Monday, June 29, 2009

Outrage, Taking Back Our Country

Outrage! Whether you are a Democrat, Republican, Independent, or anything else, you should be outraged. It started during the Bush administration and is proceeding with breakneck speed under the Obama administration. Right before our eyes, at a lightning fast pace, our country, our democracy, and our freedoms are being lost to a federal government that is totally out of control. In addition, the actions of the federal government will place an overwhelming financial burden on the people of our nation, not only today, but for future generations. An irresponsible Congress is no longer responsible to the people. They blindly approve legislation rushed through Congress that will have a dramatic negative impact on our nation, without even reading it.

It started with what will amount to trillions of dollars in bailout and TARP money. This was supposed to stimulate the economy and create jobs. It will do neither. This money was loaded with political paybacks and pork. It is a near total waste of taxpayer money.

In a swift and mysterious move earlier this year the Obama administration seized control of U.S. Census. It now is controlled by the White House. This should also be a major wake up call if one looks at the ramifications of this move. Census taking has historically been the responsibility of the Commerce Department and under Title 13 of the US Code has been required to be free from politics. This intention has now been violated. This gives the White House the opportunity to manipulate congressional redistricting, the allocation of federal funds, and even the composition of the Electoral College. It gets even worse. The White House has contracted ACORN to assist in the taking of the census count. This is the organization that has been involved in wide spread voter fraud, as well as other illegal and questionable activities. And they are going to assist in the taking and counting of the Census?

Accompanying the Census is the "American Community Survey" that will be the most intrusive and detailed gathering of information on individuals in our nations history. You will be required to give everything from a mini income tax report to such things as your physical, emotional, and mental state, how many autos you have, what you pay for electric, gas, what time you leave home in the morning, a full description of your home and rooms, the number of toilets that you have, etc., etc. This should not be allowed to happen in America.

The federal government seized control of some of the nations largest banks and financial institutions. They have also seized control of the US auto industry. Get out of your head the trick words of "public ownership", you have no say or ownership whatsoever, it is all GOVERNMENT owned. While taking control of the auto industry they stiffed creditors and shareholders while at the same time giving away part ownership to the unions.

Heading fast down the pike is national healthcare. This will again cost taxpayers trillions of dollars, while actually worsening the quality of healthcare in our country. Just imagine the government controlling healthcare! There have even been hints, and strong ones, of eugenically controlling the distribution of healthcare, a selection process of who is worth spending the money on. Rather than attacking the root cause of costs related to healthcare, the plan is just spend taxpayer money in paying for it. Yet statistics show that 90% of Americans who want healthcare, are already covered. (90% is an accurate number if you exclude the wealthy who choose not carry healthcare insurance and the 59% of illegal immigrants, who are not Americans, and have no healthcare.) So instead of fixing the problems with the existing healthcare in our country and going after the root causes of costs, our Congress is going to give us yet another massive ineffective program costing trillions of dollars.

The "climate change" bill, also referred to as "cap and trade" is another disaster for our country. This again will cost taxpayers trillions of dollars and it is even worse than that. First, it will do little to nothing to improve the climate or the environment, the purpose for which it is intended. It is fully driven by political and political correctness motives. It will end up costing business in the Untied Sates, billions upon billions of dollars. It will hurt business dramatically; some will suffer financially, some will close down, some will move out of the country. This will drive unemployment through the roof, more on that later. For homeowners, renters, businesses, etc. the costs for energy will increase significantly. Already high costs of electric and gas will be much higher. Gasoline costs will be driven up. Typically, as much else in recent times, there is no plan! Only words and possibilities of alternate sources have been mentioned, without full investigations on practicality, costs, availability of supply and more. Real sources of domestic supply and alternate energy are being ignored. This bill again has been blindly approved by an irresponsible Congress without even reading the voluminous paperwork.

