Wednesday, September 14, 2016


The effects on most users of marijuana is that they experience an increase in heart rate, redness of the eyes, and dryness of the mouth and throat. Studies show that the drug temporarily impairs short term memory, alters the sense of time, and reduces the ability to perform tasks requiring concentration, swift reactions, and coordination. (Like driving a car or operating machinery. Note: At my former place of employment a co-worker was mangled in a machine, his coordination was impaired from smoking marijuana prior to work.) Feelings of euphoria, relaxation, altered state of body image, and bouts of exaggerated laughter also are commonly reported.

Scientists believe that marijuana can be particularly harmful to lungs through the deep inhalation process. Marijuana smoke has been found to have more cancer causing agents then are found with cigarette smoke. Marijuana can increase heart rate by as much as 50% and can bring on chest pain in some individuals. Doctors feel that people with heart conditions or at a high risk of heart ailments can be adversely affected. Findings also suggest that regular use may reduce fertility in women. Further, scientists believe marijuana, which crosses the placential barrier, may have a toxic effect on embryos and fetuses.

Further, from personal experience, I have sadly seen many relatives and friends who have used marijuana and other "harmless recreational drugs" later on in life having serious medical difficulties at an early age such as heart attacks and strokes, kidney failures, and even death. The point is that long term effects of these drugs are not known, but you can logically conclude that they won't be positive.

In Science Daily (June 5, 2014) a review described a report in the New England Journal of Medicine authored by scientists from the National Institute of Health. There have been more studies that concurred with these studies from very reputable medical research organizations. The science establishing that marijuana can be addictive and that this risk for addiction increases for daily or young users. It also offers insights into research on the gateway theory indicating that marijuana use, similar to nicotine and alcohol use, may be associated with an increased vulnerability to other drugs. There IS a gateway effect although they try to tell you otherwise. The scientists focus on marijuana's harmful effects on teens, an age group in which the brain rapidly develops, which is one factor that could help explain increased risks from marijuana use in this population. Research suggests that marijuana impairs critical thinking and memory functions during use and that these deficits persist for days after using. In addition, a long-term study showed that regular marijuana use in the early teen years lowers IQ into adulthood, even if users stopped smoking marijuana as adults.

It is politically correct to think and promote the use of Marijuana. George Soros loves it and has provided more than $400,000 in Massachusetts alone to promote it. Even the title "recreational" is purposely misleading. A “dumbed up” population is easier to manipulate and control. This is not a good thing. Science proves otherwise, marijuana is harmful and in NO WAY should it be legalized in Massachusetts or anywhere else for "recreational" purposes. This is all we need in our state and especially in Springfield

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