Friday, September 9, 2016

Teachers Good / Teacher Unions Bad / Charter Schools Good

Many Great and Dedicated Teachers

There are many great and dedicated teachers in America. Unfortunately they get forced or suckered into paying dues into the teacher's unions. The teacher's unions are separate and distinct from the teachers, and over the last 30 years they have ruined education in America. At one time our public education system was considered one of the best education systems in the world. Yet today Out of 34 countries, the U.S. ranked 14th in reading, 17th in science and 25th in math. This is the teacher's unions report card.

The teacher's unions are not about the children or education, they are all about power, ideological and political influence, and money. They are also about indoctrination of students into their ideology, not education. Union leadership demand high salaries ranging from over $100,000 per year to well over $300,00. Even though a survey revealed that 50% of dues paying members have conservative leanings, about 91% of the National Education Association (NEA) union's contributions go to Democratic candidates and left leaning causes. The two major teacher's unions, including the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) make 95% of their contributions to Democrats and left leaning causes. Catholic teachers and others who are opposed to abortion should know that out of their dues, hundreds of thousands of dollars go to Planned Parenthood. Millions of dollars in dues go to Democratic and left leaning causes far outweighing any balance/ toward Republican or conservative causes. Teacher unions dominate political campaign spending, they are all about influence.

When you have that type of focus and management at the top, it is obvious that education of our children in public schools suffers. The results show this. Parents and other groups interested in education are alarmed at what they see in public schools today, hence there is a continuous movement toward home schooling, charter schools, and Catholic / religious / private schools. Most charter and private schools exhibit more discipline, a better education, high graduation rates, and a very high percentage of students going off to good colleges. It is a better "product". This then becomes a threat to the teacher's unions.

In Massachusetts this November there is a ballot question on increasing the number of charter schools . The teacher's unions are against choice, allowing parents, guardians and students the opportunity to perhaps receive a better education. They have a campaign going on with the headline, "Save Our Public Schools". I have an alternative headline, "Save Our Children, and Education in America". Vote YES for more charter schools!

I strongly suggest that teachers start investigating where your dues money is going and whether or not you approve. Also, in some states you can opt out of paying dues. This is your money and in my opinion it is hurting education in America and supporting causes you may not agree with. Stand up !

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