Tuesday, June 28, 2016

And You Believe Polls ???

I find it very interesting that media organizations with a known agenda that we know slant, bias, selectively exaggerate, cover up, and omit relevant news conduct polls and people believe and report them as if they were gospel truth. Yet polls have been used for many years not to measure public opinion, but in attempt to influence it, still another suckering of the American people. If any of you don't believe this I strongly suggest that you read the book, The Opinion Makers, by David W. Moore former Senior Editor of the Gallup Poll.

Al DiLascia
Chicopee, MA 

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Where Are the Heroes ?

Heroes Needed
To Help Save America

Where are the heroes today in Washington...members of Congress, members of the administration, people in government, leaders in the military? Those who put America first, ahead of party and ideology, ahead of job security and financial gain, ahead of status and perceived peer approval? Our country was founded by, and made to be what it is as a great country today, by heroes. Yet we see none today in Washington. Those who will stand up for what is right above anything else.

Corruption in Washington today is rampant; the American people are continually being lied to and deceived; our Constitution is violated; decisions are made that are extremely bad for America and for the world; human rights are violated; unbelievable atrocities against innocent men, women, and children are taking place. Yet no one is speaking up, standing up and placing America first and what is right over party and ideology. Job protection, financial gain, and status rule, not our country, not our people, not what is right.

This is a call to Washington for people to stand up, to speak up, to look through the maze of party, ideology, and status self protection and become a hero to help save America. To do what is right.

Friday, June 24, 2016

GREAT NEWS: England Leaving the European Union

As far as I am concerned England dropping out of the European Union is great news. This was fought against very hard by George Soros, Obama, and all the people who want a one world government. Don't kid yourself, their plan is to bring down the United States since it stands in the way...too free, too powerful, too wealthy and they have been trying to fix that and have been succeeding. Open borders is another part of this...create confusion, division, and more. People are easier to control that way.

A united Europe was one of the big pieces, one of the larger "building blocks" of a one world government. Certainly the UN wants this and has been attacking the US on every front. Those behind the one world government's plan is to then bring about a united North America, and more. Once you have larger building blocks it is easier to move them all together and there you have it. Those behind this are driven by power, greed, control, and really...evil.

Are there going to be some momentary economic issues with England's move to withdraw from the European Union? Yes! And the media will make a BIG issue of this and you will hear more and more about it in the next few days. Yet in the long run score a victory for freedom, democracy and the will of the people. Good for the English people!

Conspiracy theory? This is reality, people! And for now it is a win. It has thwarted the plan of the one world government people and that is great news. 


Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The Failure of the Republican Party - A Wake Up Call

President George W. Bush during his presidency from 2001 to 2009 had both Houses of Congress from 2001 to 2006. He also had 5/9 of the Supreme Court. Many of the nation's problems were attributed to BOTH parties, yet when you have the reins of leadership and full support of Congress there is absolutely no excuse for not solving problems and making America better. The economy fell apart under his leadership even though both parties were responsible for the failing underpinnings. He continued to spend out of control; got us into a 2nd and unnecessary war with Iraq; failed to act on the obvious and looming "sub prime" mortgage crisis; and was weak kneed when he should have stood up, communicated to the American people, and have taken leadership action. At this same time the Republican leadership in Congress and the Republican "establishment" began to reveal themselves. They were more caught up with their own power, self importance, personal financial gain, and egos rather than doing what is best for our country. There are some exceptions to this, but this is the general case.

In 2009, over great frustration, there was a grass roots uprising by many of the American people that became known as the Tea Party movement. This movement scared the hell out of the Democrats and the media and they did everything possible to discredit it. Most of it was made up stuff, or they would take a person, or a small minority who did something and blow it up to make it appear like it was the general Tea Party case. We all know how they do this. My own personal investigation, interviews (and photographs) of Tea Party people is that they were your next door neighbor types who had a deep and genuine concern over the direction of America. I found them to be a true and sincere grass roots movement, nothing radical about them whatsoever (as portrayed). This is where the Republican leadership, the "establishment" made another, MAJOR, error. Instead of embracing the Tea Party and understanding what they were all about, they rejected them and looked at them as being a threat to their own power and self importance. They also allowed themselves to be led around by their noses by the media, afraid they might be criticized. Status quo is safer. This was a missed major opportunity by the Republican Party.

