Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The Failure of the Republican Party - A Wake Up Call

President George W. Bush during his presidency from 2001 to 2009 had both Houses of Congress from 2001 to 2006. He also had 5/9 of the Supreme Court. Many of the nation's problems were attributed to BOTH parties, yet when you have the reins of leadership and full support of Congress there is absolutely no excuse for not solving problems and making America better. The economy fell apart under his leadership even though both parties were responsible for the failing underpinnings. He continued to spend out of control; got us into a 2nd and unnecessary war with Iraq; failed to act on the obvious and looming "sub prime" mortgage crisis; and was weak kneed when he should have stood up, communicated to the American people, and have taken leadership action. At this same time the Republican leadership in Congress and the Republican "establishment" began to reveal themselves. They were more caught up with their own power, self importance, personal financial gain, and egos rather than doing what is best for our country. There are some exceptions to this, but this is the general case.

In 2009, over great frustration, there was a grass roots uprising by many of the American people that became known as the Tea Party movement. This movement scared the hell out of the Democrats and the media and they did everything possible to discredit it. Most of it was made up stuff, or they would take a person, or a small minority who did something and blow it up to make it appear like it was the general Tea Party case. We all know how they do this. My own personal investigation, interviews (and photographs) of Tea Party people is that they were your next door neighbor types who had a deep and genuine concern over the direction of America. I found them to be a true and sincere grass roots movement, nothing radical about them whatsoever (as portrayed). This is where the Republican leadership, the "establishment" made another, MAJOR, error. Instead of embracing the Tea Party and understanding what they were all about, they rejected them and looked at them as being a threat to their own power and self importance. They also allowed themselves to be led around by their noses by the media, afraid they might be criticized. Status quo is safer. This was a missed major opportunity by the Republican Party.

Now we have the current, 2016 Presidential Election process. Through the primary process, as outrageous and he may seem at times, the voters have selected Donald Trump as their candidate. Agree or disagree he put issues on the table that were not there before, yet they were simmering with many of the American people. Another huge frustration, he threw "political correctness" out the window to the delight of many that are sick of it. So now we have the "presumptive" Republican Presidential Candidate, Donald Trump. What does the Republican leadership / establishment do? First they consider him a threat to their own power and self importance. They do not accept the decision of voters, THEY know better. Many speak out against Trump (the Democrats and media really love this). They plot an overthrow at the Republican Convention. Worst of all they do not solve in private their differences and emerge totally behind and supportive of their candidate. Dumb is not a sufficient word. Stupid is a better word to describe the Republican leadership / establishment since they are, by their own actions, denying themselves the opportunity to have a Republican as President of the United States of America. Just the opposite, they are guaranteeing the election of Hillary Clinton if she is indeed the candidate.

The Republican Party represents a total failure in leadership. 

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