Friday, June 24, 2016

GREAT NEWS: England Leaving the European Union

As far as I am concerned England dropping out of the European Union is great news. This was fought against very hard by George Soros, Obama, and all the people who want a one world government. Don't kid yourself, their plan is to bring down the United States since it stands in the way...too free, too powerful, too wealthy and they have been trying to fix that and have been succeeding. Open borders is another part of this...create confusion, division, and more. People are easier to control that way.

A united Europe was one of the big pieces, one of the larger "building blocks" of a one world government. Certainly the UN wants this and has been attacking the US on every front. Those behind the one world government's plan is to then bring about a united North America, and more. Once you have larger building blocks it is easier to move them all together and there you have it. Those behind this are driven by power, greed, control, and really...evil.

Are there going to be some momentary economic issues with England's move to withdraw from the European Union? Yes! And the media will make a BIG issue of this and you will hear more and more about it in the next few days. Yet in the long run score a victory for freedom, democracy and the will of the people. Good for the English people!

Conspiracy theory? This is reality, people! And for now it is a win. It has thwarted the plan of the one world government people and that is great news. 


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