Sunday, May 4, 2014

Benghazi Much MUCH Worse Than Watergate

The "Watergate" scandal in the 1970's that caused President Richard Nixon to resign was based upon a White House driven break in of the Democratic National Committee offices at the Watergate Hotel in Washington, DC. This was heavily reported by the media who made dramatic and constant daily news out of it. Many called for his impeachment, eventually President Nixon resigned because of it.

Benghazi is at least 100 times worse. Following are the reasons why:

* The US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, in a dangerous and volatile region of the world, was left under protected demonstrating incompetence and even malfeasance. There were also forewarnings with attacks on other consulates and even that of the US.

* This was further accentuated by the fact that it was under protected on September 11, 2012 placing the lives of our US Ambassador, Christopher Stevens, and other US personnel in jeopardy. There should have been highlighted concern about the date, September 11.

* When the attack on the Consulate took place it was known at the time that this was a planned and orchestrated terrorist act, by terrorist networks linked to Al-Qaeda.

* A US Embassy or Consulate is considered sovereign US territory. This was, in effect, an attack on the United States. It was extremely serious.

* President Obama chose for US military forces in the region to "stand down" and not try to help save the lives of our Ambassador and other US personnel. As a result our Ambassador, Christopher Stevens, information officer Sean Smith, and former Navy Seals, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were murdered. Yes, they were real people and have names! This failure of action violated all principles of always protecting American citizens, particularly those representing our government.

* It is reported that while this attack was under way, President Obama went to bed to prepare to attend for a fundraiser in Chicago the next morning, which he did attend.

* Worried about the upcoming election and President Obama's political narrative that we had Al-Qaeda on the run and essentially rendered ineffective, a knowingly false story was created by the White House. This story was that the attack on our Consulate was a spontaneous action caused by a video that was deemed insulting to Muslims. This false story was given entirely for political purposes in order to help ensure President Obama's re-election.

* Susan Rice, the US Ambassador to the United Nations was then sent out to 5 major television network programs to deliver this false story about the video being the cause. President Obama, himself, along with Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, Press Secretary Jay Carney and many others in the administration also delivered this knowingly false story. This false story was even told to the families of the dead US personnel when their bodies were returned to the US.

* The whole premise of the false You Tube video story is in itself shocking. What it infers is that terrorism and murder were justified by the video. It was the videos fault and it originator as the reason that caused the terrorist acts and murder. Yet Christianity and Judaism both receive nearly daily insults and that is apparently OK. 

* To this day it has been made worse by a massive cover up on what really happened. Documents have been withheld, with obfuscation and lies taking place before congressional committees.

Unlike Watergate, the media has remained essentially silent, complicit with the cover up. Yet Benghazi is 100 times worse.

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