Friday, September 28, 2012

Time to End Media Betrayal of America

It is time for the media to do their job.

The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States offers the sacred right of "freedom of the press". This right is absolutely essential in the preserving of our democracy and in guaranteeing the freedoms of all our citizens.

Yet over the last 15 years this sacred right has been abused. In collusion, various media organizations have:

* Purposely biased news and used the news as a means of propaganda, not for informing the public

* Covered up reporting, and in some cases failed entirely to report vital news...vital to America and vital to the world

* Attacked individuals and organizations that do not agree with their ideological positions

* Created news that is false or completely inaccurate

* Issued purposely biased "poll" information that attempts to influence public opinion, not measure it

* Offer what amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars of free advertising and promotion to individuals, organizations, and causes that meet their ideological positions. Not for what is best for the country.

The problems facing the United States and the world are very solvable problems. Yet due to the media failure to accurately and objectively report the news they have helped create the following:

* The numbers and facts are all right in front of us, we don't have to go into the details...they are self evident. The United States is on the verge of economic collapse, not only today, but for many future generations and possibly may never recover.

 * The current direction of our country, and foreign policy, has led to an unstable world, primarily in the Mid East. This may very well lead to a nuclear war, with the potential of World War III.

* For many years during the Cold War era we fought against the evils of socialism and communism. Yet with the support of the media we are now marching America into the depths of socialism, in spite of its' historical and glaring failures, and the devastation that it brings to people.

Twenty years from now, looking back, the greatest betrayal of America will have been by the media, where the media played a major part. During a critical era, where the First Amendment, concerning freedom of the press, was intended to be exercised with full integrity in order to shine a light on truth and facts for the good of America and for the people, the media not only acted contrary to this, but outright betrayed our country.
This will be the media legacy.
Yet at this critical juncture in the election of a President of the United States it is not too late. All facts support, if you look at them objectively, that Barack Obama has not only failed as President, but he has failed miserably. Domestically our economy is in shambles. He has exercised federal government over control, not only contrary to our founding as a country, but as actually warned against by our Founders. He is marching America into the depths of socialism. His foreign policy has pushed the world to the brink of nuclear war. Our sovereignty as a nation is threatened. Objective and factual news reporting should reveal all of this if the media were doing their job.
As previously stated all of our problems are solvable, some rather easily. What we need is "freedom of the press" as intended. What we need is objective and factual journalism to bring the truth to the American people. What we need is new leadership.
It is time for the media to do their job. America depends upon it like no other time in our history.

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