Now we have the current, 2016 Presidential Election process. Through the primary process, as outrageous and he may seem at times, the voters have selected Donald Trump as their candidate. Agree or disagree he put issues on the table that were not there before, yet they were simmering with many of the American people. Another huge frustration, he threw "political correctness" out the window to the delight of many that are sick of it. So now we have the "presumptive" Republican Presidential Candidate, Donald Trump. What does the Republican leadership / establishment do? First they consider him a threat to their own power and self importance. They do not accept the decision of voters, THEY know better. Many speak out against Trump (the Democrats and media really love this). They plot an overthrow at the Republican Convention. Worst of all they do not solve in private their differences and emerge totally behind and supportive of their candidate. Dumb is not a sufficient word. Stupid is a better word to describe the Republican leadership / establishment since they are, by their own actions, denying themselves the opportunity to have a Republican as President of the United States of America. Just the opposite, they are guaranteeing the election of Hillary Clinton if she is indeed the candidate.

The Republican Party represents a total failure in leadership. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

American People in Grave Danger

Each of the facts listed below is a threat to the American people. The cumulative effect, however, places the American people in grave danger.

President Obama himself wrote : “As President, I have often said that I have no greater responsibility than protecting the American people,” (National Strategy for Counterterrorism released by the White House, June 29, 2011). As chief executive and commander in chief of the armed forces, the President obviously has responsibility for national security.

Yet he has violated this responsibility and his own words, and placed the United States and the American people in great danger and this is increasing on a daily basis. Irrespective of party affiliation or personal ideology or beliefs, each and every one of us, our families, and our loved ones are being placed in grave danger. The probability of having one that we love murdered is increasing exponentially. Here are the specific reasons why:

1) There is anarchy at our borders. Yes, many come to American looking for jobs and a better life. Yet legal immigration and compassion for other people are not mutually exclusive and can be accomplished by controlling our borders. Currently there is a high number who are criminals and dangerous felons entering our country illegally. These include those involved with drug cartels and human trafficking. Also included are terrorists who sneak across our borders, who wish to harm Americans. Our border guards and sheriffs along our border states see this on a daily basis. It is irresponsible to allow this to continue.

2) President Obama has been purposely importing tens of thousands of refugees from the Mid East and other countries known for terrorist activities. All leading experts tell us that it is impossible to properly vet these refugees, many of whom are young men. It is an absolute certainty that some terrorists will infiltrate with these "refugees". All it takes is a few.

3) On a continuing basis the Obama administration is releasing from prison, back into the American society, hundreds of illegal immigrants who are dangerous criminals, who were convicted of serious crimes including murder, kidnapping, sexual assault and other serious felonies. A Homeland Security Inspector General Report indicated 890 were released in this category back into society from 2009 to 2011. It continues.

4) The Obama administration is openly allowing the violation of federal law by well over 200 "sanctuary cities" that are protecting and not turning over illegal immigrant felons who have been convicted of serious crimes. As a result there have been a number of murders of American citizens due to these sanctuary cities that protect felons and allow them back into society. And it continues even with several identified murders of Americans that are on record!

5) In addition to illegal immigrants, the Obama administration is in the process of releasing some 70,000 felons from federal prisons, some of whom have been guilty of heinous crimes. U.S. Senator Tom Cotton stated: “Unfortunately, we may now be living through the early stages of a new crime wave...Murders and rapes and other violent crimes are up all across America. The American people say they're more concerned about crime than they have been any time in the last 15 years. This is not the time to start releasing violent felons from prison.” Over 30,000 have been released already!

6) President Obama and former Attorney, General, Eric Holder, set the tone against police across the United States by their public remarks, and by convicting police publicly without due process. Imagine top federal officials ignoring the Constitution and the law! Inciting thugs to kill police! They made it appear that a very small number of police who are bad represent ALL police across our country when this is FAR from the truth. Our police across America are on the front lines of providing safety and security in our neighborhoods yet have been placed in jeopardy. This, in turn, places the American people in jeopardy.

7) Even with "legal" entry into the United States the Obama administration allows potential terrorists to play us as fools. All across our country, and on a continuing basis, people enter the United States from the Mid East and terrorist laden areas across of the world without proper checks to begin with and then they get lost into our country with no methods of tracking them. Political correctness rules, not the safety of the American people. The more recent examples are the Boston Marathon bombings, the terrorist acts in San Bernardino, California, and now Orlando, Florida. No doubt there will be more, we are extremely vulnerable.

