Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Young People, Abortion, The March for Life

The media tends to ignore, marginalize, and underreport the annual March for Life. They will even show photos of a handful of pro-abortion activists and ignore the tens of thousands of Pro-Life marchers giving a false impression as to the numbers attending and what they represent. Yet the most important recent trend that is missed are the growing number of young people attending the March. Two years ago pro-abortion activist, Nancy Keenan, president of NARAL, commented about the March for Life in Washington: “I just thought, my gosh, they are so young,” she told Newsweek. “There are so many of them, and they are so young.” This year there appeared to be even more young people at the 2012 March for Life in Washington, an apparent increasing trend.

The reason why many pure thinking young people are attending in record numbers is due to education. For many years people were fed the propaganda that there is no life within an expectant mother's womb during pregnancy. Contrary to long proven medical science they were told that the life, the baby, was just a lump of flesh, and de-humanizing words like "fetus" were used. Yet the greatest enemy to the pro-abortion movement is the ultrasound where the existence of life can be shown at very early stages. Planned Parenthood discourages the use of ultrasound for that very reason.

Young people today are much more informed. They have read about the factual medical science proving the existence of life. They have seen examples of ultrasound. They are informed about the brutal procedures used in abortion, especially for late term abortions. They are, in fact, horrified by it. As young people, unclouded by all the rhetoric, they inherently know that it is wrong to take a human life...a simple, logical, and compassionate conclusion.

The question that should be raised, if young people can understand this...where is the medical profession? Where are the politicians? Where are all the religious leaders? Where is the media? Since the Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade in 1973 the lives of over 53 million innocent babies have been taken, the worst holocaust in human history. Approximately 3,700 abortions are performed daily in the United States. Where is the outrage of ALL Americans?

Young people are leading the way. High school and college students are forming Respect for Life Clubs. They are increasingly networking with each other. Many of them attend the March for Life in Washington. Because of them, young people leading the way, Roe v. Wade WILL be overturned.

How can ANY of the rest of us sleep at night?

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