, and the comment that he made about "firing" wasn't even in reference to Bain, but taken out of context and distorted as an attack weapon against him. Informed people know what Romney meant by what he said. What he meant was that he wants the CHOICE of discontinuing business with those that don't offer quality goods and services. Don't all of us want this?

On the issue of being a Mormon that I am sure will come up... I look at the type of person that he is, the values that he displays, and the fact that he is an excellent family man, with a beautiful family. His religion is not an issue with me and I hope that it isn't with you.

Here is why I think that Mitt Romney is REALLY a conservative:

* He is a fiscal conservative, believes in cutting spending, reducing the debt, and balancing the budget.

* He believes in a strong military and a clearly communicated firm foreign policy. He will NOT apologize for America.

* He believes in securing the border and a legal PROCESS of immigration.

* He is Pro-Life and stated he would de-fund Planned Parenthood.

* He believes in the Constitution and the founding principles of our country.

* He is in favor of marriage being between a man and a woman. He has strong family values and a strong belief in God.

* He would repeal Obamacare.

* In regard to gun control, he has stated: "Let me speak very directly and candidly about where I stand. I support the Second Amendment (the right to bear arms) as one of the most basic and fundamental rights of every American. It's essential to our functioning as a free society, as are all the liberties enumerated in the Bill of Rights..."

The media and many of the "talking heads" on television try to label people in certain ways, but I would say with all of the above, and more, Mitt Romney is a pretty conservative candidate...wouldn't you?

We are facing one of the most critical Presidential elections in our history. I feel that in order to save our great country, and provide a future for our children, our grandchildren, and for future generations that we must defeat Obama. I have offered you some facts, opinions, and observations of Mitt Romney so that all of us will be well armed with information. I believe Romney will be the Republican candidate and I believe that all of us need to get 100% behind him.

I will follow this with A Specific Plan on How to Beat Obama as soon as the nomination is confirmed.

Please pass this on to all that those on your E-mail lists, or otherwise. We need to get factual information out on Romney as Step 1.

Thank you.

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