8) There is a complete failure by the Obama administration and unwillingness to identify one of the largest threats to our country...radical Islamic terrorism. In order to solve a problem, you have to first identify it. The Obama administration refuses to identify it at the peril of the American people. Fundamental problem solving dictates that in order to solve a problem, you have to first identify it.

Any one of the above is in itself a major problem that potentially affects the safety and lives of Americans. The cumulative affect of the above will be devastating to our country. We ARE NOT safe. Our families and loved ones are in grave danger and it is worsening.

What will it take for the American people to wake up and demand that something drastically be done by our Congress and our President to protect America? We need to start holding them accountable. By not reporting the above facts and bringing them into proper perspective the media is doing a great disservice to America. 

Thursday, June 2, 2016

The Betrayal of America - We Are No Longer Safe

President Obama himself wrote : “As President, I have often said that I have no greater responsibility than protecting the American people,” (National Strategy for Counterterrorism released by the White House, June 29, 2011). As chief executive and commander in chief of the armed forces, the President obviously has responsibility for national security.

Yet he has violated this responsibility and his own words, and placed the United States and the American people in great danger and this is increasing on a daily basis. Irrespective of party affiliation or personal ideology or beliefs, each and every one of us, our families, and our loved ones are being placed in grave danger. The probability of having one that we love murdered is increasing exponentially. Here are the specific reasons why:

1) There is anarchy at our borders. Yes, many come to American looking for jobs and a better life. Nonetheless there is a very high number who are criminals and dangerous felons. These include those involved with drug cartels and human trafficking. Also included are terrorists that sneak across our borders, who wish to harm Americans. Don't ask those in Washington, or the media who covers this up, but ask our border guards, and sheriffs along our border states for the REAL truth.

2) President Obama has been purposely importing tens of thousands of refugees from the Mid East and other countries known for terrorist activities. All leading experts tell us that it is impossible to properly vet these refugees, many of whom are young men. It is an absolute certainty that some terrorists will infiltrate with these "refugees".

3) On a continuing basis the Obama administration is releasing from prison, back into the American society, hundreds of illegal immigrants who are dangerous criminals, who were convicted of serious crimes including murder, kidnapping, sexual assault and other serious felonies. A Homeland Security Inspector General Report indicated 890 were released in this category back into society from 2009 to 2011.

4) The Obama administration is openly allowing the violation of federal law by well over 200 "sanctuary cities" that are protecting and not turning over illegal immigrant felons who have been convicted of serious crimes. As a result there have been a number of murders of American citizens due to these sanctuary cities that protect felons and allow them back into society. And it continues even with high profile murders of Americans that are on record!

5) In addition to illegal immigrants, the Obama administration is in the process of releasing some 70,000 felons from federal prisons, some of whom have been guilty of heinous crimes. U.S. Senator Tom Cotton stated: “Unfortunately, we may now be living through the early stages of a new crime wave...Murders and rapes and other violent crimes are up all across America. The American people say they're more concerned about crime than they have been any time in the last 15 years. This is not the time to start releasing violent felons from prison.” Over 30,000 have been released already!

6) President Obama and Attorney, General, Eric Holder, set the tone against police across the United States by their public remarks, and by convicting police publicly without due process. Imagine top federal officials ignoring the Constitution and the law! Inciting thugs to kill police! They made it it appear that a very small number of police who are bad represent ALL police across our country when this is FAR from the truth. This creates even further major problems on the front lines of our neighborhoods....creating total chaos across America.

7) With "legal" entry into the United States the Obama administration allows potential terrorists to play us as fools. All across our country, and on a continuing basis, people enter the United States from the Mid East and terrorist laden areas across of the world without proper checks to begin with and then they get lost into our country with no methods of tracking them. Political correctness rules, not the safety of the American people. The more recent examples were the Boston Marathon bombings, and the terrorist acts in San Bernardino, California. We are extremely vulnerable.
8) There is a complete failure by the Obama administration and unwillingness to identify one of the largest threats to our country...radical Islamic terrorism. In order to solve a problem, you have to first identify it. The Obama administration refuses to identify it at the peril of the American people.

Any one of the above is in itself a major problem that potentially affects the safety and lives of Americans. The cumulative affect of the above will be devastating to our country. We ARE NOT safe. Our families and loved ones are in grave danger and it is worsening.

What will it take for the American people to wake up?