Reuters recently reported “as many as 21″ czars reporting directly into President Obama. These czars, who weren't elected, and who bypass Congress, yield tremendous power over financial spending and direction of our country in several vital areas. There is a pay czar who will have some control over compensation in private corporations, an energy czar, a healthcare, czar, a regulatory czar, a drug czar, a border czar, an info-tech czar, and this list goes on. Yet, even though they wield so much unchecked power, nobody seems to know how many czars were actually appointed and what their specific roles are. How can this possibly be a good thing in a free, democratic country. Even Democratic Senator Byrd wrote a letter to President Obama in February, criticizing the president’s strategy of creating czars to manage important areas of national policy. Senator Byrd said that these appointments violate both the constitutional system of checks and balances and the constitutional separation of powers, and is a clear attempt to evade congressional oversight. Yet the citizens of this country sit back and do nothing. Where is the outrage?

Along this same line of power consolidated at the top, even though people are demanding that the Federal Reserve be audited, and even closed, and a majority of Congressional Representatives have requested an audit, the Obama administration will be giving the Fed even more sweeping powers. President Obama plans to give power to the Fed for the most controlling reorganization of financial-market supervision since the 1930s, a new move that would touch almost every corner of banking from how mortgages are underwritten to the way of all kinds of financial instruments are traded. Still again this is another dramatic move to concentrate power at the top of our nation, and again there is little Congressional oversight over the Fed. This, by way of default, leaves the people of our nation completely out of the picture, something that should NEVER happen in a democracy, especially on something so critically important.

Unemployment in the United States will skyrocket. The Bureau of Labor Statistics released numbers showing that the unemployment is currently at 9.4% and climbing. The Obama administration previously said unemployment would peak at 8 %, significantly different than reality. Yet he is claiming that 150,000 jobs have already been created or "saved" by his stimulus. These are phantom numbers since there is no way of proving his claim. Further, he is further claiming that 600,000 jobs will be created or "saved". Again no credibility to his numbers. A new after the fact prediction by Obama is that unemployment will now hit 10%. No one is questioning his first prediction, numbers seem to be made up as we go along.

Now let's look at reality. The chain reaction of unemployment due to the auto industry hasn't taken full effect yet. This includes not only closed down plants, but dealerships, auto parts suppliers, and all the others that supply the auto industry with either products or services. This is a huge number of workers in itself. In addition to that there are continuing cut backs with many businesses, as well as others going out of business due to the economic crisis and other factors. All this has yet to hit the labor force numbers. The climate bill will also produce massive unemployment. Unemployment is clearly headed to go well over 11%. It would not be a surprise if unemployment went as high as 12%, or even higher. Recent reports are even more alarming. It is almost predictable if you look at reality, and the real impact of the Obama administration moves. Why isn't the media and those who claim to be financial experts questioning and actually drilling the Obama administration over their employment claims that are obviously way off the mark? Instead of questioning the obvious now, the approach seems to be offering explanations "after the game is over" with fabricated reasons for inaccurate predictions, hindsight analysis rather than good planning and anticipation.

The financial crisis in the United States, believe it or not, is worse than being reported. As our reported national debt accelerates rapidly beyond $11.4 trillion, our real debt is actually multiples of that. As reported in USA Today (May 29, 2009) our real debt when you include the liabilities of Social Security, Medicare, and the military / civil servant retirement programs places our debt in the vicinity of $63.8 trillion. The hole has become so deep that it is very difficult to even imagine how we as a nation can ever dig out of it.

If this information isn't depressing enough, a recent report (May 18, 2009) by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities shows that at least 47 states are facing serious financial difficulties, shortfalls in their budgets. Across the nation the shortfalls projected from the states out to 2011 are estimated at $350 billion. With the immense spending and deficit at the federal level, and 47 states in serious financial trouble it is very difficult to visualize anything positive since we have compounding effects.

