Monday, October 1, 2012

The Shift of the Democratic Party

The Democratic Party of 2012 is drastically different than the Democratic Party of 1960 during the era of President John F. Kennedy. In the past it was known as the "party of the people" and genuinely cared about people and those in REAL need. However, the party platform today, either written or unwritten, includes approval of abortion, euthanasia, and the marriage of two people of the same sex. A key speaker at the Democratic Convention was the President of Planned Parenthood, an organization that takes the lives of over 350,000 children per year. (Imagine!) It includes a strong strain of socialism, something that we considered evil during the Cold War. At the recent Democratic Convention they had to vote on the inclusion of God, and the recognition of Israel. The acclamation vote actually appeared to be more in favor of exclusion, rather than inclusion. For appearance purposes it was forced to look like the vote was for inclusion, but to even raise the question if God and Israel should be mentioned or excluded should be an eye opener for everyone.

The party convention had a speaker who represented the need for free contraception for women as part of "women's rights", and if you are against this, you are against women. The Party seized upon this, in direct violation of the Constitution, to force Catholics and Catholic institutions to offer contraception and early abortion medication contrary to the Catholic faith.

The party today believes that you don't have to balance a budget and that a massive debt of over $16 trillion fast approaching $20 trillion is not a problem that needs urgent addressing. It believes in strong federal government control over all aspects of American life. The party believes in distribution of wealth, where money is taken from those who are wealthy, and those who have worked hard all their lives and given to those not only in real need, but to those who choose not to work and who, by choice, wish to be dependent upon the federal government. Dependency on government, not individual initiative and responsibility seems to be a party theme.

It does not believe in American exceptionalism, on the contrary, it believes in "mea culpa" that the United States is a major source of the world problems and that we should apologize for our failures. The Democratic Party believes that the United Nations should play a stronger role, not only in the world, but in reference to laws that place the people of America under the UN jurisdiction. Yet this runs contrary to the U.S. Constitution and is a threat to our sovereignty as a nation. The party believes in vastly reduced military strength and presence.

Welfare, disability, and voter fraud are allowed to thrive under the current unwritten party platform, as well as illegal immigration. The party also believes that American citizens should pay for the education, healthcare, and living expenses of those who are here illegally where in many cases even American citizens do not receive these benefits.

The party does not believe in identifying the #1 threat to the United States and to the world....radical Islamic terrorism. The belief seems to be if it is not mentioned or identified that it will just go away. This places the United States in great jeopardy.

The party wishes to force America into expensive and inadequate energy sources while at the same time, not only ignoring, but actually preventing, the realization of readily available domestic energy sources that will lead to complete energy independence.  This would lower costs for all Americans, create millions of jobs, and greatly strengthen our national defense.

The Democratic Party today supports union bosses, but not union members. There is a movement underway to take the (sacred) secret ballot away from union member voters, allowing bosses to have a strong intimidation lever. This is only one example of the concentration of more dictatorial power and wealth in the hands of bosses at the detriment of union members. Nowhere has the devastation of union bosses been more detrimentally felt than in education. Through their strong opposition to charter schools (choice), and their disallowance of any type of educational or teacher performance rating, education in the United States has alarmingly deteriorated. Many of our public schools are simply out of control.

The Democratic Party today inflames racism and division as a means to divert criticism, and as a means to attempt to rally minorities to the party, it's platform agenda...and for their vote.

The Democratic Party of today has moved from being considered the "party of the people" to the party of government and union boss control, and to the party of dependency, not of individual initiative and responsibility.

Those that have been life long Democrats and always vote accordingly should think long and hard about voting "Democrat" today.

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