Sunday, May 11, 2014

US / World Threat Must Be Confronted

Fundamental problem solving dictates that first you have to define the problem. Yet the United States, and the world, for reasons of political correctness, and fear, refuse to identify what is perhaps the biggest threat confronting us. Yet most rational and clear thinking people unmistakably know what it is, but many allow themselves to be lulled asleep by governments and the media who chose to ignore and fail to identify this major problem.

Across the world there are approximately 1.6 billion Muslims. If you begin with the premise that most Muslims are good people, not all Muslims are bad, and the percentage of those that are is relatively low; this is this where you have to be careful. There have been a number of polls taken across the world and it varies by country and by region, but summing it up about 10% of Muslims are very radical Islamists. That is no small number, it is about 160 million radicals. Further polling of Muslims across the world has revealed about 20 to 25%, although not themselves involved with radicalism, support and agree with it. This is 320 to 400 million Muslims! Now this is a serious problem. To put it into perspective this is more than the entire population of the United States currently at 318 million.

Why are they a threat to the United States and to the world? They have openly stated that their goal is to wipe Israel off the face of the map, and to destroy the United States. This even comes from the leaders of some Islamic nations. Along the way they want to destroy Europe and the West. In fact they offer the only alternatives of survival as converting to Islam, becoming a slave of it, or die. This is their interpretation of the Koran! In addition to their desire to destroy entire countries they have expressed their desire to kill all Jews and Christians, in particular, and there are thousands of examples where they have already done this. In the Sudan they have raped and mutilated Christian women and left them laying in the fields as examples. They have bombed Christian churches and killed Christians in the Mid East. They shot and killed a Catholic priest while saying Mass in the Philippines. Many of the abducted girls in Nigeria are Christians where they are attempting to sell them as slaves or outright murder them. These attacks on Christians are increasing. 

Thousands of missiles and rockets have been launched against civilian populations in Israel. Suicide bombers have blown up buses in Israel, killed people at shopping malls and restaurants...and it goes on and on. Iran is racing toward a nuclear bomb. The Mid East is on fire with new very radical Islamic leadership.

The radical Islamists even attack other Muslims who do not agree with their extremism. Their crimes represent horrific hate. They kill little children, women, and men indiscriminately. They have thrown acid into the faces of school children; shot in the head a young Pakistani girl who wants nothing more than to receive an education and to have women receive an education. They have beheaded journalists, raped a US journalist; their hate knows no boundaries. They murdered and dragged through the streets our US Ambassador in Libya. They wish to subjugate women and openly violate ALL rights of women and their freedoms under their dictatorial control. They will even go so far as to kill their own daughters or sisters through "honor killings" if they step out of line. In 2013, in Pakistan alone, there were 869 "honor killings" of women by family members.  What could be more barbaric? 

All these atrocities are happening on a daily basis right under our noses. There is a major and ongoing holocaust taking place world wide. Yet the US government refuses to recognize and identify this major threat to our country and the world. They call them "individual criminal actions" rather that what they are...terrorism by radical Islamic groups. The media follows suit and when an act of terrorism does happen they steer the news away from the fact that the perpetrators are radical Muslims; we seem to find out much after the fact. Other governments across the world follow suit and keep their heads in the sand on what is really going on. The UN does nothing and says nothing. So the major threat continues unabated.

Many take the approach..."as long as it doesn't affect me". But it DOES affect you! When you go through an airport you are put through an extensive process of security check. Even though you may think the risk is small, there is the fear of you or one of your loved ones being killed or severely injured by a terrorist act. Your individual freedoms are violated by phone / cell, E-mail, vehicle black boxes, security cameras, and even drones today. Not only are your freedoms constricted and violated you pay for all this through taxes and fees. Trillions upon trillions of dollars are spent in the United States and across the world in order to prevent terrorist acts...yet terrorism isn't even identified as such. We seem to be playing a game.

Those continuing trillions upon trillions of dollars could be spent for feeding the world's starving population, giving shelter, a place to live, to the homeless. That money could be used to help the poor, improve and ease the ability to provide education, particularly in third world countries. The money could be used for medical research in finding a cure for cancer, heart disease, aids, and so many other diseases. It could be used in using rational approaches toward cleaning up the environment. It could be used to provide better standards of living for all people across the world. The money could and SHOULD be used to help human kind!

It is time for the United States and for all nations across the world to first identify and then confront radical Islamic terrorism and the great threat that it is to all the world. It must be confronted and stopped. By a unified effort it can be done. The solution to this world wide problem will allow money and efforts to be used for the betterment of all human kind. It is time to RECOGNIE and confront a major and serious world wide problem. 

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