There are rumors that behind the scenes some Congressional members are preparing still another massive bail out for the states. This will accomplish three very negative things. First, fiscal responsibility will not be taught. What happens to a state that receives a bail out, then continues to conduct business as usual after the bail out money is spent? There seems to be a "bail me out" mentality rather than responsible financial management. If anyone is curious on how to do it right, they should look to the sates of Montana, Wyoming, and North Dakota, where a mix of Democratic and Republican Governors have shown us how to manage a state (or country) in a financially responsible manner. The blueprint is there for all that are (and should be) interested. They are Governors, Freudenthal (Wyoming), Schweitzer (Montana), and Hoeven (North Dakota). Not that it matters but they are 2 Democrats and a Republican.

Secondly, and equally dangerous to our democracy, is once the federal government gives bail out money, as already demonstrated, they will seize the right to dictate to the states. Essentially states receiving bail out will give up much of their sovereignty. Again this concentrates power at the federal level. How much of this has to go on before people wake up! And the third and very obvious negative result is that the bail out drives our nation deeper and deeper into debt, essentially bankrupting our nation and placing our debt in the hands of unfriendly nations that would love to see nothing more than the destruction of our democracy and our well being as a nation. Very, very unhealthy.

There is still more legislation that is being bulldozed through a blind, irresponsible Congress that will curtail our freedoms. This legislation always comes with do good titles that mask out all the strong negatives that curtail our freedoms. As citizens of the United States we can expect unbearable taxes and the extremely high costs of even the bare necessities of life. This combined with a curtailment of our freedoms will result in a citizenry that is totally dependent upon, and at the mercy of, the federal government. The fast paced direction we are headed in is the exact opposite of what the Founders of our country intended, and even specifically warned us against.

The people of the United States should be outraged. Any one of the items above should cause outrage. In total it shows a pattern of a federal government out of control. Everybody should be downright angry. Right before your eyes, at an accelerated speed, you are seeing the destruction of our country and our great democracy. How possibly could anybody just sit back and do nothing?! If not for yourself, do it for your children. Do it for your grandchildren, or other loved ones. It is OK to be angry, as long as you channel it in the right direction. First, cast off the idea that you can't do anything about it. You can and we can. The window of opportunity is closing rapidly, but we can still do something to change the course of events. We have to do it now, not a moment or second later, that is how urgent it has become. The action plan must be aggressive, but, of course, always peaceful and staying within the law, but nonetheless aggressive.

Following is the suggested 10 step action plan.

1) Bombard, and I mean bombard, your political representatives at both the state and federal level with phone calls, letters, and E-mails to express your concerns. Demand a change from the current direction of overly dominant federal government control and fiscal irresponsibility. Demand that your freedoms are protected.

2) As above, bombard newspapers, magazines, television and radio shows...all avenues of public communication with your concerns.

3) Organize groups from your neighborhood, cites and towns, workplace, or any other logical groupings of people, some that you may already belong to, to express concerns in numbers and with leverage. Always network with other groups for strength and leverage.

5) Join in protests and rallies across our nation to show the deep concern over to what is happening to our country. Always do it in a peaceful, non hateful manner, and staying within the law.

6) Encourage good candidates to run for office, whether Democrats, Republicans, Independents, etc. Seek out good people to represent us.

7) Don't be fooled by smooth words and platitudes, we have had enough of that and as a people we should look at facts, actions, and actual history and track records, not just seemingly nice words. Look behind the mask.

8) Vote all of those out of office, irrespective of party, who have helped us move toward our current impending disaster. Dramatic action is required, get rid of them.

9) Hold all elected and even appointed representatives accountable. Make them pay attention to your voice, they are currently ignoring it.

10) Currently the people fear the government and it is getting worse. Thomas Jefferson said, "When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." We need to change the direction back to the people.

There is a small time window of opportunity to act. You should be both outraged and angry if you really care about our country today and its' future, for yourselves and loved ones. If we do not act now, and act aggressively, in a few short years the United Sates will no longer be recognizable as a country of freedom and democracy. Citizens of our nation will be living under oppression, and misery. The handwriting is clear, history should be an example. You can no longer sit back. Do something, this is an urgent call to action. Always do it peacefully, without hatred, and within the law, but act. Don't wait, start right at this moment. The future of our country depends upon you.

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